better me 歌词

时间:2023-12-11 19:22:55编辑:分享君
远处海港传来阵阵船笛 I can hear boats whistle from ports afar. 我一直飘零到被你拣起 I have been drifting till you pick me up 如今望着反映窗户玻璃 Now I look at the reflection from the window 有个我陌生又熟悉 I see both a stranger and someone I know 喔 I can Smile a little more Oh
I can ... ile a little more
Sing a little more Sing a little more Feel a little more Feel a little more 全因为你 All because of you 说好了要为幸福 一天天地练习 and the promise for our happiness we'll practice everyday . 练习 Laugh a little more We'll pratice laugh a little more Love myself a little more Love ourself a little more 要学会更加善待我自己 Treat ourself better a little more 为你我变成了 Better me So we all bee a better me. 甚么距离都不算是真的分离 No distance me real separation 想念和默契能代替一切言语 Missing and understandings shall replace all language. 有一天生命会老去 还好谢谢有你 When life fades away
I can at least thank you 在你眼中 I see the better in me Cos in your eyes
I see a better me. 就是那么神奇 It is that wonderful 从前的错都有意义 My past wrongs now are meaningful 教我抛开所有猜疑 也许 Let me cast away all my doubts
我也美丽 值得一个奇蹟 May be I deserve a miracle cos I am a beauty too. 喔 我的眼泪会坠落 Oh
my tears may fall
绝不是因为懦弱 not because I am weak
而是感谢天让我遇见你 but to thank God that I meet you
不然今天就不能 如此地有勇气 if not
I would not be so courageous like today. Now I promise to you Now I have promised you And I can swear to you And I can swear to you 为你我 一定加倍 珍惜我自己 For you
I'll love myself more
做一个值得你 骄傲的 Better me Be someone that you can proud of
一个值得你 爱的Better me A better me that deserve your love. 2013-02-28 15:28:43 补充: Oops
知识库说字数超过限制,不能补充。所以只能在这里补充了。 Be someone whom you can be proud of
With intermittent sound of whistle from the ship far away And you picked me up while I was still wandering Watching the reflected image of the glassy window That image looked as familiar as myself Oh I can Smile a little more Sing a little more Feel a little more As day by day
all my rehearsals were only for your happiness Rehearal Laugh a little more Love myself a little more Learned how to treat myself better Because of you so as to bee Better me Even far away beeen us and yet that didn't mean departed Instead of language that'll be longing and tacit agreeable with you Once my life came to an end still there was you and being watched by you I see the better in me Coz I can Smile a little more Sing a little more Feel a little more As day by day
all my rehearsals were only for your happiness Reheasal Laugh a little more Love myself a little more Because of you so as to bee Better me Though my prevous mistake was meaningful that was so miracle Also it's a miracle of my pretty and you taught me how to fet all the suspicion Oh my tear's was falling down
it was not because of feebleness and for heaven's sake let me met you otherwise I didn't have the courage to do so Now I promise to you And I can swear to you For your sake
I ought to recognize my value and worthy of your proud's Better me and also worthy of your love's Better me
参考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Trlation by Oxford University Press in 1975

