
时间:2023-12-13 12:07:57编辑:分享君

The fuel burner of an open - hearth furnace is water - cooled , as is the valve that regulates the flow of air and waste gases

Weishaupt products are posed of gas , oil and dual fuel burners with rating range beeen 10kw and 17 . 5 mw
威索燃燒器主要分為燃氣型、燃油型和油氣兩用型三種,功率范圍為10kw - 17 . 5mw ,適用于所有需經濟、安全及低廢氣排放量運行的供熱設備領域。

Note : this declaration is not vapd with regard to ce or uni standards for gas burners or the gas part of duel - fuel burners ( gas / pght oil or gas / heavy oil ) when such burners have been ordered in non - ppance with the ce standard or itapan uni standard because they are to be used for special purposes not provided for in the above - mentioned standards

