
时间:2023-12-14 05:00:40编辑:分享君


1851年 海运资讯公司(CMM)及大西洋海运公司(CGT)成立。
1977 年CMM和CGT合并成立法国国家航运公司(CGM)。
1978年 Jacques R. Saade建立法国达飞轮船公司(CMA),首次开创南欧至黎巴嫩,叙利亚的班轮航线。
1996年 法国国家航运公司(CGM)私营化,CMA收购CGM。
1998年CMA CGM 成功并购澳大利亚国家航运公司(ANL)。
1999年CMA 成功收购CGM,成立CMA CGM the French Line,拥有78艘船只,总运量逾26万标箱。
2001年马塞总部举行命名仪式建立西非航线WAX-ANL。CMA CGM 当年世界排名第8位。
2002年总部新办公大楼竣工。CMA CGM跻身世界排名第6位。接管英国安德鲁韦尔航运公司旗下的Mac Andrews航运公司,拓展欧洲近洋支线航运市场。
2003年CMA CGM 世界排名第5位,拥有153艘船只,总运量达30.4万标箱。订购21艘(5700--8200 TEUS)新一代集装箱船舶,于2004--2006年下水。
2006年1月5日,CMA CGM 成功合并DELMAS,世界排名第三。


一、 设立登记日期:
二、 所营事业:
三、 公司沿革:


该公司在英国注册,而总部设立于新加坡。普洱马箱运以经营自有船舶为主,坚持开展多元化运输业务。 在过去的10年里,普洱马箱运(PERMA)稳步发展,现已成为一个拥有大型船队的物流运输公司,重点发展波斯湾、印度次大陆、东南亚和远东地区。普洱马箱运(PERMA)是首家开通伊拉克各大港口至乌姆盖斯尔港(UMM QASR)直航航线的船公司。普洱马箱运(PERMA)在新加坡、巴生港、迪拜、孟买、新德里、卢迪亚纳、坎德拉甘德希罕(Gandhidham)和阿默达巴德等地设有分公司。


NDS船公司是荷兰的一家船务公司,全称为NILE DUCTH SERVICE(NDS)。中文名为尼罗河航运公司。它致力于西非,以西非为大本营,以全球各国为市场。主要到达的港口有luanda(罗安达 )、lobito(洛比托 )、cabinda(卡宾达 )、namibe(奈米比 )、pointe noire(黑角)、matadi(马塔迪)、liberville(利比维尔 )、douala(杜阿拉 )等港口。 NDS船公司已经在非洲航线上运营超过了四分之一个世纪,而西非尤为基础。其对当地的贸易文化和习俗等已经积累了丰富的经验,将会为西非地区的托运人和收货人提供最佳的运输解决方案。




具体内容你也可以直接百度百科 达飞轮船上面有很详细的解释。这里就不赘述了


1、Mearsk:祖上北欧海盗出身,后来走正途作了航运。Mearsk以自大、死板、守信誉著称,其上缴税收占到丹麦 ... 收入的40%,在丹麦巨牛。其外派人员以素质低著称,但是Mearsk对新员工要求很高,分为employee和trainee,前者是一般雇员,后者要到丹麦总部经过几个月的集中培训,(巨残酷,教材有辞海那么厚,3本)然后派到世界各地任职,最后不管男女,上船锻炼半年,再委以重任。 2、MSC:欧洲黑社会的洗钱机构,在瑞士注册。MSC从不和其他公司融舱,船都大的要命,运价低得要命,服务差得要命。也很少租箱子,全部是自有箱。 3、长荣海运:管理十分混乱,长荣是股份公司,张荣发控股,但是还有他人股份。为了经营两岸直航,继续收购意邮,以欧洲公司的名义作直航。 4、中远 是中国的第二海军,享受国家最最最优惠的航运政策。运价体制太乱,特价申请满天飞,差不多每张申请都有背景,主管人员又不得不批。作为老牌国企,中远在管理体制上存在诸多问题 5、铁行渣华: P&O和 Nedlloyd原是两家公司,P&O就是大名鼎鼎的“半岛及东方”。97年,两家公司把集装箱业务拿出来合资成立了铁行渣华。这家公司秉承欧洲工艺一贯的稳健作风,虽无可圈可点之处,但也没有让人深恶痛绝的缺点,不像马士基那样有天生的优越感,一切规则必须服从自己。 6、达飞轮船:达飞原名是CMA,现在是CMA-CGM。是一家非典型的欧洲公司,经营手段非常了得,除收购CMA之外,还收购ANL(澳大利亚国家航运),但是其手段高就高在只收购了ANL干线业务,而偏港和支线业务ANL交由万荣船务打理,也就是只要肥肉,不要骨头。达飞在非洲航线也有优势 7、加拿大太平洋俗称CP,Canada Pacific,CP是加拿大最大的铁路运营公司,国有。这家公司十分挣钱,挣钱多了怎么办呢,当然不会像MSC那样去造船,MSC都不是正道来的,而且全是现金,CP就不用洗钱啊,于是就买船公司,先后买了Canada Shipping、TMM、Lykes三家,统称CP,但是在市场上又分别出现。 8、太平船务:新加坡太平船务和我国特别是我国交通部的关系十分之不一般。开放前,许多中国的船运不了的东西或到不了的的地方,都是通过交通部找到太平,由太平来做。所以开放之后太平是第一个拿到国内经营资质的资班轮公司。 9.OOCL 最开始的名字叫金山轮船公司,创办人叫董浩云, ... 他老爸,一九四七年,董浩云的船成为第一艘抵达大西洋彼岸及欧洲的中国商船。其后他以金山轮船公司的名义不断开拓定期客货运服务。 一九六九年,集装箱运输业兴起,金山轮船易名东方海外货柜航运。一九九六年, ... 先生当选香港特别行政区行政长官后,其胞弟董建成先生便接任东方海外国际主席之职。 10、HANJIN 在地中海、欧洲航线上拥有很大的优势,并且有很大的实力和精力跟其他的船去火拼美线.实际上韩进海运只是韩进集团中的一部分,韩进集团以海运、陆运、空运作为其核心业务,继而集中于物流有关行业作多元化的发展,如今它已经成为一个运输机械和装置的制造商,也是一个资讯和通讯服务的供应者。 11.NYK 其实非常不错的,甚至有机会超过马士基。NYK的滚装、散货等业务在业界均名列前茅,滚装船队的规模在世界上是最大的,同时,NYK的散货船和油罐船队也在世界上排名老二,滚装船运输中大部分是他们的汽车的出口,其中很大份额就是我们中国,另外吗,当然是老美。 12.APL 大家都叫“美总”,其实受控于新加坡。长期以来经营运输和物流业务,是美国数一数二的航运公司,在跨太平洋航线上拥有不容置疑的地位,在亚洲航运市场上也占有相当可观的份额。太平洋航线是NOL的发展目标,APL的加盟使这一目标得以实现。 14.YML 阳明很注重员工的成长,据说在阳明工作上下班不用打卡,不知道是否真的如此, 照阳明的话说,“有优秀的员工,才有进步的阳明”。 15.K.L 如果有人要问谁家的柜子最红,恐怕就是这家的了。在大红的箱体外,大大的“K”尤为引人注目。加引号有强调的意味,因为这个“K”代表了三个K,分别是“Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha”,翻译过来意思就是“川崎汽船公司”。所以也可以用“KKK”来代表这家公司。 K.L虽然与NYK、MOL一起并称为日本三大船公司,可是处事一般比较低调,这并不影响其扩张的步伐。K.L并不是一个纳税特别多的企业,但是该公司还是获得了上海国家税务局颁发的A类纳税企业的称号。K.L在公司内部专门成立了一个审计小组,其首要任务就是监督公司的营运部门按照中国的法律开展业务。他们负责对K.L所签发的每一份提单进行检查,核对运价、每一条合同条款和所收运费金额,以确认自己的经营是否真正合法。






工画堂(kogado) 自己根据记忆和以前的资料写的
而且这个公司以前和 ... 、天皇都有一定的关系。现在这家公司也是CESA(日本电脑娱乐提供者协会)的主要成员【日本对游戏里的伦理、暴力、血腥等内容进行审查管理的机构】
主要作品,我玩过 状况开始!,精灵协奏曲,罗刹系列二款,还有什么司的?都忘了(而且这个游戏还是我最近玩的,,不过说最近都应该有2年了)
他们有6个 ... 小组,都成立的比较早,每个小组都有比较多的作品,看上去很是繁荣。总之是一个比较好的公司,喜欢玩纯洁的GALGAME的人和战略SLG和RPG相结合的人首选公司已之一


The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group (Danish: A.P. M?ller - M?rsk Gruppen) is a Danish business conglomerate more monly known simply as Maersk.[1] Maersk has activities in a variety of business sectors, primarily within the transportation and energy sectors. It is the largest container ship operator and supply vessel operator in the world.[2]
A.P. Moller - Maersk is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, with subsidiaries and offices in more than 135 countries worldwide and around 120,000 employees.[1] It ranked 106 on the Fortune Global 500 list for 2009, up from 131 in 2008.
Business areas
A.P. Moller - Maersk’s activities are anised into four main business segments: Container shipping and related activities; APM Terminals; Tankers, offshore and other shipping activities; Oil and gas activities; Retail acivity; and Shipyards, other industrial panies, interest in Danske Bank, etc.[1]
[edit] Container shipping and related activities
"Container shipping and related activities" is the largest business area for A.P. Moller - Maersk, providing almost half of the group's revenue in 2008. It prises worldwide container services, logistics and forwarding solutions and terminal activities under the brand names: Maersk Line, Safmarine and Damco.[4]
[edit] Maersk Line
The largest operating unit in A.P. Moller - Maersk by revenue and staff (around 22,000 employees) is Maersk Line. Involved in global liner shipping services, Maersk Line operates over 450 vessels and has a capacity of 1.9 million TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units). It is currently the largest container shipping pany in the world. Maersk Line took delivery of 26 owned vessel in 2008.[4]
In 2006, the largest container ship in the world to date, the PS-class vessel Emma Maersk, was delivered to Maersk Line from Odense Steel Shipyard. She is one of the most environmentally friendly container vessels yet built and has features which contribute to fewer emissions through reduced fuel consumption such as an advanced energy efficiency system, waste heat recovery system and an electronically controlled engine.[5]
[edit] Safmarine
Safmarine is an independently operated shipping pany in the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group with roots in Africa. It operates a fleet of more than 40 container vessels and more than 20 MPV’s (Multi Purpose Vessels). [A.P. M?ller - M?rsk A/S annual Report 2008]
The pany has five container vessels and four MPV’s on order for delivery in 2009-2011.[6]
[edit] Damco
Damco is the new, bined brand of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group's logistics activities previously known as Maersk Logistics and Damco.[4]
Damco is involved in supply chain management and freight forwarding solutions all over the world. Damco has 10,500 employees in offices in more than 93 countries.[4]
[edit] Maersk Line, Limited
Maersk Line, Limited, is a US-based subsidiary of A. P. Moller-Maersk Group which manages a fleet of US-flag vessels and provides U.S. government agencies and their contractors with transportation and logistics services. Headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia,[7] it manages the world's largest fleet of US-flag vessels. Beginning with a relatively ... all number of vessels focused on handling mercial and US Government-subsidised cargoes, MLL's fleet of vessels engaged in mercial liner services.
[edit] Other
Maersk Container Industry A/S: Container manufacturing with factories in Tinglev (Denmark), China, and the UK.[1]
Container Inland Services (Includes; Depots, Equipment Repair, Trucking, Container Sales etc.)[1]
[edit] APM Terminals

APM Terminals at Port ... outh, Virginia, USAA. P. Moller - Maersk operates approximately 50 container terminals around the world. Nearly 15 of these were originally Sealand Corp. terminals, taken over in 1999. APM Terminals International has its headquarters in Den Haag, Holland.
Europe: Algeciras, ?rhus, Bremerhaven (enlarged with the CT4 in 2006–2008), Cagliari, Constan?a, Dunkirk, Genoa, Gioia Tauro, JadeWeserPort at Wilhelmshaven (opens in 2009 or 2010), Kaliningrad, Le Havre, Rotterdam, Zeebrugge.
North America: Charleston, Houston, Jacksonville, Kingston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York/New Jersey, Mobile (opening 2009), New Orleans, Port Elizabeth, Oakland, Port ... outh, Port Everglades, Port of Savannah, Taa.
South America: Buenos Aires, Itajai.
Asia: Aqaba, Bahrain, Cai Mep (Vietnam), Dalian, Kaohsiung, Kobe, Laem Chabang (Thailand), Mumbai, Pipavav, Port Qasim, Qingdao, Tanjung Pelepas, Salalah, Shanghai, Yokohama.
Africa: Abidjan, Apapa, Douala, Port Said, Onne Port (Nigeria), Tangier.
[edit] Tankers, offshore and other shipping activities
Tankers, offshore and other shipping activities" was responsible for 8.8% of Maersk's revenue in 2008, and posted 25% of the group's profit for this period. The business segment prises Maersk Tankers, Maersk Supply Service, Maersk Drilling, Maersk FPSOs, Maersk LNG, Svitzer and Norfolkline.[4]
[edit] Maersk Tankers
Maersk Tankers is involved in transportation of oil and gas product, among others. As of July 2009, Maersk Tankers operates 140 vessels: 20 crude carriers, 91 product tankers, 21 gas carriers, 8 LNG carriers (for liquefied natural gas) All Maersk Tankers’ tankers are double-hulled, an environmental requirement in much of the world following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill and other serious oil spills.[6]
[edit] Maersk Drilling
Maersk Drilling is involved in drilling activities all over the world. They service a number of oil and gas panies with drilling of exploration and production wells.[4]
By the end of 2008, the fleet consisted of 10 jack-up drilling rigs, 1 semi-submersible drilling rig, 10 drilling barges, and with 2 jack-up drilling rigs and 3 semi-submersible drilling rigs on order.[4]
[edit] Maersk Supply Service
Maersk Supply Service provides anchor handling, towage of drilling rigs and platforms as well as supply service to the offshore industry. By the end of 2008, the fleet prised 39 anchor handling vessels (including one chartered vessel), 11 supply vessels and 3 other vessel, and with 14 anchor handling vessels and 2 supply vessels on order.[4]
[edit] Svitzer
Svitzer is involved in towage, salvage and other offshore support and is represented in more than 100 ports. By the end of 2008, Svitzer’s fleet prised 347 tugboats (including 14 chartered vessels), 32 standby vessels (including 2 chartered vessels) and 145 other vessels (including 12 chartered vessels. 53 tugboats, 4 standby vessels and 1 other vessel are on order.[4]
[edit] Other:
Norfolkline: Ferries, Ro-Ro- vessels and door-to-door transportation in Europe with transport of around 2.4 million passengers annually.[4]
37.5% ownership share of H?egh Autoliners: By the end of 2008, H?egh Autoliners operated 67 car carriers with a transported volume of 1.9 million car units annually.[4]
[edit] Oil and gas activities
Maersk Oil (Danish: M?rsk Olie og Gas A/S) was established in 1962 when Maersk was awarded a concession for oil and gas exploration and production in the Danish sector of the North Sea.[10]
Today, Maersk Oil is engaged in exploration for and production of oil and gas in many parts of the world.[11] Total oil production is more than 600,000 barrels per day (95,000 m3/d) and gas production is up to some 1 billion cubic feet (28,000,000 m3) per day. Most of this production is from the North Sea, from both the Danish and British sectors, but there is also production in offshore Qatar, in Algeria and in Kazakhstan.
In addition to the above-mentioned producing sites, Maersk Oil is involved in exploration activities in Danish, British, German and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea, Qatar, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Angola, Gulf of Mexico (US sector), Turkmenistan, Oman, Moroo, Brazil, Colombia and Suriname. Most of these activities are not 100% owned, but are via membership in a consortium.
The pany prides itself for having developed production techniques especially suited to difficult environments (North Sea, etc.) and for drilling techniques that sueed in extracting oil from problematic underground conditions.
"Oil and gas activities" provided A.P. Moller - Maersk with 22% of its revenue and 68% of its profit in 2008.[4]
[edit] Retail activity
Dansk Supermarked Group: Commercial retail and supermarkets: Bilka (hypermarkets), F?tex (quality supermarkets), F. Salling (department stores) and Netto (discount supermarket).[4]
[edit] Shipyards, other industrial panies, interest in Danske Bank A/S, etc
[edit] Odense Steel Shipyard Group
Odense Steel Shipyard, Denmark; Loksa Shipyard, Estonia; the Baltija Shipbuilding Yard JSC, Lithuania; UAB Baltic Engineering Centre, Lithuania[4]
[edit] Rosti
Production of plastic-based products
[edit] Star Air
11 Boeing 767 cargo aircraft, primarily engaged in long-term contract flying for United Parcel Service (UPS) in Europe.[4]
[edit] Danske Bank
A.P. Moller - Maersk owns a 20% stake in one of the biggest banks in Scandinavia.[4]
[edit] Entry level programmes in A.P. Moller - Maersk
Maersk Line Graduate Programme (MLGP)
Finance Programme (MIFP)
Technology & Science (MITAS)[1]
[edit] MISE
Maersk International Shipping Education (M.I.S.E.) was the o year management trainee program constituted to develop the future leaders of the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group.
Each year approximately 450 trainees were enrolled representing more than 80 countries into the M.I.S.E. Programme. Trainees were selected from more than 85,000 applications received each year and underwent an intensive education. The program bined practical and theoretical education across all major divisions of the group with extensive multicultural exposure and international job opportunities within Maersk upon pletion.
Starting 2009, the M.I.S.E programme has been discontinued and Maersk will begin to operate business specific entry level programmes. In autumn in 2009 Maersk Line launches a new graduate programme called the Maersk Line Graduate Programme (M.L.G.P).
[edit] History
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group started as the shipping pany Dampskibsselskabet Svendb, founded by captain Peter M?rsk-M?ller and his son Arnold Peter M?ller (2 October 1876 - June 1965) in Svendb, 1904. A.P. M?ller had four children, o by each of his o wives Chastine Estelle Roberta Mc-Kinney and Norwegian-born Pernille Ulrikke Amalie Nielsen. A.P. M?ller's second child was Arnold M?rsk McKinney M?ller (born 13 July 1913). In 1939, M?rsk Mc-Kinney M?ller became a partner in the pany. Following the death of A.P. M?ller in June 1965, he became CEO of the pany and held this post until 1993, when he was sueeded by Jess S?derberg. Beginning in 1965, M?rsk Mc-Kinney M?ller also served as pany chairman and did not relinquish this position until December 2003 (90 years old), when the chairmanship was taken oven by Michael Pram Ra ... ussen. M?rsk Mc-Kinney M?ller is still one of the "managing owners" of the pany and was chairman of Odense Steel Shipyard until 2 May 2006.[1]
[edit] Piracy
On the morning of April 8, 2009 the 17,000-ton Maersk Alabama was en route to Mombasa, Kenya, when it was hijacked by pirates off the Somali coast. The pany confirmed that the U.S.-flagged vessel had 20 U.S. nationals onboard. This was the first time that the US had had to deal with a situation in which Americans were aboard a ship seized by pirates in over 200 years. By noon, the Americans were able to resist the pirates and regain control of the ship. However, the pirates retreated on a covered life boat and held the captain hostage for four days.[14] On April 12, 2009, it was confirmed that the captain held hostage was freed by the US Navy, where SEAL sharpshooters killed three of the pirates with only three shots. A fourth pirate Abduhl Wal-i-Musi surrendered earlier due to a medical injury.

