
时间:2023-12-25 00:07:34编辑:分享君




章燕 博士


中国科学院力学研究所, 生物力学与生物工程中心

中国科学院微重力重点实验室, 中国.北京, 100190




博士 中国科学院力学研究所 一般力学与力学基础 2009

硕士 中国科学院力学研究所 一般力学与力学基础 2005

学士 北京理工大学 光电子技术 1996


中国科学院力学研究所激光毛化中心 研实员 1996.07-2000.12

中国科学院力学研究所激光毛化中心 工程师 2001.01-2003.03

中国科学院力学研究所微重力重点实验室 工程师 2003.03-2010.12

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(USA) 访问学者 2011.08-2012.04

中国科学院力学研究所微重力重点实验室 高级工程师 2011.01-


中国科学院王宽诚教育基金会奖学金"优秀女科学家专项" 2011


Xiao B.T., Tong C.F., Jia X.L., Guo R., Lü S.Q., Zhang Y., McEver R.P., Zhu C., and Long M.2012. Tyrosine replacement of PSGL-1 reduces association kinetics with P- and L-Selectin on the cell membrane. Biophys

Mao D.B., Lü S.Q., Li N., Zhang Y., and Long M. 2011. Conformational stability analyses of alpha subunit I domain of LFA-1 and Mac-1. PLoS One

Zhang Y., Sun G.Y., Lü S.Q., Li N., and Long M. 2008. Low spring constant regulates P-selectin-PSGL-1 bond rupture. Biophys

Zhang Y., Lü S.Q., and Long M. 2011. Probe stiffness regulates receptor-ligand bond lifetime under forces. SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy

Wang S. Q., Xiao W. M., Shan S. C., Jiang C. S., Zhang Y., Chen J., Zhang C. M., Chen Q., and Long M.Multi-Patterned Dynamics of Mitochondrial Fission and Fusion in a Living Cell. Plos One. Accepted.

展东颖, 章燕, 龙勉. b2整合素介导的人中性粒细胞在ICAM-1铺衬表面的铺展动力学. 医用生物力学.第26卷

Zhan D. Y., Zhang Y., and Long M. Spreading of human neutrophils onto ICAM-1-immobilized substrate under shear flow. Chin. Sci. Bull. Accepted.

Lü S.Q., Zhang Y., and Long M. 2010. Visualization of Allostery in P-selectin Lectin Domain Using MD Simulations.Plos One

Li H., Chen J., Zhang Y. , Sun S. J., Tao Z. L. and Long M. 2010. Effects of oriented substrates on cell morphology, the cell cycle, and the cytoskeleton in Ros cells. SCIENCE CHINA-Life Sciences

Wang S.Q., Fu C.F., Zhang Y., Chen Q., and Long M. 2010. Dynamics of morphological changes for mitochondrial fission and fusion. Sci. China Ser. G-Phys. Mech. Astron

Sun G.Y., Zhang Y., Huo B., and Long M. 2009. Parametric analysis for monitoring 2D kinetics of receptor-ligand binding.Cell. Mol. Bioengi

Sun G.Y., Zhang Y., Huo B., and Long M. 2009. Surface-bound selectin-ligand binding is regulated by carrier diffusion. Eur. Biophys. J

Yang F, Gao YX, Zhang Y, Chen J, and Long M. 2009. Developing a microfluidic-based system to quantify cell capture efficiency. Sci. China Ser

Wang SQ, Jiang CS, Zhang Y, Chen J, Wang B, Chen Q, and Long M. 2008. Membrane deformability and membrane tension of single isolated mitochondria. Cell. Mol. Bioengi

Wu L, Xiao BT, Jia XL,Zhang Y, Lü SQ, Chen J, and Long M. 2007. Impacts of carrier stiffness and microtopology on 2D kinetics of P-selectin-PSGL-1 interactions. J. Biol. Chem

章燕,叶志义,霍波,孙淦云,龙勉.2005.应用光阱技术测量P-selectin/PSGL-1键解离的断裂力.生物医学工程学杂志. 第22卷

李宁,章燕,孙淦云,龙勉.2007.非特异性相互作用的断裂力与寿命测量.医用生物力学. 第22卷

