even though

时间:2024-02-25 21:28:59编辑:分享君

even though和though有什么区别

even though,though 都可以引导让步状语从句,但even though引导让步状语从句,从句表达的往往是把握不大或假设的东西,因此可以用虚拟语气。例如Even though you had wings ,you can‘t be there in time. (即使你长了翅膀,也无法及时到那里)though引导让步状语从句,引出的内容是真实的。例如Though it’s Sunday ,you can‘t watch TV too long.(虽然今天是星期日,你也不能看太久的电视)

though和even though的区别是是什么啊

though和even though的区别:
even though 带有强调意味而显得语气更强,句子常用虚拟语气。
though语气较弱(其中的though 比although 通俗, 不如although 正式),though引导的让步状语从句可用部分倒装的形式。

even though
哪怕; 即使,纵然; 即若; 即令;

conj. 即使; 虽然,尽管; 纵然;
adv. 不过; 然而; 可是,但是; 话虽这样说;
prep. 但;

although,though,even though,even if都表示“虽然,即使,尽管”之意,though 和although 语气较弱(其中的though 比although 通俗, 不如although 正式),even if和even though带有强调意味而显得语气更强。
Although they are poor, they are happy. 虽然他们很穷,但很快乐。

Although it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat. 天气虽然很冷, 但他没有穿大衣就出去了。
Though they may not succeed, they will still try. 即使他们可能不会成功,但他们仍努力尝试。
The article is very important though it is short. 那篇文章虽然很短,但很重要。
He is better, though not yet cured. 他好一点了,虽仍未痊愈。
Even though it was raining, she walked to work. 即使下雨,她也是走着去工作的。
I’ll visit him this evening even if I can stay only a few minutes. 今晚我将去拜访他,即 使我只能停留一小会儿。

注意: though 引导的让步状语从句的用法比较特殊,它可以倒装,也可以不倒装,具体用法参见as引 导让步状语从句的用法。

even though 和though although分别什么意思?怎么用

even though ,though,although,这些连词均可表示“虽然,尽管”之意.
though和although在意义上几乎毫无区别,但在习惯用法上这两个词仍有以下一些差异:1.though可引出倒装语序的让步状语从句,although 则不能.2.though可与even连用,although则不能;在as though结构中,只用though,不能用although.3.though可以置于从句末,而although则不能.4.引出省略句时,通常用though.
even though(=even if),意为“即使”,引导让步状语从句.though也引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”;even though有退一步设想的意味,与though不同.though引导的句子所说的是事实,even though引导的句子所说的则不一定是事实.例如:He will not tell the secret even though(even if)he knows it.
即使他知道这个秘密,他也不肯说出来.He will not tell the secret though he knows it.

even though 、though 和although分别什么意思,怎么用?

though,although,even though 这些连词均可表示“虽然,尽管”之意.
though和although在意义上几乎毫无区别,但在习惯用法上这两个词仍有以下一些差异:1.though可引出倒装语序的让步状语从句,although 则不能.2.though可与even连用,although则不能;在as though结构中,只用though,不能用although.3.though可以置于从句末,而although则不能.4.引出省略句时,通常用though.
even though(=even if),意为“即使”,引导让步状语从句.though也引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”;even though有退一步设想的意味,与though不同.though引导的句子所说的是事实,even though引导的句子所说的则不一定是事实.例如:He will not tell the secret even though(even if)he knows it.
即使他知道这个秘密,他也不肯说出来.He will not tell the secret though he knows it.


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