
时间:2024-02-26 13:04:18编辑:分享君


把巴比伦安装文件夹(一般是C:\Program Files\Babylon)下面的dicts文件夹复制到一个地方,然后重装后把备份的dicts文件夹覆盖新装的dicts文件夹,再把dicts文件夹里面所有bdc文件都双击一次就行(当然也可以选中所有bdc文件然后按回车,Windows可能会告诉你一次启动太多文件会造成系统慢之类的,忽略它,巴比伦会自动顺序安装每个词典的了)。

Call from Babylon的歌词

Call from Babylon的歌词
Gotta get a call from Babylon
Waiting for the word to say you miss me
Gotta hear your voice when youre taking me home
Baby I need a sign that you care about me
Gotta get a call from Babylon
Waiting for the word to say you want me
Cannot get my eyes from the mobilephone
Waiting for your call from Babylon
Girl Im in a taxi in New York
Coming to the airport while we talk
Imma gonna fly back to Japan
Girl you know I miss you *Something*
Im gonna call you on your phone
Gotta get a call from Babylon
Waiting for the word to say you miss me
Gotta hear your voice when youre taking me home
Baby I need a sign that you care about me
Gotta get a call from Babylon
Waiting for the word to say you want me
Cannot get my eyes from the mobilephone
Waiting for your call from Babylon
Baby girl Im calling from *Somewhere*
City of love for you and me
Girl I really miss you here in L.A
I just wanna know if youre okay
Baby when I call you from Milan
Im thinkin of your style and its turnin me on
And everytime Im feelin all alone
Im giving you a call on your mobilephone
Gotta get a call from Babylon
Waiting for the word to say you miss me
Gotta hear your voice when youre taking me home
Baby I need a sign that you care about me
Gotta get a call from Babylon
Waiting for the word to say you want me
Cannot get my eyes from the mobilephone
Waiting for your call from Babylon
Hey baby, is it you?
Where are you?
Gotta get a call from Babylon
Waiting for the word to say you miss me
Gotta hear your voice when youre taking me home
Baby I need a sign that you care about me
Gotta get a call from Babylon
Waiting for the word to say you miss me
Gotta hear your voice when youre taking me home
Baby I need a sign that you care about me
Gotta get a call from Babylon
Waiting for the word to say you want me
Cannot get my eyes from the mobilephone
Waiting for your call from Babylon
Babylon is calling on your phone
Gotta get a call from Babylon
My babys gonna call me on the phone
Gotta get a call from Babylon。

Aswad的《Babylon》 歌词

歌曲名:Babylon歌手:Aswad专辑:Don'T Turn AroundbabylonA new day is rising in ancient Babylonrevealing mysteries to see.And the endless caravan never endingit's journey with the wings of the wind I will fly.I can hear you calling me, I am blind but I see.Babylon, your memory haunts me foreverIt won't leave me be.Babylon, your glory's stronger than ever for all to see.Centuries have passed by but your memory still lives on.In the minds of those who see under the summer moon.There comes a sight that stays with me forever.I can hear you calling me. I am blind but I see.Babylon, your memory haunts me forever.It won't leave me be.Babylon, your glory's stronger than ever for all to see.And underneath the starlit sky I feel so strong I'll never die.I'm on this road to Eternity. My soul will live foreverI'm Free


我们在SOHO尝试了很多店店,但偶对这家印象很深,一是因为地理位置在歌赋街得最尽头,爬爬石梯就能到;二是因为价格在中环人均300以下的西餐厅很难寻到;三是因为DUNHILL。前菜wheat bread - 意大利香葱包,蒜蓉切片,全麦面包一篮,保持水准。french foie gras cold - 精致的一口点心,小小的面饼,上面一小坨鹅肝,玲玲洒洒一些黑醋汁Vegetable Soup - soso, but enough for 2Main Coursecod fish risotto - 对方好喜欢银鳕鱼,好几次了,都是点了这个,不公不过,我撒了好多盐巴。Lamb shack - 似乎要了半熟,很好吃,香,是大补的食材哇!DessertIce cream (vanilla) - I do like that!Coffee of day一顿完美晚餐的句点。一个蛮有情调的西餐厅,适合find dining,节日庆祝就少少缺一些感觉,但是由于不需要等位,不失为喇么桑头想要pp外国情调的好地方。最后说说Dunhill,那天收到了华尔街牛的手机挂件,心里好高兴,一高兴就走路回了家,一边甩甩腿还一边哼唧哼唧唱歌。就在前天,我也买了袖扣。


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巴比伦和古巴比伦的关系:巴比伦是古巴比伦(约前30世纪——前729年)位于美索不达米亚平原,在当今的伊拉克共和国版图内,在距今约5000年前左右建立国家,到公元前18世纪.出现了古巴比伦王国。古巴比伦王国是“四大文明古国”之一,古巴比伦文明是两河流域文明的重要组成部分,两河流域文明还包括苏美尔文明、阿卡德文明、亚述等重要组成部分。巴比伦和古巴比伦文明的区别:古巴比伦文明等同于巴比伦文明因为巴比伦是美索不达米亚平原阿摩利人创立的一个帝国,奴隶制城邦国家,主要城市大概有巴比伦,阿卡德等城市,经济文化比较发达是中东地区的古文化发源地之一,古巴比伦是世界4大文明古国之一,所以一般来讲古巴比伦文明等同于巴比伦文明。巴比伦是一个国家,其中也包含巴比伦的城市。巴比伦主要是指古巴比伦,不包含新巴比伦,新巴比伦王国由迦勒底人建立。公元前630年,迦勒底人领袖那波帕拉萨趁亚述内乱之机,逐渐取得对巴比伦尼亚的控制了。公元前626年自立为巴比伦王。扩展资料:巴比伦政治制度:古巴比伦时代各城邦的政治制度与苏美尔阿卡德时代及乌尔第三王朝不同。汉穆拉比统一后,建立中央集权的专制制度。国王独揽政治、军事、外交、司法和宗教等权力,直接任命中央和地方官吏。大行政区设总督,在较大城市中任命被称为“沙卡那库” 的官员,小城市任命被称为“拉比亚努姆”的官员治理。有些城市(如西帕尔等)获得一定自治权,城市商人鉴督从富裕商人家族中选出,任期1年,负责税收、运河开凿、城墙修筑、公共仓库和码头的管理等。汉穆拉比的对内政策基本是伊新拉尔沙时期城邦政策的延续。统一过程中,汉穆拉比外交政策的基本方针是远交近攻,灵活变动结盟关系,为统一两河流域总目标服务。参考资料来源:百度百科——巴比伦

