
时间:2024-02-26 16:43:16编辑:分享君

dogma doctrine creed tenet区别

一、意思不同“dogma”意思是:n. 教条,教理;武断的意见“doctrine”意思是:n. 主义;学说;教义;信条“creed”意思是:n. 信条,教义;(人名)克里德“tenet”意思是:n. 原则;信条;教义;(人名)特尼特二、用法不同1、dogma:指让人不悦的教条主义。例句:I do not think that you could define it by rejection of this or that Christiandogma. 译文:我并不认为你可以通过拒绝基督教的这个或那个教条来界定理性主义。2、doctrine:指宗教的教义、宗旨等,由信仰所决定,不能更改。例句:What is his doctrine of Christ ? 译文:他关于基督的教义是什么?3、creed:指工作生活中的信念。例句:What point in the antislavery creed would you have me argue? 译文:关于反奴隶制的纲领你们要我说明哪一点呢?4、tenet:指学说的基础原则。例句:Non-violence and patience are the central tenets of their faith.译文:非暴力和忍耐是他们信仰的基本原则。扩展资料“dogma”的近义词:credendum读音:[kri'dendəm] 意思是:n. 信条;教条例句:As all else phenomenologist, the evidence principle is the most ultimate credendum of Heideggerphenomenology. 译文:正像其他所有现象学家们一样,现象学的明见性原则是海德格尔现象学的最根本的信条。

assassin's creed是什么意思

assassin's creed刺客信条双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 刺客教条2. 刺客信条例句:1.Assassin's creed iii, call of duty black ops--declassified and madden 13 are all available. 《刺客信条III》(Assassin's Creed III)、《使命召唤:黑色行动之解密》(Call of Duty Black Ops--Declassified)与《疯狂橄榄球》(Madden13)均与设备捆绑销售。

人生信条 英语怎么说

信条:doctrine dogma article of creed; article of faith; creed; precept; tenet; symbol; belief
基本信条 the primal faith;
说出自己的艺术信条 state one's artistic faith;
经商信条 business creed;
“诚实乃上策”是他做生意的信条。 “Honesty is the best policy” was his creed in all his business dealings.

原则问题 a matter of principle
原则分歧 differences in principle; 原则上同意 agree in principle; 原则问题 a matter of principle; 原则性(的)错误 mistake in matters of principle; 基本原则 basic principle; axiom; 原则立场 principled stand; 原则上谅解 understanding on principles; 用原则作交易 barter away principles; trade in principles

