
时间:2024-02-26 19:37:43编辑:分享君


教室的拼音是:[ jiào shì ] “教”有两的读音,教室的“教”取其第四声读音[ jiào ] 。基本解释1、在中小学或大学里教师对学生正式讲课的地方。2、对学生进行教学的房间。如:丁玲 《梦珂》一:“教室里更无秩序的混乱了。”扩展资料近义词:课堂、 讲堂1、课堂[ kè táng ] 解释:教师给学生授课的地方赵树理 《金字》:“ 王店镇 的学校设在一座 汤帝庙 里,冬天在厢房里上课,夏天常把课堂搬在正殿对面三丈见方的戏台上。”2、讲堂[ jiǎng táng ] 解释:旧称教室;古时指讲解经学的厅堂;佛教讲经说法的殿堂。老舍 《蜕》第五:“他知道自己聪明,所以讲堂上的功课他不大去听。”


教室 classroom一、短语:1、打扫教室:clearn the classroom ; Cleaning the classroom ;They must clean the classroom2、教室英语:classroom English ; clbumroom English3、资源教室:resource room ; resource classroom二、例句:1、There may even be people here who distinguished themselves because they starred in Romeo and Juliet. Or, maybe they produced.释义:这间教室里甚至有人,才华横溢,因为他们,曾在罗密欧与朱丽叶中演出,或者他们是制作人。2、She taught so beautifully about how can you engage students. However, the teachers have the lecturer of the students remaining in the classroom.释义:她完美地阐述了,应如何吸引学生,然而,老师有权选择如何教育,留在教室里的学生。3、So, some of you will write in here, and some of you will write in some of the other rooms.释义:有些会在这做测试,有些则会去到其他教室。教室用不同语言的说法:1、韩语:교실2、阿拉伯语:الفصول الدراسية3、保加利亚语:класната стая4、德语:Klassenzimmer5、俄语:класс 6、法语:La salle de classe7、泰语:ห้องเรียน8、希腊语:τάξη


教室的英文classroom。读音:英[ˈklɑːsruːm,ˈklɑːsrʊm]美[ˈklɑːsruːm,ˈklɑːsrʊm]短语:Flipped classroom翻转课堂;颠倒的课堂;翻转课堂教学法Classroom English教室英语;课堂用语;课堂英语The Drifting Classroom漂流教室双语例句The teacher made me move my seat to the front of the classroom.老师把我的座位改在教室的前面。老师走进教室时大家都会起立。Everyone would stand up when the teacher entered the classroom.计算机如今在小学教室里很普遍。Computers are now commonplace in primary classrooms.


教室的英文:classroom读音:英 ['klɑːsruːm] 美 ['klæsruːm]n. 教室;课堂词汇搭配:1、classroom building 教室楼,教学楼2、classroom capacity 教室容量3、classroom instruction 课堂教学4、in the classroom 在教室里相关例句:1、He is repairing desks and chairs in the classroom.他正在教室里修理桌椅。2、A teacher is responsible for the conduct of pupils in the classroom.老师对学生在教室里的行为负责。3、The teacher stands in the front of the classroom.教师站在教室的前部。4、My seat is in the fore part of the classroom.我坐在教室前部。扩展资料:相近词义单词1、schoolroom英 ['skuːlruːm; -rʊm] 美 ['skulrum] n. 教室;讲堂例句:All the teachers and pupils stood respectfully as he entered the schoolroom.所有的老师和学生都恭敬地站着,看他走进教室。2、lecture theatern. 阶梯教室例句:We will have class in the theater this afternoon.今天下午我们将在阶梯教室上课。


classroom英 [ˈklɑ:sru:m] 美 [ˈklæsru:m] n.教室,课堂;教学活动,教学方法词汇搭配:1、classroom building教室楼,教学楼2、classroom capacity教室容量3、classroom instruction课堂教学4、in the classroom在教室里例句:The classroom was crammed with students.教室里挤满了学生。扩展资料classroom词语结构为:class+room词汇解析:一、class英 [klɑːs]  美 [klæs]    释义:1、n. 等级;阶级;阶层;班级;课;2、v. 分类二、room英 [ruːm]  美 [ruːm]    释义:1、n. 房间;空间;机会2、v. 寄宿;给…提供留宿

