
时间:2024-02-27 01:19:28编辑:分享君


因为英文中的fighting单个翻译为争吵,打架,在合适的语境中也可引申译为加油,努力,奋斗的意思。引申义释义: 由本义推演而派生出来的意义叫引申义。根据与本义关系的亲疏远近可将引申义分为直接引申义和间接引申义。直接引申义是直接由本义派生出来的意义。间接引申义则由本义辗转再引申(即由引申义再引申)而来的意义。举例:本来的意义是“向北的窗户”。引申意义是“朝着”、“对着”。引申义作用:可以用来表达两种截然相反的意思使得不同的人对不同的事产生不同的看法,起到一语双关的作用。

fitting room什么意思

英:[ˈfitiŋ ru:m] ;美:[ˈfɪtɪŋ rum]. 装配车间,成型车间。a room or cubicle in a shop/store where you can put on clothes to see how they lookIt is convenient to the surface of the fitting room. 可以很方便的拟合空间曲面了.I'll show you where the fitting room is. 我告诉你试衣间在哪儿。Please come with me to the fitting room.请随我到试衣间.You can try it on in the fitting room over there. 你可以去那边的试衣间试穿。


fitting的意思:n. 装修; 试穿,试衣; 设备,器材; 装置; adj. 适合的,适宜的; 适当的; 相称的; v. 安装; 使适合(fit的现在分词); 使合身; 与…相符。你说的不是fitting,是fighting,是奋斗,战斗的意思等等。表示加油是个典型的韩式英语。也就是说,fighting 一词只有在韩语语境里才可以表示加油。扩展资料:fitting例句1、A solitary man, it was perhaps fitting that he should have died alone...他是个离群索居的人,孤独地死去也许正得其所。2、She lunched and shopped and went for fittings for clothes she didn't need.她吃完午饭后去购物,试穿了一些她并不需要的衣服。3、He has made fittings for antique cars. 他给老式汽车制作过配件。4、He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck .他把安全带夹在甲板的一个固定装置上。参考资料:有道词典--fighting

