
时间:2024-02-28 23:37:04编辑:分享君


英音:[blu:]美音:[blu]blew为blow的过去式v.(风)吹,吹动;(人)吹气;(爆炸,爆炸装置)把… 炸飞;〈非正式〉 大手大脚的花费,挥霍;〈非正式〉 糟蹋(一次机会);把…搞糟;〈英, 非正 式〉 见鬼,真倒霉;〈粗俚〉 吮吸(性伴侣)的阴茎n.强风,大风;〈非 正 式〉 大麻v.1(of wind)[no obj.]move creating an air current(风)吹,吹动a cold wind began to blow .刮起了冷风。(of wind)[with obj. and adverbial of direction]cause to move; propel(风)推动,吹动a gust of wind blew a cloud of smoke into his face一阵风把一团烟雾吹到他脸上the spire was blown down during a gale .尖顶被大风刮倒了。[no obj., with adverbial of direction]be carried, driven, or moved by the wind or an air current被吹动,被吹走;飘动it was so windy that the tent nearly blew away风很大,帐篷差点儿被吹走了 cotton curtains blowing in the breeze.在微风中飘动的棉布窗帘。informal leave〈非 正 式〉 离开,动身I'd better blow .我得走了。2(of a person)[no obj.]expel air through pursed lips(人)吹气Willie took a deep breath, and blew威利深吸一口气后吐气he blew on his tea to cool it .他往茶水里吹气,让它冷下来。[with obj.]use one's breath to propel用嘴吹动,吹送he blew cigar smoke in her face .他朝她脸上吹雪茄烟雾。breathe hard; pant用力呼吸;喘息Uncle Albert was soon puffing and blowing .阿尔伯特叔叔很快就气喘吁吁了。[with obj.]cause to breathe hard; exhaust of breath使用力呼吸,使上气不接下气[as adj. blown]an exhausted, blown horse .筋疲力尽、气喘吁吁的马。(of a person)[with obj.]force air through the mouth into(an instrument)in order to make a sound(人)吹奏(乐器);吹响the umpire blew his whistle .裁判吹响了哨子。(of such an instrument)make a noise through being blown into in such a way(乐器等)吹响police whistles blew .警笛吹响了。[with obj.]sound(the horn of a vehicle)鸣(汽车喇叭)。informal play jazz or rock music in an unrestrained style〈非正式〉 纵情地演奏爵士乐(或摇滚乐)。[with obj.]force air through a tube into(molten glass)in order to create an artefact吹制(玻璃)。[with obj.]remove the contents of(an egg)by forcing air through把蛋清和蛋黄从(蛋壳)中吹出。(of flies)[with obj.]lay eggs in or on(something)(苍蝇)产卵于。(of a whale)eject air and vapour through the blowhole(鲸鱼)喷水。3(of an explosion or explosive device)[with obj. and adverbial of direction]displace violently or send flying(爆炸,爆炸装置) 把… 炸飞the blast had blown the windows out of the van .爆炸把运货车的窗户炸飞了。(of a vehicle tyre)[no obj.]burst suddenly while the vehicle is in motion(轮胎)爆胎。burst or cause to burst due to pressure or overheat - ing(因压力或过热)(使)爆炸,(使)爆破[no obj.]the engines sounded as if their exhausts had blown引擎的排气管听起来好像爆裂了[with obj.]frost will have blown a compression joint .霜冻将会使压缩式接头爆裂。(of an electric circuit)burn out or cause to burn out through overloading(电路因过载)(使)溶化,烧断[no obj.]the fuse in the plug had blown插头的保险丝爆了[with obj.]the floodlights blew a fuse .泛光灯爆了一根熔丝。4[with obj.]informal spend recklessly〈非正式〉 大手大脚的花费,挥霍they blew£100,000in just eighteen months.他们仅仅18个月就挥霍掉了10万英镑。5informal completely bungle(an opportunity)〈非正式〉 糟蹋(一次机会);把…搞糟the wider issues were to show that politicians had blown it .更大范围内的问题将表明,政客们把事情搞糟了。(一般作 be blown)expose(a stratagem)揭露(计谋,诡计)a man whose cover was blown .伪装被揭穿的人。6[ usu. as imperative][with obj.](past participle blowed)Brit. informal damn〈英, 非正 式〉 见鬼,真倒霉‘Well, blow me ', he said,‘I never knew that’ “唉,真倒霉,”他说,“我根本就不知道这事。[with clause]I'm blowed if I want to see him again.我要想再见他,我就不是人。7[with obj.]vulgar slang perform fellatio on(a sexual partner)〈粗俚〉 吮吸(性伴侣)的阴茎。n.1[in sing.]a strong wind强风,大风we're in for a bit of a blow .我们很快就要遭遇一场强风了。an act of getting some fresh air呼吸新鲜空气I'll go down to the sea and get a blow before supper .我晚饭前要去海边呼吸点儿新鲜空气。an act of blowing on an instrument吹奏a num- ber of blows on the whistle .几次鸣哨。[in sing.]an act of blowing one's nose擤鼻子give your nose a good blow .把你的鼻子好好擤一擤。[in sing.]informal a spell of playing jazz or rock music〈非正式〉 爵士乐(或摇滚乐)演奏。(in steel-making)an act of sending an air or oxygen blast through molten metal in a converter(炼钢用语)吹炼。2[mass noun]informal cannabis〈非 正 式〉 大麻。短语be blown off course (of a project) be disrupted by some circumstance (项目)被中断。be blown out of the water (of a person, idea, or project) be shown to lack all credibility (人,想法,计划)被证明不可信。blow away the cobwebs refresh oneself when feeling weary, especially by having some fresh air (尤指通过呼吸新鲜空气)提神,清醒脑子。blow someone's brains out informal kill someone with a shot in the head with a firearm 〈非正式〉 (用枪)击中某人头部将其杀死。blow cold on regard unfavourably 冷眼相待。blow the doors off N. Amer. informal be considerably better or more successful than 〈北美,非正式〉 远远胜过,比…更为成功 a package that blows the doors off anything on the market.一种比市场上任何促销手段更为成功的一搅子销售方法。blow a fuse (或 gasket) informal lose one's temper 〈非正式〉 发脾气。blow the gaff 见 GAFF 2.blow hot and cold vacillate 出尔反尔,冷热无常。blow someone a kiss kiss the tips of one's fingers then blow across them towards someone as a gesture of affection 给某人一个飞吻。blow someone's mind informal impress or otherwise affect someone very strongly 给某人留下深刻印象;使某人感到震撼 the sound of a twelve-string guitar just blew my mind .十二弦吉他的声音震撼了我的心。blow one's nose clear one's nose of mucus by blowing through it into a handkerchief (对着手帕)擤鼻子。blow off steam 见 STEAM 条 let off steam.blow someone's socks off见 SOCK .blow one's top (或〈主北美〉 lid, stack) informal lose one's temper 〈非正式〉 发脾气。blow one's trumpet 见 TRUMPET .blow up in one's face (of an action, project, or situation) go drastically wrong with damaging effects to oneself (行动,计划,情况)朝对自己不利的方向急剧发展。blow the whistle on 见 WHISTLE .blow with the wind be incapable of maintaining a consistent course of action 无法保持一贯的事态进程,随波逐流。短语动词blow someone away informal 〈非 正式〉 1 kill someone using a firearm 枪杀某人。2 (be blown away) be extremely impressed 得到极深印象,被深深打动I'm blown away by his new poem.我被他的新诗深深打动。blow in informal (of a person) arrive casually and unannounced 〈非正式〉 (人)不期而至,突然来访。blow off 1 lose one's temper and shout 发脾气大叫大嚷。2 informal break wind noisily 〈非正式〉 放响屁。blow someone off N. Amer. informal fail to keep an appointment with someone 〈北美,非正式〉 没有赴约会见某人。end a romantic or sexual relationship with someone 结束与某人的情爱关系,与某人吹了。blow something off N. Amer. informal ignore or make light of something 〈北美,非正式〉 把…不 当一回事,无视。fail to attend something 未能参加,未能出席 Ivy blew off class.伊维旷课了。blow out 1 be extinguished by an air current 被吹灭 the candles blew out.蜡烛被吹灭了。2 (of an tyre) puncture while the vehicle is in motion (行驶时轮胎)爆裂。3 (of an oil or gas well) emit gas suddenly and forcefully (油井,气井)突然猛烈喷气,井喷。4 (blow itself out) (of a storm) finally lose its force (暴风雨)平息。blow someone out N. Amer. informal defeat someone convincingly 〈北 美,非正式〉 让某人输得心服口服。blow something out 1 use one's breath to extinguish a flame 把(火)吹灭 he blew out the candle. 他把蜡烛吹灭了。2 puff out one's cheeks 鼓起腮帮。3 N. Amer. informal render a part of the body useless 〈北 美,非正式〉 使身体部位残废。blow over (of trouble) fade away without serious consequences (麻烦)结束,烟消云散。blow up 1 explode 爆炸,爆破。(of a person) lose one's temper (人)发火,发脾气 Mum had blown up at Dad with more than her usual vehemence. 妈妈对爸爸发脾气,火气比平时还大。2 (of a wind or storm) begin to develop (风,暴风雨)开始爆发。(of a scandal or dispute) emerge or become public (丑闻)曝光;(争端)公开化。3 inflate 膨胀 my stomach had started to blow up. 我的胃开始发胀。blow someone up informal, dated reprimand someone severely 〈非 正式,旧〉 训斥,严斥 she got blown up by her boss for being late. 她因迟到被老板狠狠训了一顿。blow something up 1 cause something to explode 使爆炸。2 inflate something 使膨胀,使鼓起来 a small pump for blowing up balloons.给气球充气的小气筒。figurative inflate the importance of something 〈喻〉 夸大某事的重要性 it was a domestic tiff which had been blown up out of all proportion. 那是一桩被过分夸大了的家庭争吵。enlarge a photograph or text 放大(照片,文字)。参考资料搜狗翻译:


blew 英 [bluː]     美 [bluː]    v. 吹;风吹;擤 (blow的过去式)例句1、The wind blew hard and the sea was billowing.疾风劲吹,海浪汹涌。2、The wind blew my hat off.风吹落了我的帽子。3、The driver blew his horn when the child stepped in front of the car.当小男孩走到汽车前面时,汽车司机按响了喇叭。4、He blew out the candles with a single puff.他一口气吹灭了蜡烛。5、A humid wind blew from the south.湿润的风从南方吹来。扩展资料:原型的用法blow 英 [bləʊ]     美 [bloʊ]    n. 打击;殴打;吹 ;v. 吹;风吹;擤(鼻子);(保险丝)熔断过去式: blew 过去分词: blown 现在分词: blowing 第三人称单数: blows词语用法v.(动词)1、blow本意为“吹,刮,吹动”,引申可指“吹响”,也可作“爆炸”解。在美国俚语中还可表示“匆匆离开”“挥霍金钱”“吸毒”等意思。2、blow作及物动词时,一般接名词或代词作宾语,也可接同源宾语。作“带来”解时可接双宾语; 作“灌输”解时,可接复合宾语; 3、指自然界的风云变化时,可接形容词或名词充当表语; 以door之类的名词作主语时,除可接形容词作表语外,还可接过去分词作表语。4、blow常用作不及物动词,通常以风或it作主语,接介词或副词表示各种附加意义。有时blow的主动形式具有被动意义。

blow 的发音到底怎么读

blow英文发音:[bləʊ]中文释义:n. 吹;打击;殴打vi. 风吹;喘气vt. 风吹例句:The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows.罐子爆炸了,毁了厨房和浴室,也炸掉了窗户。扩展资料blow的同根词:1、blown英文发音:[bləʊn]中文释义:adj. 吹制的,吹出的;开花的,盛开的;喘气的v. 风吹(blow的过去分词)例句:Bump. It was a soft sound, like something being blown by the wind.那是一种很柔和的声音,像是什么东西被风吹动发出的。2、blowy英文发音:['bləʊɪ]中文释义:adj. 有风的;风大的;随风飘动的例句:If use hair dryer, notice blowy distance and position, the in order to prevent blows burnt their skins.如果使用吹风机,要注意吹风的距离和位置,以免吹焦它们的皮毛。


blew 吹(过去式)
flew 飞(过去式)
drew 画(过去式)
screw 螺丝钉
grew 成长,种植(过去式)

Nirvana的《Blew》 歌词

歌曲名:Blew歌手:Nirvana专辑:From The Muddy Banks Of The WishkahBlewQ夏制作(广西昭平)If you wouldn′t mind, I wouldn′t like it blew.If you wouldn′t mind, I wouldn′t like it lose.If you wouldn′t care, I wouldn′t like to leave.If you wouldn′t mind, I wouldn′t like to breathe.Is there another reason for your staying?Could you believe him when you distrust his stain?Here is another word that rhymes with shame.ah````If you wouldn′t mind, I wouldn′t like it blew.If you wouldn′t care, I wouldn′t like it lose.If you wouldn′t mind, I wouldn′t like to leave.If you wouldn′t care, I wouldn′t like to breathe.Is there another reason for your staying?Could you believe him when you distrust his stain?Here is another word that rhymes with shame.ah~~~~~~~Is there another reason for your staying?Could you believe him when you distrust his stain?Here is another word that rhymes with shame.You could do anything.You could do anything.You could do anything.You could do anything.

Nirvana的《Aneurysm》 歌词

歌曲名:Aneurysm歌手:Nirvana专辑:NirvanaArtist:NirvanaAlbum:IncesticideTitle:Aneurysmby:文刀韦舀guitar:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~guitar:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Come on over, and do the twist, ah-haOver-do it, and have a fit, ah-haLove you so much, it makes me sick, ah-haCome on over and, do the twist, ah-haBeat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat the outta me...Come on over, and do the twist, ah-haOver-do it, and have a fit, ah-haLove you so much, it makes me sick, ah-haCome on over, and shoot the shit, ah-haBeat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat me outta me(beat it, beat it)Beat the outta me...guitar:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heartShe keeps it pumpin' straight to my heartShe keeps it pumpin' straight to my heartShe keeps it pumpin' straight to my heartShe keeps it pumpin' straight to my heartShe keeps it pumpin' straight to my heartShe keeps it pumpin' straight to my heartShe keeps it pumpin' straight to my heartguitar:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~by:文刀韦舀

