just for you

时间:2024-02-28 23:44:39编辑:分享君


JUST FOR YOU只为你;一切只为你for you英 [fɔ: ju:] 美 [fɔr ju] 为你;面向你;献给你1、Here is a chance for you. 你的机会来了。2、There's no need for you to stay. 你不需要呆在这儿了。3、I have a surprise for you: We are moving to Switzerland! 我有一个惊喜的消息要告诉你:我们要搬去瑞士了!扩展资料:近义词Only for Youonly 英[ˈəʊnli] 美[ˈoʊnli] adj. 唯一的; 仅有的; 最好的,最适当的; adv. 只,仅仅; 结果却,不料; conj. 但是,可是; 要不是; 1、Only for you do I do this. 我是看在你面上。2、Does it open only for you forever? 这里永远只为你一个人敞开?3、But I get addicted to the world only for you. 却因你而更加眷恋这个世界!

just for you的中文意思

just for you的中文意思是:只为你,只属于你。例句:1、It looks like it was made just for you. 毛衣看起来就像是为你量身而作的。2、I've arranged a press conference just for you. 我已经为你准备好了一个记者发布会。3、It might be just right for you. 那也许真的就是适合你的。词汇解析:1、just英 [dʒʌst] 美 [dʒʌst] adv.正好;刚才;仅仅,只是;刚要adj.公正的,合理的;恰当的;合法的;正确的2、for英 [fə(r)] 美 [fɔr,fə] prep.为,为了;倾向于;关于;当作conj.因为,由于扩展资料just用作副词时可修饰动态动词、静态动词或系表结构,置于实义动词之前,助动词、情态动词或系动词之后。just作“刚刚”解时,如时间较短(a moment ago),英式英语中动词用现在完成时,美式英语中动词用一般过去时,有时也可用一般现在时。如时间稍长(a short time ago),无论英美语均用一般过去时。作“很快”“一会儿”(very soon)解时,可用现在时或将来进行时。just now作“刚才”解时动词用一般过去时;作“现在”“此刻”解时动词用一般现在时或现在进行时;作“立刻”“马上”解时动词用现在进行时、一般将来时或将来进行时。just作“恰好,正是”解时,一般不用于否定句,表示此意的否定句要用not quite。just也可作“刚好,勉强地,好容易才…,仅仅”等解,前面可加only。在非正式文体中, just可作“非常,简直,太”解。just可与疑问副词或疑问代词连用,以加强疑问效果,意为“究竟,到底”。just还可用在表示将来动作的进行时、将来时的句中,作“就要,正要”解。


just for you只给你;只为你;只为了你例句1.At least, i always memorised what we both used to do ever, and the motto just for you and me.至少,我总是记住我们都用来做永远,口号只是为了你和我。2.Yes, we have that kind of watch here. I'll find it for you. Just a moment please.我们这里有这种表。我去给你找,请稍候。3.It's almost as if the light show is just for you reminding you to "Dare to Dream" .这差不多就意味着这场光影之秀就是为你而上演的,以此提醒着你去“敢于梦想”。4.And so I hope you'll remember some of the pictures I'm going to share with you for just a few minutes.所以我希望你们会记住其中的一些图片我将要和你们分享的,只需要几分钟时间5.Just as no one can sneeze for you, just as no one can build muscles for you, no one can study it for you as well.正如没有人能替你打喷嚏一样,正如没有人能替你长肌肉一样,也没有人能替你研究圣经。

just for you什么意思

just for you 意思:只给你;只为你;只为了你1、just英 [dʒʌst] 美 [dʒʌst] adv. 只是,仅仅;刚才,刚刚;正好,恰好;实在;刚要adj. 公正的,合理的;正直的,正义的;正确的;公平的;应得的n. (Just)人名;(英)贾斯特;(法)朱斯特;(德、匈、波、捷、挪)尤斯特;(西)胡斯特2、for英 [fə(r); strong form fɔ:(r)] 美 [fɚ; strong form fɔr] prep. 为,为了;因为;给;对于;至于;适合于conj. 因为3、you英 [juː] 美 [ju] pron. 你;你们n. (You)人名;(柬)尤;(东南亚国家华语)猷扩展资料例句:1、Feelin' like God put an angel on Earth just for you, who could rescue you from the depths of hell.你感觉上帝让天使为你下凡,她能将你从地狱的深渊中拯救出来。2、You have been awarded a trainee Lightsaber – just for you – as you learn the ways of the Force.你已经被授予了仅属于你的学徒光剑,供你学习原力之道。3、Feeling like Godput an angel on Earth just for you..who could rescue you from the depths ofHell.除过她,还有谁能够把你从黑暗的地狱中解救?

just for you 是什么意思

1. 只为你
2. 一切只为你

Today, much of the web is dynamic, which means that what you see has been adapted orpossibly constructed on the fly just for you.
I brought them along just for you.

Just for you和Just for me什么意思

just for you



1.At least, i always memorised what we both used to do ever, and the motto just for you and me.

2.Yes, we have that kind of watch here. I'll find it for you. Just a moment please.

3.It's almost as if the light show is just for you reminding you to "Dare to Dream" .

just for me



He does that things is just for me.

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