
时间:2024-02-29 02:17:44编辑:分享君


根据语言学家Eden Emanuel Sarot的考证(见其著作“Folklore of the Dragonfly: Linguistic Approach“),dragonfly这个名字起源于罗马尼亚的一个传说。据说魔鬼把圣乔治(那个著名的骑白马杀死飞龙救出公主的英雄)的坐骑变成了一只巨大的昆虫。于是罗马尼亚人就把这种昆虫叫“圣乔治之马“(St. George's horse)或“魔鬼之马“(Devil's horse)。因为它会飞,所以也被叫作“魔鬼之蝇“(Devil's fly)。“蝇“和“龙“在罗马尼亚语里都是drac,于是翻译为英语时就被误译为dragonfly。

november的歌词 (Azure Ray)

I like this song because it can be about anything sad that happened in your life

Artist(Band):Azure Ray

So I'm waiting for this test to end
So these lighter days can soon begin
I'll be alone but maybe more carefree
Like a kite that floats so effortlessly
I was afraid to be alone
Now I'm scared thats how I'd like to be
All these faces none the same
How can there be so many personalities
So many lifeless empty hands
So many hearts in great demand
And now my sorrow seems so far away
Until I'm taken by these bolts of pain
But I turn them off and tuck them away
'till these rainy days that make them stay
And then I'll cry so hard to these sad songs
And the words still ring, once here now gone
And they echo through my head everyday
And I dont think they'll ever go away
Just like thinking of your childhood home
But we cant go back we're on our own
But i'm about to give this one more shot
And find it in myself
I'll find it in myself
So were speeding towards that time of year
To the day that marks that you're not here
And i think I'll want to be alone
So please understand if I dont answer the phone
I'll just sit and stare at my deep blue walls
Until I can see nothing at all
Only particles some fast some slow
All my eyes can see is all I know
But I'm about to give this one more shot
And find it in myself
I'll find it in myself
Doo doo doo(x9)

求azure ray的一首歌的歌词

You could go anywhere anytime and find someone
But how will you know if he's kind
The sun is out but happiness
Only reminds you of the people you hurt
Mistakes that you made when you were down
And where are you now
You're sweeping up these sorry streets
And i knew somehow when you looked up and over me
That you could look up these words
But you still won't understand
They mean nothing to you
So write them in the sand
And watch the water wash them away

You could sit on your front porch
And watch the wasps dive down
You could go out every night
And force cheap beer down
You could go all day
And not make a sound

