
时间:2024-02-29 09:46:01编辑:分享君


point的意思是得分,表明,句中作为名词和动词使用,既可以是及物动词也可以是不及物价动词。一、词汇分析point英 [pɒɪnt] 美 [pɔɪnt] n. 要点;得分;标点;[机] 尖端vt. 指向;弄尖;加标点于vi. 表明;指向二、短语1、Match Point 导演伍迪 ; 迷失决胜分 ; 赛末点 ; 爱情决胜点2、critical point [物] 临界点 ; 紧要关头 ; [流] 驻点 ; 关键点3、West Point [天] 西点 ; 西点军校 ; 美国西点军校 ; 西洋糕点军校4、Focal point 谢林点 ; [光] [数] 焦点 ; 聚焦点 ; 汇点三、例句1、We disagree with every point she makes.我们不同意她提出的任何观点。2、The following account will clearly illustrate this point.以下的陈述将清楚地阐明这一看法。扩展资料point的近义词有core , main , heart , kernel , essential。一、core英 [kɔː] 美 [kɔr] n. 核心;要点;果心;[计] 磁心vt. 挖...的核1、We already have our core team in place.我们的核心队伍已经就位。2、The core subjects are English, mathematics and science.必修课程为英语、数学和科学。二、heart英 [hɑːt] 美 [hɑrt] n. 心脏;感情;勇气;心形;要点vt. 鼓励;铭记vi. 结心1、Alik's words filled her heart with pride.亚历克的话让她的内心充满骄傲。2、The bullet had passed less than an inch from Andrea's heart.子弹从距安德烈亚心脏不到一英寸处穿过。


一、复数形式不同adaption:复数:adaptionsadaptation:复数:adaptations二、具体含义不同adaption:n. 适应;由原著改编而成的作品adaptation:n. 改编;改编成的作品;适应;【心】(感官)适应,适应性变化三、具体使用情形不同adaption:用作名词(n.)Therefore, adaption and co-existence is one of culture implications in Li River.因此,适应和共存是漓江流域的文化底蕴之一。adaptation:用作名词(n.)This story lends itself to film adaptation.这个故事适合改编拍电影。


美 [.mɪtɪ'ɡeɪʃ(ə)n]
英 [.mɪtɪ'ɡeɪʃ(ə)n]
n.缓解;减轻; 减缓;缓和;减灾

The governance effectiveness measures should reflect the mitigation of theserisks.

G Has the company developed a climate change mitigation strategy?



adapt to与adapt with区别

"adapt to"与"adapt with"区别是:adapt to是适用于使动语句;adapt with适用于主动语句。一、adapt to,变得习惯于…, 使适应于, 能应付…;随。读音:英 [əˈdæpt tu:] ;美 [əˈdæpt tu] 例句:1、The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change 世界会变得不同,我们必须做好准备以适应其变化。2、Buddhism had to adapt to the new world or perish 佛教必须适应新时代,否则将会消亡。3、Chung has tried to adapt to local customs. 钟努力去适应当地的风俗习惯。4、How quickly could different economic sectors and social groups adapt to different kinds of climate impacts? 不同的经济部门和社会群体要多快才能适应各种气候变化带来的影响?5、That drive to constantly learn will help you adapt to new environments and challenges. 这种持续学习的动力能帮助你适应新的环境和挑战。6、You also want the OTMPS to adapt to changes in business policies and processes. 您也希望OTMPS能够适应业务策略和流程中的变化。7、And can quickly adapt to the new work environment. 并能很快地适应新的工作学习环境。8、I think everybody will have to adapt to this. 我认为每个人都必须适应这一点。9、We should learn to adapt to test. 我们要学会适应考试。10、This was necessary in order to adapt to changing demands placed on the application by the end users. 为了适应最终用户对应用程序所提出的变更的需求,这是必要的。二、adapt with,适应于,适应不同情况(to); 改编,改写; 改变…以适合(for)例句:1、Traditions and fashions, like society itself, change and adapt with time. 正如社会本身,传统和时尚是在变化的,是与时代同步的。2、Change and adapt with time. 是变化的,是与时代同步的。3、The enterprise entity management gradually exposes the limitation, which is unable to adapt with the fast changing market. 企业实体经营逐渐暴露出局限性,无法与快速变化的市场相适应。4、Have the network information literacy adapt with the study is the key to Learners succeed in E-learning. 网络学习胜利与否,关键就在于学习者是否具有与之相适应的网络信息素养。5、On the one hand, to establish mechanisms for the balance of interests and build a interest in pattern to adapt with the harmonious society; 一方面,建立利益均衡机制,构建起与和谐社会相适应的利益关系格局;6、Although it has been modified in slight ways to adapt with advancements in hardware, the basic idea remains intact. 虽然一直有轻微的调整与硬件进步修改,基本思想保持不变。7、The utility model has a simple and practical structure and a good location capability, and can adapt with different accelerators and satisfy the requirement of accurate radiotheraphy. 其结构简单实用,定位性能好,能与不同加速器相适配,能满足精确放疗的要求。8、In the new manufacture environment, the enterprise should have the modern cost accounting technique to adapt with. 在新的制造环境下,企业必须有与之相适应的现代成本会计技术。9、In order to play an active role continuously, teaching collectives must adapt with the new reforms. 要想让教学集体持续地发挥积极作用,需要使其适应新的变革,而且要继续不停地适应。10、Marc to analyse the settlement of the roadbed, and the results adapt with the instances well. Marc模拟分析了路基的沉降变形情况,仿真结果与路基实际沉降变形趋势相一致。


adaptation适应双语对照词典结果:adaptation[英][ˌædæpˈteɪʃn][美][ˌædæpˈteʃən]n.适应,顺应; 改编,改编本; 适应性的改变; 同化; 复数:adaptations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Adaptation to one's changing surroundings is a different matter. 适应自身不断变化的环境又是另外一码事。


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