last night

时间:2024-02-29 12:57:11编辑:分享君

“in the night at night”是什么意思?

“in the night at night”的意思是:一、in the night的意思是:在夜里at night的意思是:夜里,在夜间二、in the night1、读音: [ɪn ðə naɪt]2、中文释义:在夜里,夜间3、例句:1)My reins also instruct me in the night seasons.我的心肠在夜间也警戒着我。2)Sometimes I heard wolves crying at night.我有时在夜间听见狼嚎。三、at night1、读音: [æt naɪt]2、中文释义:在夜里3、例句:1)The sofa functions as a bed at night.这沙发在夜里可以当床。2)My baby often wakes up several times in the night.我的孩子常在夜里醒来。

last night是什么意思

last night是昨晚的意思。last night 英 [lɑ:st nait] 美 [læst naɪt] adv.昨晚拆分单词1、last 英 [lɑ:st] 美 [læst] n.最后;末尾;上个;鞋楦(做鞋的模型)vt.经受住;到…之后;够用;足够维持(尤指某段时间)adj.最后的;最近的;最不可能的;惟一剩下的vi.持续adv.最后;上一次,最近一次2、night 英 [naɪt] 美 [naɪt] n. 晚上;夜;(举行盛事的)夜晚扩展资料近义词:yesterday、overnight一、昨天 yesterday 英 [ˈjestədeɪ] 美 [ˈjestərdeɪ] n.昨天;往昔;过去adv.在昨天,在昨日;近来例:She left yesterday 她昨天走了。二、前晚 overnight英 [ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt] 美 [ˌoʊvərˈnaɪt] adv.在晚上;在夜里;突然;很快adj.一整夜的;晚上的;突然的;很快的n.前一天的晚上;一夜的逗留vi.过一夜例:The play was an overnight success.这部剧作一夜成名。


发现的英文单词是:discover读音:英 [dɪ'skʌvə(r)] 美 [dɪ'skʌvər]v. 发现;偶然撞见;发觉形容词: discoverable 名词: discovery 过去式: discovered 过去分词: discovered 现在分词:discovering 第三人称单数: discovers词汇搭配1、discover a new star发现一颗新的恒星2、discover a thief发现小偷3、discover America发现美洲4、discover facts发现事实常见句型:1、He was dead for three weeks before anyone discovered him.他死了三个星期才被人发现。2、As soon as he discovered the police, he ran away.他一见有警察就立即跑掉了。3、One day while sweeping the compound he discovered seven eggs in a pile of straw.一天,他打扫院子时,发现乱草堆里有7个鸡蛋。4、The prospectors have discovered such minerals as calcite, quartz here.探矿人员在这里发现了方解石、石英等矿藏。扩展资料:词义辨析discover, find, find out, invent, look for这组词(组)都有“发明”“发现”的意思。区别在于:1、discover指发现或偶然发现原来就存在但一直未被认识的东西; 2、look for作“寻找”解时,指寻找的动作和过程; 3、find指寻找的结果,即“找到”,是非延续性动词,不如discover正式; 4、find out指经过观察、调查把某事、某物查出来,搞清楚,弄明白,多用于复杂而不易直接查出的情况; 5、invent指发明原来不存在的东西,有时也可指虚构、捏造。

最后一晚 英语怎么说

The last night英文发音:[ðə lɑːst naɪt]中文释义:最后一夜;最后一个晚上例句:That was the last night the four of us were together.那是我们四人共聚的最后一晚。【词汇解析】last英文发音:[lɑːst]中文释义:det. 最后的;最末的;末尾的;最近的;上一个的;仅剩下的;最终的adv. 最后;最终;终结;最新;最近;上一次n. 最后来的人(或发生的事);仅剩下的部分(或事项)v. 持续;继续;延续;继续存在;持续起作用;持久;(在困境等中)坚持下去;超越(困境等)n. 鞋楦例句:It wasn't the first time that this particular difference had divided them and it wouldn't be the last.这个特殊差异使他们产生分歧不是第一次,也不会是最后一次。扩展资料last的同根词:1、lasting英文发音:['lɑːstɪŋ]中文释义:adj. 持久的;永恒的n. [纺] 厚实斜纹织物v. 持续;维持(last的ing形式)例句:We are well on our way to a lasting peace.我们正迈向持久的和平。2、lastly英文发音:['lɑːstlɪ]中文释义:adv. 最后,终于例句:They wash their hands, arms and faces, and lastly, they wash their feet.他们洗了手、胳膊和脸,最后洗了脚。




worked last night的发音为:[wɜ:kt lɑ:st naɪt] ,其中文意思是:昨晚工作,last night的意思是:昨晚。拓展资料worked last night的用法1、You worked overtime last night? 昨晚加班了吧?2、If you had worked hard last night, you would not fail the examination today. 如果你昨晚努力学习的话,你今天就不会考试不及格了。3、They worked hard last night but much work remained unfinished. 尽管昨晚他们工作很努力,但还有很多工作未完成。4、I worked late last night because I was behindhand with my accounts. 昨天我因为账算得很慢所以工作到深夜。5、You Are Always Late The problem: You worked late last night, so it was difficult to get up when your alarm clock sounded in the morning. 问题:你前一晚工作到很晚,所以早上闹铃响的时候你非常不愿意起床。6、I worked until 1 last night. I came home and took a nap and woke up at 4. 我昨晚工作到凌晨1点,回家睡了会觉,4点就醒来了。7、He and his assitant worked in office last night! 昨晚,他和助手们一直在办公室里工作。8、Example: Our accounting department worked quite late last night closing the books for this month. 我们的会计部门昨晚为结清本月的帐目工作到很晚。9、He worked until twelve o'clock last night. 他昨天晚上工作到了十二点。

