
时间:2024-03-01 12:26:39编辑:分享君


"beaster"为拼写错误单词,正确的应为baster,读音为['bestɚ]。1、表达意思:n. 润肉者;(Baster)人名;(英)巴斯特2、相关短语:Baster rivet 铲钉头器Jarek Baster 真实姓名Baster mine 黄金矿工之爆破矿工方块试玩automatic baster 自动粗缝机BASTER GUNDAM 暴风高达The Baster 播种爱情 ; 润滑管 ; 假面人3、例句:Brian Kakuk uses a turkey baster to collect red dust blown from the Sahara in ancient times. 布莱恩·卡库克正在收集古代时候从撒哈拉沙漠飘来的红色尘土。扩展资料:“beaster”的词根单词:bast1、读音:英 [bæst] 、美 [bæst] 2、表达意思:n. 树的内皮;(Bast)人名;(法、德、英)巴斯特;(瑞典)巴斯特3、相关短语:bast peeling 剥去韧皮bast wood 木材韧皮Bast fibers 韧皮纤维bast thread 麻线bast fibres 韧皮纤维4、例句:Thus children who were not conceived in the marriage bed, were said to be conceived “on the bast” and were therefore bastards. 不结婚就生孩子直至近代才让人觉得是特别丢人或者低人一等的行为。 所以“私生子”这个词汇有时候用于侮辱别人,但直到1830年才在印刷品中用"bastard“私生子这个词表示侮辱的意思。


Easter egg
英 [ˈi:stə eɡ] 美 [ˈistɚ ɛɡ]
复数: Easter eggs

The gifts of Easter include Easter egg and Easter bunny.

This is a Care Bears Easter Egg Hunt Book.


eastern. 复活节;变形 复数: Easters双语例句1. The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring. Easter(复活节)一词由Eostre(多神教的春天女神)衍生而来。2. She spends her Easter holidays taking groups of children to France. 她带领一群孩子去法国过复活节。3. In the end, we all decided to organize a concert for Easter. 最终,我们一致决定组织一场复活节音乐会。4. The poor guy obviously didn't have any place to go for Easter. 这个可怜的家伙显然复活节无处可去。5. "Have a nice Easter."— 'And the same to you Bridie.' “复活节快乐。”——“你也一样,布赖迪。”6. Most villagers took communion only at Easter. 大部分村民只在复活节的时候领受圣餐。7. He only sees her at Christmas and Easter. 他只有在圣诞节和复活节时才能见到她。8. "Happy Easter," he yelled. “复活节快乐,”他大喊。9. Happy Easter! 复活节快乐!10. We've spent our Easter holidays pleasantly. 我们的复活节假期过得很愉快.


1、复活节:Easter (无固定日期,时间为每年过春分月圆后的第一个星期天)英 ['iːstə(r)];美 ['iːstər]    例:Christmas and Easter are Christian festivals.圣诞节和复活节是基督教的节日。例:Easter comes early this year.今年复活节来得早。2、春节:Spring Festival(每年农历正月初一)英 [sprɪŋ 'festɪvl];美 [sprɪŋ 'festɪvl] 例:Sandy visited Japan during the Spring Festival.桑迪春节期间游览了日本。例:Some are held only during the Spring Festival. 有的只在每年春节期间举办。3、新年:New Year's Day(每年1月1日)英 [njuː 'jɜːz deɪ] ;美 [nuː 'jɜːz deɪ] 例:On New Year's Day the children receive gifts of money in red envelopes from their parents andgrandparents. 在春节那天,孩子们都会从自己的父母和爷爷奶奶那里收到包着红包的压岁钱。例:In this New Year's day , I wish you all right! 在这辞旧迎新的日子里,祝你一切都好!4、劳动节:International Labor Day(五月一日)英 [ˌɪntə'næʃnəl 'leɪbə(r) deɪ] ;美 [ˌɪntər'næʃnəl 'leɪbər deɪ]例:The first of May is International Labour Day.五月一日是国际劳动节。例:Tomorrow is May 1 International labor day, I have three day holiday.but my holiday nlans are still at an inderminate satge.明天是五一国际劳动节,我有三天的假日,不过我的假日计划还没有确定。5、端午节:Dragon Boat Festival (农历五月初五)英 ['dræɡən bəʊt 'festəvəl] ;美 ['dræɡən boʊt 'festəvəl]   例:Dragon Boat Festival is in April or May.端午节是在四月或五月。例:We always eat ZongZi on the Dragon-boat Festival.端午节我们通常吃粽子。6、万圣节:Hallowmas (每年11月1日)例:We often celebrate the Hallowmas in this way. 我们经常用这种方式庆祝万圣节。例:Yes, when the Hallowmas came, I often ran out to knock neighborhood's door. 是的,当万圣节来到的时候,我经常和跑出去敲邻居家的门。7、圣诞节:Christmas(每年12月25日)英 ['krɪsməs];美 ['krɪsməs]例:We usually sing carols at Christmas.圣诞节时,我们一般会唱颂歌。例:Christmas is a time of mirth, especially for children.圣诞节是个快乐的日子,尤其是对孩子们。


复活节(Easter)复活节(Easter)是基督教耶酥复活的重大节日。对基督徒而言,复活节仅次于圣诞节。公元325年,尼西亚会议决定,为纪念基督教的创始人耶酥复活,将每年的春分月圆后的第一个星期日(the first Sunday following the first full moon after March 21)定为复活节,所以,复活节每年的具体日期不确定。又因为复活节总是在星期天,所以它的英文说法可以是Easter/Easter Day,也可以是Easter Sunday。从复活节开始以后的一周称为复活节周(Easter Week),在此期间,教徒每天进行祈祷。按照基督教的习惯,在复活节的前一天,教徒们要举行夜间祈祷。这天晚上,教堂里灯火全部熄灭,意味着世界一片黑暗。等到午夜的钟声一响,神父手持一枝点燃的蜡烛(象征基督光芒),走进教堂,将各个教徒手中的蜡烛点燃,不一会儿,整个教堂被众多的蜡烛光照得通明,祈祷也就随之结束。


复活节英文介绍:The Bible, the New Testament, records that Jesus was crucified and resurrected on the third day, hence the name Easter. Easter is the most important festival of Christian religion. It is more important than Christmas. The origin and duration of religion are in Israel. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Christ rose three days after his death on the cross, thus establishing this section.译文:《圣经·新约全书》记载,耶稣被钉死在十字架上,第三天身体复活,复活节因此得名。复活节是基督宗教最重大的节日,重要性超过圣诞节,宗教起源与节期在以色列。按《圣经·马太福音》的说法,耶稣基督在十字架上受刑死后三天复活,因而设立此节。扩展资料名称来源复活节名称乃自教会拉丁语的“Pascha”转换而来(由于pascua(nourriture,食物)一词的影响,从pascere(paître,喂食、放养)这个拉丁动词里来的)。原本是从希腊语里的πάσχα(páskha)借用而来,这个希腊词本身则是从希伯来语פסח(Pessa'h,超越[par-dessus由…之上])里借用的,源自passage(过路/道),即指犹太人的逾越节,这词同时含有纪念当年以色列人出埃及的意义。根据圣经福音记载,在这个犹太节期间,耶稣基督复活了;这是为什么这个名称被用在基督徒的节日上。根据《牛津词典》和其他一些文章(比如Francis X. Weiser的“Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs”),英文Easter这个字与犹太人的逾越节这个字有关,这不仅因为耶稣就是逾越节的羔羊,而且在时间上耶稣基督的复活和逾越节也吻合。在很多欧洲的语言里,不仅逾越节的筵席曾称为Easter,而且早期英文圣经译本中用Easter译逾越节。参考资料来源:百度百科-复活节


Easter is one of most ancient most meaningful Christianity holidays. What it celebrates is Christ's reactivating, the world's the Christian must hold the celebration every year. Easter also symbolizes the rebirth and the hope. After the time is the vernal equinox month circle first Sunday date.


