
时间:2024-03-03 23:54:14编辑:分享君


muffin 英[ˈmʌfɪn] 美[ˈmʌfɪn]
n. 玛芬; (涂牛油趁热吃的) 英格兰松饼,(常含小块水果等)杯状小松糕;


Brush each muffin generously with the lemon glaze.
light hollow muffin made of a puff batter ( individual Yorkshire pudding) baked in a deep muffin cup.


可数的食物单词:orange橙子,pear梨子,apple苹果,tomato番茄,potato土豆,egg蛋,carrot胡萝卜,banana香蕉。词汇解析:一、orange英 ['ɒrɪn(d)ʒ] 美 ['ɔrɪndʒ] n. 橙,柑橘;橙汁,橘汁饮料;橙树,橘树;橙色,橘黄色;橙黄色蝴蝶adj. 橙红色的,橘黄色的;奥兰治党或社团的There is an orange in my hand. 我的手里有一个橙子。二、pear英 [peə] 美 [pɛr] n. [园艺] 梨树;梨子The teacher gave them a pear each. 老师给了他们每个人一个梨。三、apple英 ['æp(ə)l] 美 ['æpl] n. 苹果,苹果树,苹果似的东西An apple for you. 给你一只苹果。四、tomato英 [tə'mɑːtəʊ] 美 [tə'meto] n. 番茄,西红柿Do you like tomato salad? 你喜欢西红柿沙拉吗?五、egg英 [eg] 美 [ɛɡ] n. 蛋;卵子;鸡蛋I have an egg for breakfast. 我早饭只吃了一个鸡蛋。



  英 ['mʌfɪn]美 ['mʌfɪn]

  n. (涂牛油趁热吃的)英格兰松饼,(常含小块水果等)杯状小松糕;玛芬


  muffin 松饼,玛芬,麦芬

  Blueberry Muffin 蓝莓松糕,蓝莓麦芬,蓝莓松饼

  Coffee Muffin 咖啡马芬
  Which is great in itself but also means that my ‘muffin top’ is pretty much
gonewhen I wear my favorite jeans. 这本身是伟大的,但同时也意味着当我穿上最喜欢的牛仔裤时,我的“松饼顶部”已消失。

  Spread low-fat cream cheese on a whole-wheat bagel (or English muffin)
andthen top with sliced tomatoes for a yummy sandwich.

  Or better yet, hard-boil a half-dozen eggs and grab one each morning along
withsome fruit and an English muffin for a portable breakfast.

陈奕迅新歌muffin man什么意思

Muffin Man歌手:陈奕迅Paging all my people who are hurt呼唤身旁心碎之人In the desert of their lies他们正被旁人的谎言所淹没We won't take this from them anymore我们不会一错再错We're not astray我们未入迷途We're not ashamed我们未感羞愧Come on down my friend from here噢拜托,我的朋友There's a chance' I know' of rain我终于了解什么叫泪如雨下Wash those tears you have inside拭去浸润眼眶的泪珠It's a fear' it will subside恐惧它终将会褪去You should try' you should try惟愿君再勉,惟愿君再勉Change it any way you can尽你一切做出改变Rhyme it like the Muffin Man摆脱心中的软弱You should try' you should try惟愿君再勉,惟愿君再勉You don't need to hide it anymore不必躲躲藏藏It's OK' you can feel你终将体会得到I don't have to tell you who you are所以我不必告诉你自己是谁You're a star' you're a star你如同闪亮繁星Come on down my friend' I know朋友啊,我当然知道This is life' and we've got to go生活总是如此,我们更该快马加鞭Wash those tears you have inside拭去眼眶的泪珠It's a fear' it will subside恐惧终究会褪去You should try' you should try惟愿君再勉,惟愿君再勉Change it any way you can尽你一切做出改变Rhyme it like the Muffin Man勇敢地站起来You should try' you should try惟愿君再勉,惟愿君再勉Wash those tears you have inside拭去浸润眼眶的泪珠It's a fear' it will subside恐惧终究会褪去You should try' you should try惟愿君再勉,惟愿君再勉Change it any way you can尽你一切做出改变Rhyme it like the Muffin Man走出你的恐惧,放肆哼唱松饼人的傻傻旋律You should try' you should try请君再勉,请君再勉Every time I see your face每当我目光落向你的脸颊You look at me with foolish eyes傻傻的眼睛,就这样你傻傻地望着我Everybody hold your horses大家稍安勿躁Don't believe in what they say请不用在意旁人所言Everyone is here tonight今晚所有人已与你同在So you should try汝,请再勉扩展资料:《Muffin Man》是香港流行男歌手陈奕迅的一首英语歌曲,由Adrian Fu(符致逸)作词作曲,陈奕迅演唱。收录于专辑《?》中,发行于2011年11月11日。《Muffin Man》的国语版是《那些让你死去活来的女孩》。陈奕迅曾在多个亚太地区获得多个奖项和提名,包括香港地区的“叱咤乐坛男歌手金奖”、“叱咤乐坛我最喜爱的男歌手奖”、“十大劲歌金曲最受欢迎男歌星奖”“十大劲歌金曲亚太区最受欢迎香港男歌星奖”“四台联颁音乐大奖─传媒大奖”;台湾地区的“台湾金曲奖最佳国语男演唱人奖”和日本地区的“2008年MTV日本音乐录像带大奖台湾地区最佳BuzzAsia奖”。

