
时间:2024-03-04 03:59:05编辑:分享君


海鸥的英文sea gull、sea mew、一、sea gull英 [siː ɡʌl] 美 [siː ɡʌl] n.海鸥1、Far away few nautical mile, the body one person, only the wood boat, the top of head dark cloud, only the sea gull and sea water keep company with. 遥遥数海里,孤身一人,独掌木舟,头顶乌云,唯有海鸥和海水的陪伴。2、Children chase a crescent moon. a sea gull flies right for you, but doesnt light on your outstretched hand. 孩子们追逐着一弯新月。一只海鸥迎面扑来,却没有落在你伸出的手上。二、sea mew英 [siː mjuː] 美 [siː mjuː] 海鸥Shanghai Sea Mew Exactitude Die-casting Co., Ltd is a limited liability company mutually invested and established by Shanghai Sea Mew Camera Co., Ltd and enterprise operators. 上海海鸥精密压铸有限公司是由上海海鸥照相机有限公司企业经营者共同投资组建的有限公司。扩展资料同近义词:shearwater英 ['ʃɪəwɔːtə] 美 ['ʃɪə,wɔtɚ] n. 海鸥;海鸥类飞鸟相关短语sooty shearwater 灰鹱 ; 乌黑鹱Wedgetailed Shearwater 曳尾鹱Shearwater Sailing 海鸥帆船1、Study on ecology and migration of white fronted shearwater 白额鹱生态及迁徙的研究。2、Observation on the eggshell of white-fronted shearwater with scanning electron microscopy 白额鹱卵壳的扫描电镜观察。

海鸥 英文怎么写?

mew英 [mjuː] 美 [mju] n. 海鸥;鹰笼;隐匿处;猫叫声vi. 咪咪叫;换羽毛vt. 关进笼子n. (Mew)人名;(英)缪短语Bie Mew 泪水滑过脸庞的瞬间 ; 爱的轨迹 ; 尾声Azama Mew 安座间美优mew york 新纽约 ; 纽约水电部扩展资料同近义词shearwater英 ['ʃɪəwɔːtə] 美 ['ʃɪə,wɔtɚ] n. 海鸥;海鸥类飞鸟短语sooty shearwater 灰鹱 ; 乌黑鹱Wedgetailed Shearwater 曳尾鹱Shearwater Sailing 海鸥帆船例句1、Footage also showed mice devouring Atlantic petrel and great shearwater chicks. 画面还显示,老鼠吞噬大西洋海燕和大海鸥类飞鸟的幼雏。2、One's ears are more attuned to sounds in the darker hours – the very occasional shriek of a shearwater, the other sounds with no known cause. 在黑暗中,人的耳朵会对声音更敏感——偶尔有海鸥发出尖利的叫声,还有各种来路不明的声音。3、In the process, the arctic tern racks up about 44,000 frequent flier miles (71,000 kilometers)—edging out its archrival, the sooty shearwater, by roughly 4,000 miles (6,440 kilometers). 小燕鸥的每年累计飞行里程达44,000 英里(71,000千米),轻松击败最大的对手—灰鹱,后者累计飞行里程仅为4,000英里(6,440千米)。

