are you

时间:2024-03-04 23:36:19编辑:分享君

Are you ok?是什么意思?如果别人问我这句话,我应该怎么回答?

“Are you ok?”的意思是:你还好吗?还可以理解为:你没事吧?如果别人问这句话,可以这样回答:问:Are you Ok?回答 I'm fine.意思是:问:你没事吧?回答:我很好。2.问:Are you Ok?回答:No.I don't feel good.意思是:问:你没事吧?回答:不,我感觉不太好。扩展资料例句:1.That's terrible! Are you ok? Was anyone hurt? 太可怕了!你还好吧?有人受伤吗?2.Are you ok? Actually I am usually very sweet and gentle. 你没事吧,其实平常我是很温柔的。3.Are you ok? Are you sure you're up to this? 你没问题吧,能应付得来吗?

are you 是什么意思

ARE YOU意思是:是你吗?are 英[ɑ:(r)] 美[ɑ:r] vi. (用于第二人称单复数现在时,第一、三人称复数现在时) 是; n. 公亩(等于100平方米); 1、Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?2、How old are you? 您多大岁数了?3、Are you sure you should be up? 你肯定你该起床了吗?4、Are you better? 好些了吗?5、Are you quite rested? 你歇够了吗?扩展资料:近义词Is that you是你吗1、What's wrong with you is that you think you can get something for nothing. 你的问题是你认为自己可以不劳而获。2、The pity is that you cannot come. 可惜的是你不能来。3、The sole redeeming feature of your behaviour is that you're not denying it. 你的行为中唯一可取之处就是你没有否认错误。

“fine thank you and you”是什么意思?

“fine thank you and you”意思是:很好,谢谢你,你呢?1、fine英 [faɪn] 美 [faɪn] adj.好的,上等的;纤细的,精致的;健康的;晴朗的n.罚款;[音乐]终止;晴天;地租vt.罚款;澄清adv.很好地;巧妙地There is a fine view of the countryside .这里可以看到乡村的美景。2、 and you你呢?Persevere and you'll succeed. 只要你坚持不懈,你自会成功。扩展资料fine的近义词为:ok、great.1、okabbr.ohne kosten (German=without cost) (德语)不计价;不受约束;ola kala (Greek=all is fine, all is good) (希腊语)都很好(古代希腊水手最早使用);outer keel 外(平板)龙骨I shouted out 'I'm OK' .我大声喊道“我没事”。2、great英 [greɪt] 美 [ɡret] adj.伟大的,杰出的;优异的,显著的;很多的;重大的adv.[口语]很好地;令人满意地,成功地,顺利地;得意地n.大人物们;伟大人物;重要人物,大师;名家The room had a great bay window. 这间房有一扇巨大的凸窗。


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