
时间:2024-03-05 06:06:23编辑:分享君


爱丁堡英文:Edinburgh爱丁堡(英语:Edinburgh、苏格兰盖尔语:Dùn Èideann),是英国苏格兰首府,也是继格拉斯哥后苏格兰的第二大城市,位于苏格兰东海岸福斯湾南岸。自15世纪以来爱丁堡就被当做苏格兰首府,但在1603年和1707年政治力量多次南移到伦敦。1999年苏格兰议会的自治权利才得以确立。苏格兰国家博物馆、苏格兰国家图书馆和苏格兰国家画廊等重要文化机构也位于爱丁堡。在经济上,爱丁堡主要依靠金融业,是伦敦以外英国最大的金融中心。扩展资料历史沿革爱丁堡最早的人类聚居证据见于郊区克拉蒙德的一个中石器时代营地,其历史可以追溯到公元前8500年左右。大卫一世在12世纪早期在此建起一座皇家自治镇(royal burgh)。1329年正式建市。1437-1707年为苏格兰国王首都。1603年,苏格兰的詹姆斯六世继任英格兰王位,使得苏格兰和英格兰形成称为君主联合(Union of the Crowns)的共主联邦。克伦威尔在1650年占领爱丁堡。1706年和1707年,英格兰和苏格兰议会通过合并法案,大不列颠王国形成。1990年代之后,包括爱丁堡国际会议中心在内的新“金融区”开始兴盛,使得衰败的酿酒业等彻底消失。1998年苏格兰法案在次年实施,均位于爱丁堡的苏格兰议会和苏格兰行政院合并。参考资料来源:百度百科-爱丁堡


写作思路及要点:审清题目,确定中心,选择材料。Edinburgh is a city in northern England, the capital of Scotland and an economic and cultural center.爱丁堡英国北部城市,苏格兰首府,经济和文化中心。In the lowlands of central Scotland, on the South Bank of forth Bay. It covers an area of 260 square kilometers.在苏格兰中部低地、福斯湾的南岸。面积260平方公里。Papermaking, printing and publishing industry has a long history. Shipbuilding, chemical industry, nuclear energy, electronics, cable, glass and food industries are also important.造纸和印刷出版业历史悠久,造船、化工、核能、电子、电缆、玻璃和食品等工业也重要。With the development of Beihai oilfield, a series of related industries and service industries have been established.随着北海油田的开发,又建立一系列相关工业与服务业。An important transportation hub and airport.重要的运输枢纽,航空港。There is the University of Edinburgh established in 1583, as well as ancient castles, cathedrals, palaces, art galleries and other places of interest.有1583年建立的爱丁堡大学,还有古城堡、大教堂、宫殿、艺术陈列馆等名胜古迹。


[英][ˈednˌbɜ:rə, -ˌbʌrə, -brə][美][ˈɛdn:ˌbə:rə, -ˌbʌrə, -brə]

例句:①Chinese panda yang guang arrives at edinburgh airport.
②Correspondence between london and edinburgh offered further grounds for doubt.



火车搭乘火车至Waverley站(即Edinburgh站)下车‎,从出口即可看到西南边的爱丁堡城堡,沿着Princes Street走,经过Waverley Bridge向西到达The Mound,再往南沿着Mound Place、Ramsay Lane走即到城堡前的广场(Esplanade),步程约13分钟。搭乘火车至Haymarket站下车,再向东步行约25分钟可到。 公交车搭乘Lothian Bus 9、23、27、41、42、67路,在Old Town, North Bank Street站下车,再向西步行约4分钟即到。


University of Edinburgh, was founded in 1583, the United Kingdom is the world recognized one of the best universities. University of Edinburgh, not only cherish the honor the past and forge ahead to first-class quality of teaching and research level of world-renowned. Edinburgh University is located in Edinburgh city centre, which is recognized most attractive cities in Europe, has numerous tourists all year round from the central city of Prince Edward streets, wait-and-see cities on both sides clearly share the "Old City" And "Metro." If lucky, Edinburgh encounter God face to the good - sunny days, then the University of Edinburgh, bird's eye view of the scenery of the students has become the envy of most visitors. University of Edinburgh, is Britain's most ancient, one of the largest institutions. For literature, theology, law, music, science, medicine, veterinary science, social science of eight. School students a total of 17,000 people, of whom 16 per cent from overseas. University of Edinburgh complete set of professional courses to encourage students to multi-disciplinary study, the total number of students to graduate more than 20 percent. It also has extension of courses so that students can study abroad in 2001 non-degree courses. Each year from around the world undergraduate and graduate students to the University of Edinburgh study, love to become a truly great international university. Leaving aside these impressive results, the University of Edinburgh students are definitely worth mentioning. Its size for the whole of the British first, the students themselves from the management of quarters, radio, boards will be left people a deep impression.

