
时间:2024-03-06 14:58:59编辑:分享君

重生 英文怎么写?

重生的英文单词:reincarnation读音:英 [ˌriːɪnkɑː'neɪʃn] 美 [ˌriːɪnkɑːr'neɪʃn]n. 转世;再生;重生近义词:1、rebirth新生2、re-creation再创造3、restoration恢复扩展资料:相关例句:1、Buddhists believe in reincarnation.佛教徒相信投胎转世。2、Corpse is conserved intact to be ready for reincarnation.尽可能保住尸体的完整,以为将来可能的再生做好准备。3、One step in this self-realization might be the reality of Reincarnation.这自我实现的一步也许就是再生的现实。4、In the end he and those close to the work came to accept reincarnation.最后他和参与此项工作的人逐渐接受了再生观念。5、Is reincarnation fact or fable?转世轮回是确有其事还是无稽之谈?


重生的英文是:renascence,rebirth,reborn。renascence是名词,它的形容词是renascent,意思是新生的,再生的,复兴的。此外它的同义词reincarnated是转生的意思,resurrect有复活的意思。例句:1、They attended a revivalist meeting and became born-again Christians. 他们参加了一个奋兴布道会,成为了获得重生的基督徒。2、Now it is spring, a time of renewal. 现在是春天,万物重生的季节。3、Russia was being reborn as a great power.俄罗斯经过重生成为强国。4、Old antagonisms resurfaced. 旧怨重生。扩展资料1、Let me renascence in the fire! 就让我在火中重生!2、We come from the fire in flames rebirth. 吾从火中来,于火焰中重生。3、After the human body has undergone the huge pain and the samsara they can be able a happier rebirth. 在肉体经受了巨大的痛苦和轮回后它们又能得以更美好的重生。4、My sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn. 我的忧愁消失了,我的勇气再生了。5、I was reborn after you appear. 在你出现后,我又重生了。参考资料:百度百科:英语语法


重生的英文翻译是renascence,在句中作为名词使用,具体解析如下:renascence英 [rɪˈnæsns] 美 [rɪˈnæsəns, -ˈnesəns] n.新生,复兴相关短语:1、Renascence Center 复兴中心2、Renascence Trojan 剑指楼兰3、chinese renascence 中华文艺复兴4、Renascence Bulldogge 复兴斗牛5、Renascence person 重生者6、warrior and Renascence 战斗与重生扩展资料相关例句:1、An Empirical Research on the Effects of Marketing Unethical Behaviors on Brand Renascence. 营销伦理对品牌重生影响的实证研究。2、Wenzhou Capital: Impulses and Renascence. 温州资本:冲动与重生。3、Let me renascence in the fire! 就让我在火中重生!4、When the sunlight comes to the earth, another cycle begins.That is also called the renascence.当阳光普照大地的时候,一个新的循环就开始了,这就是所谓的新生。5、How long will it take for us to discern the renascence of phenix?灰飞烟灭间,还有多久才能看到凤凰的重生?


【Tell me】最简单也是最常用的
【let me know】直译是让我知道,不过绝大多数情况下是告诉我
【suprise me】如果语境是有人要告诉你一件比较奇怪的事情而他又在卖关子的话,可以用这个。譬如:I got a really big new to tell you...(然后不说),那么你就可以说:Well, suprise me then(me的语气要wavy,then要轻)
同理,根据语境的不同,上面的【suprise me】的用法可以有很多灵活变化的,这就需要自己体会了

I don't have the courage to tell her
I don't have the courage to let her know

