
时间:2024-03-07 10:00:34编辑:分享君


综述(根据汉语意思操作):The following application should be closed before continuing the install.(在继续安装之前,应关闭下列应用程序。)Do not close applications(A Reboot may be required.(不要关闭应用程序(可能需要重新启动)。)Automatically close applications and attempt to restart them after setup is complete.(自动关闭应用程序并尝试在安装完成后重新启动应用程序。)ASUS GIFTBOX DESKTOP.(华硕GIFTBOX桌面。)英语翻译技巧:第一、省略翻译法这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。第二、合并法合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂句,多出现在汉译英的题目里出现,比如最后会翻译成定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等等。这是因为汉语句子里面喜欢所谓的“形散神不散”,即句子结构松散,但其中的语意又是紧密相连的,所以为了表达出这种感觉,汉语多用简单句进行写作。而英语则不同,它比较强调形式,结构严谨,所以会多用复杂句、长句。因此,汉译英时还需要注意介词、连词、分词的使用。


uninstall的意思是:卸载软件或解除安装。英 [ʌnɪn'stɔːl] 美 [,ʌnɪn'stɔl] 相关短语Uninstall Programs 卸载程序Quick Uninstall 快速卸载Uninstall Wizard 反安装向导 ; 卸载向导Confirm Uninstall 确认卸载uninstall driver 卸载驱动程序 ; 正在翻译拓展资料双语例句1. If you don't like the program, just uninstall it and forget it. 如果不喜欢这个程序,把它卸载不用就行了。2. Uninstall any programs that you no longer need. 将不再需要的程序全部卸载。3. Uninstall Images time is in the future according to current clock. 根据当前的时钟,即将执行映像卸载.4. Provided to install and uninstall BAT file BAT file. 提供了安装BAT文件和卸载BAT文件.5. Cannot uninstall the Distributor because there are Subscribers defined. 无法卸载分发服务器,因为已定义了订阅服务器.


uninstall的意思是:卸载软件或解除安装。英 [ʌnɪn'stɔːl] 美 [,ʌnɪn'stɔl] 相关短语Uninstall Programs 卸载程序Quick Uninstall 快速卸载Uninstall Wizard 反安装向导 ; 卸载向导Confirm Uninstall 确认卸载uninstall driver 卸载驱动程序 ; 正在翻译拓展资料双语例句1. If you don't like the program, just uninstall it and forget it. 如果不喜欢这个程序,把它卸载不用就行了。2. Uninstall any programs that you no longer need. 将不再需要的程序全部卸载。3. Uninstall Images time is in the future according to current clock. 根据当前的时钟,即将执行映像卸载.4. Provided to install and uninstall BAT file BAT file. 提供了安装BAT文件和卸载BAT文件.5. Cannot uninstall the Distributor because there are Subscribers defined. 无法卸载分发服务器,因为已定义了订阅服务器.

repair or reinstall和uninstall是什么意思

repair or reinstall和uninstall的意思是修复或重新安装和卸载。一、repair 英 [rɪˈpeə(r)] 美 [rɪˈper] vt.修理;纠正;恢复;弥补n.修理;修理工作;维修状态;经修理的东西扩展例句1、The cost of repairing earthquake damage could be more than seven-thousand-million dollars 弥补地震造成的损失需要超过70亿美元。2、A woman drove her car to the garage to have it repaired. 一位女士把车开到修理厂修理。3、The first and most important thing was to repair my relationship with my father. 最首要和最重要的是挽救我和父亲的关系。二、 reinstall英 [ˌri:ɪn'stɔ:l] 美 [ˌri:ɪn'stɔ:l] vt.使重新正式就职,重新设置扩展例句1、Therefore, if you need to change it, you need to reinstall the portal server. 因此,如果您需要改变它,您就需要重新安装Portal服务器。2、If you have the beta version installed, please reinstall the new full client available for download. 如果你已经安装了公侧版客户端,请下载并安装全新的客户端。3、Do you want to reinstall or update it? 你想要重新安装或更新它吗?三、uninstall英 [ˌʌnɪnˈstɔ:l] 美 [ˌʌnɪnˈstɔl] v.& n.卸载,卸载软件扩展例句1、The scripts directory contains python scripts used to install and uninstall the application. 脚本目录包含用于安装和卸载应用程序的python脚本。2、You do not have administrator privileges on this computer. Please have the administrator uninstall this program. 您在这台计算机上没有管理员权限。请让管理员卸载该程序。3、If you choose to disable and uninstall the module, all the flits and associated nodes are purged. 如果您选择禁用并卸载模块,所有flit和关联节点将被清除。

