
时间:2024-03-07 15:52:17编辑:分享君


“我要开始学习英语。”的英语:I want to start learning English.重点词汇:1、want to英 [wɔnt tu:] 美 [wɑnt tu] 要;应该2、start英 [stɑ:t] 美 [stɑ:rt] n.开始;动身;开动;起点vt.& vi.出发,启程3、learning英 [ˈlɜ:nɪŋ] 美 [ˈlɜ:rnɪŋ] n.学问,学术,知识v.学习(learn的现在分词)4、English英 [ˈɪŋglɪʃ] 美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] n.英语adj.英语的;英国的扩展资料start的基本意思是“从静止状态转移到运动状态”,可指工作、活动等的开始;战争、火灾等的发生;也可指人开始工作,着手某项活动等;还可指人、事物使某事情发生或引起某事情。词义辨析:start, begin, commence、 originate1、commence强调缓慢地开始,而start强调从不动到动或停止后再动。2、start往往强调“开始”这一行动本身,而commence则含有为了某一目的的意味。3、commence比begin要庄严得多,含有正式开始或开幕的意味,如开始举行典礼、开始审讯案件等。4、begin是最常用语;commence多用于书面语;start则多用于口语。5、originate作不及物动词时,表示“源自”“起始”“发起”等意思;用作及物动词时,表示“创始”“发明”。


January 01, 2013Dear Tom,Sorry it’s been so long since I last wrote you. I heard from our ex-classmate Sally that you broke your ankle playing basketball. My sympathies on your injury. I remember that you were always very active in school, so I’m not surprised that you still play sports. But I am curious as to how you hurt yourself. Of course, if the memory is too painful, you don’t have to tell me.Since you will be bedridden for the next few weeks, I thought you might like some books to read. I am sending you copies of two of my favorite novels. I hope you enjoy them. Take good care of yourself; don’t try to get out of bed until your ankle is healed! Get well soon.Your friend,Dan Wilson参考作文地带翻译:亲爱的汤姆:很抱歉自从我上次写信给你至今已经好久好久了。从我们的老同学莎莉那里我听到你在打篮球时脚踝骨折。在此我要为你的脚伤寄上我同情的慰问。记得以前在学校时,你一直都很活跃,所以我对你仍然活跃在运动场上并不感到讶异。但我很想知道你是怎么受伤的。当然,如果那是很痛苦的回忆,你就不必告诉我了。因为你还要在床上待上几个星期,所以我想你可能想看一些书。我寄两本我最喜欢的小说给你,希望你也能喜欢。请你善自保重;在脚踝痊愈前不要急着想下床走动!祝早日康复丹‧威尔森 敬上


1.[词典] ankle; anklebone; gambrel; ankle joint; hock;
The knee and ankle joints must be immobilized — this usually means up to six weeks in plaster.
2.ankle 英[ˈæŋkl] 美[ˈæŋkəl]

n. 踝,踝关节; 脚脖子;
[例句]John twisted his ankle badly.
[其他] 复数:ankles

