
时间:2024-03-09 15:17:22编辑:分享君


儿童节的来历的英文:The Origin of Children's DayChildren 读法 英 ['tʃɪldrən]  美 ['tʃɪldrən]    n(名词). 孩子们,儿童,小孩(名词child的复数形式)短语1、children-welfare tablet小儿金丹片2、Children's Day儿童节3、children's home儿童教养所4、children chain子女链5、children phobia儿童恐怖症扩展资料Children 名词 child 的复数形式词语用法1、child作“小孩,儿童”解时,其年龄范围比较宽,可指自出生至成年前的孩子,一般指从2岁至14岁的孩子,不分男孩女孩; 2、child还可作“子女,孩子”解,无年龄限制,不分男女。3、child是可数名词,可充当主语、宾语、定语;children构成所有格加“'s”。词汇搭配1、bear a child生孩子2、bring up a child养育孩子3、carry a child怀胎4、drag up a child把孩子带大5、educate a child教育孩子例句1、He's still but a child.他仅仅是个小孩子。2、He tutored the child in physics.他给这小孩辅导物理。


Research results show that the emotional state strongly influenced learners cognition, motivation and day-to-day behavior. Emotional students rich, it is easy to Dachidabei, lack of control. For example, they praise the immediate jubilation, then immediately suffered a criticism depression, which requires teachers to pay attention to interact with the students, students concerned about the sentiments of the positive sentiment to mobilize students. This can promote the mental health of students (4) primary organ of the body, the system is very fast growth, energetic, lively good move, but because of their self-control is still weak, poor willpower, failing easy impulse, the will of consciousness and less persistent than the completion of a task, often relying on external pressure, rather than through conscious actions. In the learning activities, although very adequate momentum at the beginning, but it is often inadequate, can not be sustained persist. Therefore, the teachers for primary and secondary school students to do so will require long-term thing, it is best to set short-term targets, and help the students complete the step-by-step, to avoid students feel this way, boring, not to be completed, yet often allows students to experience success feeling, to improve their participation in fun.

