
时间:2024-03-11 18:48:20编辑:分享君


断了爱情的念头——段千寻  爱忧伤——胡佳琛  拾起的布偶——胡佳琛  两个世界——胡清蓝  ANGELLA——蓝雨  凤与叶子——李维  真实——张惠妹  如果你娶了她——徐子淳  下次下次——薛凯琪  没有童话——叶文辉  一个人的旅行——易欣  请你说爱我——易欣  stand by me-4 the cause  一直在找一个人---冯玮君  李玖哲的失物招领和围墙  张智成 重返寂寞...很想你...不夜城..在KTV过夜  看透——邓丽欣(stephy)  日久生情——邓丽欣(stephy)  不速之约——邓丽欣(stephy)  吴雨霏&小肥——逼得宠物太紧  男人KTV——侧田  伤心情歌——TWINS  难关——侧田  眼泪知道——温岚  雪在飘--安涛




http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQ1ODY3NTg0.html 这都是逼的

前面的大爷别走那么地快   看着你我的心跳也会变好快  突然间你跌倒 人群中传来尖叫  是逼得 那是逼得  大爷的双手伸向湛蓝天空  此刻我应该留下还是快离开  我幼小的心灵 承受如此的压力 是逼得 良心面对选择  我是逼得 逼得 逼得 逼得  我这都是 逼得 逼得  没有多少money  还算善良的心  想起当年南京  心里怕怕地  都是逼得 都是逼得  都是逼得 都是逼得  太多的思考已经没有时间  大爷你不要纠结我在你身边  如果此刻离开 那么我又是什么  是禽兽 就是禽兽  大爷我兜里有个山寨手机  这手机能打电话 还能录声音  大爷你此刻对它 说出心里的话  说路过 就说小伙路过  都会跌得 跌得 跌得 跌得  你我都会 跌得 跌得  拒绝冷漠的心  伸出温暖的手  连成一座彩虹  在你我心中底 都是逼得 逼得 逼得 逼得你我都会 跌得 跌得放慢你的脚步  听听我的声音  等等你的良心 不再冷漠的你逼得 逼得 逼得 逼得间奏……逼得 逼得 逼得 逼得  你我都会跌得 跌得  拒绝冷漠的心  伸出温暖的手  连成一座彩虹  在你我心底 都是跌得 跌得 跌得 跌得  你我都会 疼得 疼得  放慢你的脚步  听听我的声音  等等你的良心 不再冷漠的你002都是逼得 逼得 逼得 逼得你我都会 跌得 跌得拒绝冷漠的心  伸出温暖的手  连成一座彩虹  在你我心底 都是逼得 逼得 逼得 逼得你我都会 跌得 跌得放慢你的脚步  听听我的声音  等等你的良心 不再冷漠的ni

baby曲子,中文山寨版的那个,歌词 有什么 我就是喜欢你,我是在意你的,是什么歌

作词:仕凌、怀秋 作曲:小安

I miss you you know
If you feel the same way

yes I can feel something
yes I can feel something

Oh yeah 原本那天只是ordinary的一天
在我面前惊觉你留下的完美 oh my
Stop It’s gonna be you and me

I don’t know why 你还发呆

yes I can feel something
yes I can feel something

Oh man how am I ever gonna forget this
No way you know I love you
Baby I’m crazy当我无法听到你声音
在我耳边你一字一句都好听oh my
风筝虽远却绕着你不会离去come on

I don’t know why 你还发呆

yes I can feel something
yes I can feel something

yes I can feel something
yes I can feel something

Yes I can feel something
Yes I can feel something
Yes I can feel something

because of you歌词翻译??是98degreees唱的。为谢

You're my sunshine after the rain

You're the cure against my fear and my pain 你是能治疗我恐惧与伤感的良药。
Cuz I'm losing my mind when you're not around 当你不在我身边我失去了自我。 Baby I really know by now 宝贝我现在才知道。
Its all (It's all) It's all because of you这全是因你。Baby I really know by now 宝贝我现在才知道。
Since we met that day 自从我们相遇那天。
You showed me the way 你为我指引了方向。
I felt it then you gave me love I can't describe 我就感受到你给我的爱、我难以形容。
How much I feel for you 我对你深深的感情。
I said baby I should have known by now 我说宝贝、我应该在此刻知道。
Should heave been reight there whenever you gave me love 我应该原地等待、你无时无刻给予我爱。
And if only you were here 只要你在这儿。
I'd tell you yes I'd tell you(oh yeah) 我将告诉你。
You're my sunshine after the rain 你是雨后我的阳光。
You're the cure against my fear and my pain 你是能治疗我恐惧与伤感的良药。
Cuz I'm losing my mind when you're not around 当你不在我身边我失去了自我。
Its all (It's all) It's all because of you这全是因为你。
honestly could you be with me.老实说你能跟我在一起.
like it was before.就像从前那样。
neither less nor more.完全同于。
'cause when i close my eyes at night.因为当我夜里闭上眼睛。
i realize that no one else could ever take ur place.我发现没有任何人可以取代你的位置。
i still can feel it's so unreal.我觉得这是难以相信的。
when you're touching me.当你抚慰我的时候。
kisses endlessly.无止尽的吻我的时候。
it's just a place in the sun.这一切都在阳光下。
where our loves begun.这是我们爱情开始的地方。
i miss u,yes i miss u !我想念你、是的、我想念你。
oh baby yeah 宝贝。
if i knew how 2 tell u what's on my mind.如果我知道如何向你倾诉我心中的一切。
make u understand.让你明白。
then i'd always be there我们就能永远在一起了。
right by ur side永远地陪在你身边。

飞兰 Dead End 的歌词

The girl with the sharp thorn in her flesh 那带刺的女孩
I meet you at your story 我和你在故事中相见
Behind the hatred there lies a murderous love 仇恨背后都有着致命之爱

Do you kill your friends, if you can fulfill your wish? 你会为私利出卖朋友吗?
Can you die for someone? 你能为他人牺牲自我吗?
They are synonymous words 这两者又有何区别

Life is a game It's a survival That's right! How do you start? 没错!人生就是次生存游戏 你是如何开始?
Time and Space It's a crossroad through a gate! Where do you go? 时间和空间是两条岔路 你会选择哪条?

You seek eternal breath 你寻求永生
Why do you need to live? 那有什么意义?
We don't know when this world came into being 我们不知世界何时成形
We are the timeleaper 我们是穿越时空者

Nothing's gonna change with you in the world 万事不会如你所愿
Everything will be decided by the rules 规则才是世上至尊
Oh, We are traveling the past and the future through love 我们用爱穿越古今

Break out! 冲破束缚!
Let's dial back all the pains and we will be born again 让我们送回所有痛楚 获得新生
I wanna see the stars with you 我想和你共赏夜空
Over the miracle 越过奇迹之后
It's not a Dead END 这并不是Dead END

The boy with the loneliness in his side 那孤独的男孩
I wanna control your soul 我想要独占你的心灵
Behind the hatred there lies a plundering love 仇恨背后都有着掠夺之爱

The Future has been over 未来早已玩完
But we are fixating on that 但我们仍在关注它
The past is still to come 过去还在靠临
Yes! They are in the same time 是啊!它们同时存在

Death is a frame It's a spiral That's all How do you think? 是啊,死亡只是螺旋空架 你是作何感想?
God and Evil It's a scapegoat through the heart What do you know?
神和罪只是内心安慰 你又知道什么?
“What's at the back of your mind? I can't hold your hand’“你到底想要怎么? 我抓不住你手啊”
You say“Where are you going to take me? I can't believe”你说“你要带我去哪? 我不信你”
We walk the parallel line 我们毫无交际

Nothing's gonna change my deep love for you 我对你深爱不转移
Everything will be going right for me 万事都会随我行动
Oh, we are wandering in light and darkness through eyes 我们在光影中徘徊

Break down! Let's revamp all the truth and we will create a fact 破坏障碍!让我们修改真相 创造新现实
I wanna feel the reality with the agony of doubt 我想要感受真实和犹豫的痛楚

I love U Cuz U are always by my side… 我爱你,因为你一直陪伴我……

Dead or Alive Dead or Alive 死或生 死或生
Back to you… 全看你……
Can't you read? Can't you see? 你不会读吗?你不会看吗?
My words in your virtual vision 我的话语就在你眼前
Save my life! Save your life! 救救我吧!救救你吧!
Why do you come here? I'm such a liar 你干嘛来这?我只是个骗子
Bad choice! Bad sign! 糟糕的选择!糟糕的预示!
It is a prologue of collapse 这是全面崩坏的序章
I don't stop your desire, cuz I can't forget you 我不阻止你的意愿 因我不能忘怀你

Nothing's gonna change with you in the world 万事不会如你所愿
Everything will be decided by the rules 规则才是世上至尊
Oh, We are traveling the past and the future through love 我们用爱穿越古今

Break out! 冲破束缚!
Let's dial back all the pains and we will be born again 让我们送回所有痛楚 获得新生
I wanna see the stars with you 我想和你共赏夜空
Over the miracle 越过奇迹之后
It's not a Dead END 这并不是Dead END

求《未来日记主题曲》[O-Dead END]的中/英文歌词

歌名:Dead END
汉译歌名:Dead END
所属专辑:Dead END/苍穹の光(曲目:01)

The girl with the sharp thorn in her flesh 那带刺的女孩
I meet you at your story 我和你在故事中相见
Behind the hatred there lies a murderous love 仇恨背后都有着致命之爱

Do you kill your friends, if you can fulfill your wish? 你会为私利出卖朋友吗?
Can you die for someone? 你能为他人牺牲自我吗?
They are synonymous words 这两者又有何区别

Life is a game It's a survival That's right! How do you start? 没错!人生就是次生存游戏 你是如何开始?
Time and Space It's a crossroad through a gate! Where do you go? 时间和空间是两条岔路 你会选择哪条?

You seek eternal breath 你寻求永生
Why do you need to live? 那有什么意义?
We don't know when this world came into being 我们不知世界何时成形
We are the timeleaper 我们是穿越时空者

Nothing's gonna change with you in the world 万事不会如你所愿
Everything will be decided by the rules 规则才是世上至尊
Oh, We are traveling the past and the future through love 我们用爱穿越古今

Break out! 冲破束缚!
Let's dial back all the pains and we will be born again 让我们送回所有痛楚 获得新生
I wanna see the stars with you 我想和你共赏夜空
Over the miracle 越过奇迹之后
It's not a Dead END 这并不是Dead END

The boy with the loneliness in his side 那孤独的男孩
I wanna control your soul 我想要独占你的心灵
Behind the hatred there lies a plundering love 仇恨背后都有着掠夺之爱

The Future has been over 未来早已玩完
But we are fixating on that 但我们仍在关注它
The past is still to come 过去还在靠临
Yes! They are in the same time 是啊!它们同时存在

Death is a frame It's a spiral That's all How do you think? 是啊,死亡只是螺旋空架 你是作何感想?
God and Evil It's a scapegoat through the heart What do you know?
神和罪只是内心安慰 你又知道什么?
“What's at the back of your mind? I can't hold your hand’“你到底想要怎么? 我抓不住你手啊”
You say“Where are you going to take me? I can't believe”你说“你要带我去哪? 我不信你”
We walk the parallel line 我们毫无交际

Nothing's gonna change my deep love for you 我对你深爱不转移
Everything will be going right for me 万事都会随我行动
Oh, we are wandering in light and darkness through eyes 我们在光影中徘徊

Break down! Let's revamp all the truth and we will create a fact 破坏障碍!让我们修改真相 创造新现实
I wanna feel the reality with the agony of doubt 我想要感受真实和犹豫的痛楚

I love U Cuz U are always by my side… 我爱你,因为你一直陪伴我……

Dead or Alive Dead or Alive 死或生 死或生
Back to you… 全看你……
Can't you read? Can't you see? 你不会读吗?你不会看吗?
My words in your virtual vision 我的话语就在你眼前
Save my life! Save your life! 救救我吧!救救你吧!
Why do you come here? I'm such a liar 你干嘛来这?我只是个骗子
Bad choice! Bad sign! 糟糕的选择!糟糕的预示!
It is a prologue of collapse 这是全面崩坏的序章
I don't stop your desire, cuz I can't forget you 我不阻止你的意愿 因我不能忘怀你

Nothing's gonna change with you in the world 万事不会如你所愿
Everything will be decided by the rules 规则才是世上至尊
Oh, We are traveling the past and the future through love 我们用爱穿越古今

Break out! 冲破束缚!
Let's dial back all the pains and we will be born again 让我们送回所有痛楚 获得新生
I wanna see the stars with you 我想和你共赏夜空
Over the miracle 越过奇迹之后
It's not a Dead END 这并不是Dead END


1 Take Me To Your Heart
吻别 - 张学友
2 Stop! Stop! Stop!
Love Love Love - 蔡依林
3 What The World Need Now is Love
全世界的爱 - 周华健
4 Je M'appelle Helene
我的名字是伊莲 - 伊莲 Helene Rolles(法语)
5 Cindearalla
半糖主义 - S.H.E
6 Better Man
Better Man - 林忆莲
7 Sitting Down Here
我坐在这里 - 林忆莲
8 Bring It All Back
Don't Stop - 蔡依林
9 She's Gone
解脱 - 张惠妹
10 Now You're Gone
用心良苦 - 张宇
11 Please Don't Leave Me
谢谢你的爱 - 刘德华
12 Love You With All My Heart
等你等到我心痛 - 张学友
13 Greatest Love of All
至爱 - 陈百强
14 The Girl Next Door
对面的女孩看过来 - 任贤齐
15 No Way I Can Hide
一天一点爱恋 - 梁朝伟
16 Every Time I Think Of you
你怎么舍得我难过 - 黄品源
17 Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
明天你是否依然爱我 - 童安格
18 Alon
飘雪 - 陈慧娴
19 Dreams
梦中人 - 王菲
20 Proud Of You
挥着翅膀的女孩 - 容祖儿
21 U Make Me Wanna
U Make Me Wanna (Featuring Blue) - 萧亚轩
22 Brow Eyes
恋人未满 - S.H.E
23 Don't Wanna Be
谁的眼泪在飞 - 孟庭苇
24 Just A Fantasy
情网 - 张学友
25 Leep On Loving You
容易受伤的女人 - 王菲
26 If I Could
祝福 - 张学友
27 Let Him Go
心太软 - 任贤齐
28 Would You Please Come Home
今夜你会不会来 - 黎明
29 Doctor Jones
爱情大魔咒 - 赵薇
30 I Still Belive
依然 - 林忆莲
31 The Look
你知我知 - 谭咏麟
32 Colors Of The Wind
风之彩 - 辛晓琪
33 A Whole New World
萍水相逢 - 周华健&陈淑桦
34 Love Is Only Just A Dream
一起走过的日子 - 刘德华
35 My Dream
一路上有你 - 张学友
36 Baby I'm Sorry
宝贝对不起 - 草蜢
37 In My Heart
每天爱你多一些 - 张学友
38 I Belive
I Believe - 杜德伟


英文歌翻译成中文歌`01 Take Me To Your Heart 吻别 - 张学友 02 Stop! Stop! Stop! Love Love Love - 蔡依林 03 What The World Need Now is Love 全世界的爱 - 周华健 04 Je M'appelle Helene 我的名字是伊莲 - 伊莲 Helene Rolles(法语) 05 Cindearalla 半糖主义 - S.H.E 06 Better Man Better Man - 林忆莲 07 Sitting Down Here 我坐在这里 - 林忆莲 08 Bring It All Back Don't Stop - 蔡依林 09 She's Gone 解脱 - 张惠妹 10 Now You're Gone 用心良苦 - 张宇 11 Please Don't Leave Me 谢谢你的爱 - 刘德华 12 Love You With All My Heart 等你等到我心痛 - 张学友 13 Greatest Love of All 至爱 - 陈百强 14 The Girl Next Door 对面的女孩看过来 - 任贤齐 15 No Way I Can Hide 一天一点爱恋 - 梁朝伟 16 Every Time I Think Of you 你怎么舍得我难过 - 黄品源 17 Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow 明天你是否依然爱我 - 童安格 18 Alon 飘雪 - 陈慧娴 19 Dreams 梦中人 - 王菲 20 Proud Of You 挥着翅膀的女孩 - 容祖儿 21 U Make Me Wanna U Make Me Wanna (Featuring Blue) - 萧亚轩 22 Brow Eyes 恋人未满 - S.H.E 23 Don't Wanna Be 谁的眼泪在飞 - 孟庭苇 24 Just A Fantasy 情网 - 张学友 25 Leep On Loving You 容易受伤的女人 - 王菲 26 If I Could 祝福 - 张学友 27 Let Him Go 心太软 - 任贤齐 28 Would You Please Come Home 今夜你会不会来 - 黎明 29 Doctor Jones 爱情大魔咒 - 赵薇 30 I Still Belive 依然 - 林忆莲 31 The Look 你知我知 - 谭咏麟 32 Colors Of The Wind 风之彩 - 辛晓琪 33 A Whole New World 萍水相逢 - 周华健&陈淑桦 34 Love Is Only Just A Dream 一起走过的日子 - 刘德华 35 My Dream 一路上有你 - 张学友 36 Baby I'm Sorry 宝贝对不起 - 草蜢 37 In My Heart 每天爱你多一些 - 张学友 38 I Belive I Believe - 杜德伟

