
时间:2024-03-11 21:57:31编辑:分享君


《天使之城》 是由星暴国际自主研发,以虚拟的奇幻世界为背景的,充满绿色文化和宏扬环保主题的战棋养成类网页游戏。《天使之城》在2009年风靡全球的战 棋塔防经典游戏--植物大战僵尸的基础上,摒弃了植物大战僵尸血腥暴力因素,利用全新的设计理念,使游戏更具节奏感和趣味性。在这个充满奇幻的世界里,植 物和昆虫是否能和谐共处,一切将有你来抉择,让我们一起共同演绎这个奇妙世界。


Every major religion in the world makes some reference to winged messengers of God. According to the Bible, they are immortal beings, numbering in the millions, created by God before the beginning of time, to act as His messengers or carry out His will. While angels have been typically depicted in art and literature as winged females, the majority of the biblical references have portrayed angels as wingless men, normally invisible to humans. However, when they do appear, in order to deliver a message, they generally appear in human form. In "City of Angels", the latest film from director Brad Silberling ("Casper"), the scriptural accounts of angels are woven into a romantic drama, as hundreds of timeless male angels keep watch over Los Angeles.

Seth (Nicolas Cage of "Face/Off" and "Leaving Las Vegas") is such an angel, one of the many silent and solitary figures that hover over the city, providing quiet inspiration and focus to its human inhabitants, and easing the transition between life and the afterlife for the dying. Unlike his partner Cassiel (Andre Braugher of "Homicide: Life on the Street", perhaps the best actor working on television today), Seth is not satisfied with merely being a voyeur of human activity, or reading about the wonders of human experience through the words of Hemingway-- he wishes to embrace it. While on his divine wandering, he happens to come across a hospital operating room, where Maggie Rice (Meg Ryan of "Addicted to Love" and "Courage Under Fire"), a heart surgeon, has just failed to revive her patient. Seth, watching the anguish and pain of failure on Maggie's face, is instantly enamored with her, and wants to comfort her.

Longing to become closer to Maggie, Seth makes himself visible to her. Unfortunately, Maggie is engaged to another doctor, Jordan (Colm Feore), and soon she finds herself torn between the comfortable yet emotionally-dishonest relationship with Jordan, and her inexplicable attraction to Seth, a calm face of tranquility without a past. But because he is an angel, Seth is unable to truly love her, and he faces a difficult choice-- to spend eternity in his present form and never know the warmth of Maggie's touch, or to 'fall', giving up his divine existence, to fully embrace the human condition and be with Maggie.

"City of Angels" is a lot like "Great Expectations" with respect to the uneven mix of the visceral and narrative elements. On the one hand, it is a beautifully-directed film that places the oft-photographed Los Angeles landmarks into a mystical context, and many of the scenes are exquisitely-realized through the warm cinematography of John Seale (who also lensed "The English Patient"). The angels, dressed in black flowing robes, are universal in their presence, standing on the beach in Santa Monica to bask in the first rays of the new day, watching over the city from their rooftop perchings, or absorbing the richness of human thought in the city's libraries. Never has the Los Angeles cityscape looked so intoxicatingly quixotic. With its metaphysical elements, "City of Angels" seems to be one of those European arthouse flights of philosophical fancy, such as Krzysztof Kieslowski's "Three Colors: Red". Indeed, "City of Angels" is loosely-based on the 1987 Wim Wenders film "Wings of Desire", which had the angelic overseers of post-war Berlin discuss the joy and pain of the human condition as they shuffled peacefully through the city.

However, "City of Angels" fails to create any emotional resonance within its narrative, and as a result, it does not rise above the level of your typical Hollywood melodramatic weeper. First of all, whereas Krzysztof Kieslowski's "Three Colors: Red" dealt with many of the same themes, such as destiny, the existence of soulmates, and the dichotomy of human existence, Kieslowski was more subtle in articulating his thesis, a 'passive-aggressive' approach that allowed the audience to arrive at the conclusions on their own. In "City of Angels", the narrative has been 'Americanized' to the point where the characters actually hand you everything on a plate by telling you-- leaving no room for interpretation. A noticeable side effect of this blatant thematic exposition is the very prosaic dialogue, almost clunky, to the point of eliciting a few chuckles from the more cynical members of the audience.

Furthermore, the structure of the film follows the prototypical romantic-comedy narrative form, right down to becoming predictable in the third act-- which may have been fine if this film was meant to be a light diversion. However, this ambitious film aims to be much more, and this rigid adherence to the formula diminishes its intentions, bringing an almost cheesy sentimentality to the proceedings.

Performance-wise, Cage is perfectly cast as Seth, his expressive face and body language bringing across the cherubic and compassionate aspects of his character with a remarkably low-key performance. Ryan brings a good mix of vulnerability and strength to her character, who makes the transition of having her actions being ruled by her head, to having them ruled by the heart. Dennis Franz ("NYPD Blue") is engaging as a patient of Maggie that helps Seth learn to embrace the joy of life, and Braugher is well-cast as Seth's serene celestial colleague.

I really wanted to have passion for this film, because it had all the right elements going for it: a celebration of the human condition, engaging visceral elements, and an exploration of destiny and fate. However, this hope soon faded in light of the flat narrative and mundane dialogue-- it was nice to look at, but it didn't say anything important. As an overemotional weepfest, it probably fills the bill-- just don't look for anything meaningful beyond that.



An angel must decide if love is more important than eternal peace in this Americanized adaptation of Wim Wenders' modern classic Wings of Desire. Seth (Nicholas Cage) is an angel who hovers over the city of Los Angeles, listening to people's thoughts, observing their lives, and guiding them to the next world when they die. While Seth and his fellow angels try to offer comfort to people as they can, they are discouraged from direct contact with humans and are usually invisible to them. While at a hospital, Seth sees Maggie (Meg Ryan), a dedicated heart surgeon who attempts to save the life of a patient Seth was to call upon. Maggie is distraught after the patient passes, and her agony touches something inside the reserved Seth; he finds himself falling in love with her, and he decides to make himself visible so he can communicate with her. As Maggie gets to know the strange visitor in black who has suddenly appeared in her life, she finds herself torn between her new feelings for Seth and her attachment to her fiancé Jordan (Colm Feore), a fellow doctor. Seth, on the other hand, has a serious choice to make -- between immortality and giving it up in order to know both the pleasures and pains of being a human being. City of Angels also stars Dennis Franz as Messinger, a patient at the hospital who has some important advice for Seth. The film's soundtrack featured two Top Ten hits, "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls and "Uninvited" by Alanis Morissette.

相关简介2:Los Angeles—often known simply as L.A. or informally as the City of Angels—is the largest city in the state of California and the second-largest in the United States. As of the 2005 U.S. Census estimate, the city had a population of 3.8 million. The city is the core cultural and economic center of the Los Angeles–Long Beach–Santa Ana metropolitan area with a population of 12.9 million.[1]

Los Angeles was incorporated as a municipality on April 4, 1850—five months before California achieved statehood—and is the county seat of Los Angeles County. The city has a global presence as a center of culture, science, and higher education. Los Angeles is arguably the world's leading producer of popular entertainment—such as motion pictures, television, and recorded music—which gives a great boost to its international fame.

Los Angeles is also one of the most cosmopolitan places in the world—it is home to people from virtually every nation on Earth. The city has hosted two Olympic Games—in 1932 and 1984—and is home to world-renowned scientific and cultural institutions. People have long been attracted to the world-class city for its balmy weather, unique and vibrant lifestyle, laid-back energy, Pacific Rim Gateway status, and the hope of realizing the "American Dream."

Main article: History of Los Angeles, California
The Los Angeles coastal area was inhabited by the Tongva (or Gabrieleños), Chumash, and earlier Native American peoples for thousands of years. The Spanish arrived in 1542, when Juan Cabrillo visited the area.

In 1769, Gaspar de Portolà led an expedition across southern California with Franciscan Padres Junípero Serra and Juan Crespi. Father Crespi had picked out a site along the river for a mission, but in 1771 Father Serra had the Mission San Gabriel Arcángel built near Whittier Narrows. After a 1776 flood, the mission was moved to its present site in San Gabriel.

Olvera Street.On September 4, 1781 44 Mexican settlers set out from the San Gabriel Mission to establish a town at Crespi's site. The town was named El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de la Porciuncula, ("The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels of the 'little portion'"). It remained a small ranch town for decades. Today the outline of the Pueblo is preserved in a Historic Monument familiarly called Olvera Street.

Mexico's independence from Spain was achieved in 1821, but the greatest change took place in present-day Montebello after the Battle of Rio San Gabriel in 1847, which decided the fate of Los Angeles. Americans gained control after they flooded into California during the Gold Rush and secured the subsequent admission of California into the United States.

Los Angeles was incorporated as a city in 1850. Railroads arrived when the Southern Pacific completed its line to Los Angeles in 1876. Oil was discovered in 1892, and by 1923 Los Angeles was supplying one-quarter of the world's petroleum.

Even more important to the city's growth was water. In 1913, William Mulholland completed the aqueduct that assured the city's growth and led to the annexation by the City of Los Angeles, starting in 1915, of dozens of neighboring communities without water supplies of their own. A largely fictionalized account of the Owens Valley Water War can be found in the 1974 motion picture Chinatown.

In the 1920s the motion picture and aviation industries both flocked to Los Angeles and helped to further develop it. The city was the proud host of the 1932 Summer Olympics which brought along the development of Baldwin Hills, the original Olympic Village. World War II brought new growth and prosperity to the city, although many of its Japanese-American residents were transported to internment camps for the duration of the war. This period also saw the arrival of the German exiles, who included such notables as Thomas Mann, Fritz Lang, Bertolt Brecht and Lion Feuchtwanger. The postwar years saw an even greater boom as urban sprawl expanded into the San Fernando Valley.

The Watts riots in 1965 showed the nation the deep racial divisions that the city faced. The ARPANET (the Internet's ancestor) was born in Los Angeles. In 1969, the first ARPANET transmission was sent from UCLA to SRI in Menlo Park. The XXIII Olympiad was successfully hosted in Los Angeles in 1984. The city was once again tested by the 1992 Los Angeles riots and the 1994 Northridge earthquake and a city-wide vote on San Fernando Valley and Hollywood secession was defeated in 2002. Now, urban redevelopment and gentrification have been taking place at a furious pace in various parts of the city, most notably Downtown, which is poised to be the home of many more cultural and entertainment institutions than ever before.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 498.3 square miles (1,290.6 km²)—469.1 square miles (1,214.9 km²) of it is land and 29.2 square miles (75.7 km²) of it is water. The total area is 5.86% water.

The extreme north-south distance is 44 miles (71 km), the extreme east-west distance is 29 miles (47 km), and the length of the city boundary is 342 miles (550 km). The land area is the 9th largest in the Continental United States (excluding Juneau, Alaska and Honolulu, Hawaii).

The highest point in Los Angeles is Sister Elsie Peak (5,080 feet) at the far reaches of the northeastern San Fernando Valley, part of Mt. Lukens. The Los Angeles River is a largely seasonal river flowing through the city, with headwaters in the San Fernando Valley. Its length is almost entirely lined in concrete.

The Los Angeles area is remarkably rich in native plant species. With its beaches, dunes, wetlands, hills, mountains, and rivers, the area contains a number of important biological communities. The largest area is coastal sage scrub, which covers the hillsides in combustible chaparral. Native plants include: California poppy, matilija poppy, toyon, coast live oak, giant wild rye grass, and hundreds of others. Unfortunately, many native species are so rare as to be endangered, such as the Los Angeles sunflower.

There are many exotic flowers and flowering trees that are blooming year-round, with subtle colors, including the jacaranda, hibiscus, phlox, bougainvillea, coral tree blossoms and bird of paradise. If there were no city here, flower-growing could still flourish as an industry, as it does in Lompoc. Wisteria has been known to grow to house-lot size, and in Descanso Gardens there are forests of camellia trees. Orchids require special attention in this Mediterranean climate.

Like most areas of California, Los Angeles is subject to earthquakes, due to its proximity to the San Andreas Fault, as well as to the smaller San Jacinto and Banning faults in southern California. The most recent major earthquake was the 1994 Northridge earthquake, which was centered in the northern San Fernando Valley. Coming less than two years after the 1992 riots, the Northridge earthquake was an emotional shock to Southern Californians, and caused physical damage totalling billions of dollars. Other major earthquakes in the Los Angeles area include the 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake, the 1971 Sylmar earthquake, and the 1933 Long Beach earthquake. Nevertheless, most earthquakes are relatively minor. Many residents of Los Angeles feel one or two minor earthquakes per year, which do little or no damage. Imperceptible quakes are detected by seismometers on a daily basis.

The city is divided into many neighborhoods, many of which were towns that were annexed by the growing city. There are also several independent cities in and around Los Angeles, but they are popularly grouped with the city of Los Angeles by most people since they lie mostly in Los Angeles County and are thus very intertwined. Generally, the city is divided into the following areas: Downtown, East L.A., South Los Angeles, the South Bay/Harbor, Hollywood, Mid-Wilshire (or Mid City), the Westside (which includes West Los Angeles as well as the cities of Santa Monica and West Hollywood), and the San Fernando Valley. Recently in the last ten years, "Eastside" has appeared as a new designation to contrast with the more traditional "Westside" description (though many Angelenos reject the term as a trendy East Coast import). Some well-known communities of Los Angeles include Venice Beach, the Downtown financial district, Los Feliz, Silver Lake, Hollywood, Hancock Park,Koreatown, and the very affluent areas of Bel-Air, Westwood, and Brentwood.

The city is situated in a Mediterranean climate or subtropical zone, experiencing mild, reasonably dry winters and warm to hot, dry summers. Generally the weather is warm and dry in all seasons, with 325 days of sunshine a year. Breezes from the Pacific Ocean tend to keep the beach communities of the Los Angeles area cooler in summer and warmer in winter than those further inland, and summer temperatures can sometimes vary by as much as 25 degrees warmer in the inland communities compared to that of the coastal communities. The coastal communities of Los Angeles are commonly affected by a phenomenon known as a 'marine layer', a dense cloud cover caused by the proximity of the ocean, that helps keep the temperatures cooler throughout the year. Temperatures in the summer can get well over 90 °F (32 °C), but average summer daytime highs are 85 °F (29 °C), with overnight lows of 66 °F (18 °C). Winter daytime high temperatures will get up to around 70 °F (21 °C), on average, with overnight lows of 48 °F (8 °C) and during this season rain is a possibility. The median temperature in January is 58.3 °F (14.6 °C) and 74.3 °F (23.5 °C) in July. The highest temperature recorded within city borders was 116.0 °F (46.7 °C) in Canoga Park in 1985; the lowest temperature recorded was 18.0 °F (−7.8 °C) in 1989, also in Canoga Park. The highest temperature ever recorded for Downtown Los Angeles was 112.0 °F (44.4 °C) on June 26, 1990, and the lowest temperature ever recorded was 28.0 °F (−2.2 °C) on January 4, 1949. Rain occurs mainly in the winter and spring months (February being the wettest month) with great variations in storm severity year by year. Los Angeles averages 15 inches (381 mm) of precipitation per year. It rarely snows in the city basin, but the mountains slopes within city limits typically receive snow every year. With weather permitting, it is possible to snow ski and surf on the same day in the Los Angeles area.

尼古拉斯 凯奇的电影《天使之城》的大概内容是什么?

影片原名: City of Angels
影片译名: 天使之城/天使多情
导 演: Brad Silberling 布拉德 西尔伯林
主要演员: 尼古拉斯 凯奇 Nicolas Cage
梅格 瑞安 Meg Ryan
安德烈 布劳格 Andre Braugher
丹尼斯 弗朗兹 Dennis Franz
Colm Feore
Robin Bartlett
乔安娜 默林 Joanna Merlin

塞斯是上帝的使者,他拥有着天使应该拥有的一切法力,他可以永生,他可以去任何想去的地方,他可以不用像凡人一样为生活疲于奔命……当然他也无法拥有一些东西,他有翅膀却感觉不到微风拂过脸颊,他不畏惧暴风雨却也感受不到温暖,他与心爱的人近在咫尺却闻不到她的发香……. 他的使命是将刚刚死去的灵魂带到天堂,他每天从病房中将已去的人们带到另一个世界,他却爱上了那位与死神争夺生命的医生梅姬,他不明白为什么上帝不给予他感情却让他拥有自由的意志,自由的意志让他别无选择只能坠入爱河,他为了心爱的人宁愿落入凡尘,宁愿放弃天使的身份,放弃永生……于是他重重的从高处落下,他的手流出了鲜血,他却为能感受疼痛而兴奋不已,他终于可以奔向心爱的人。然而他不知从他落入凡尘的一瞬他就注定要承受凡间的一切,包括弄人的命运…….他放弃了永生,选择了短暂,不想竟短暂至此……他和那个美丽的女医生共同度过了一段美好的日子,然后那个女医生就因为车祸死了。



  影片原名: City of Angels
  影片译名: 天使之城/天使多情
  导 演: Brad Silberling 布拉德 西尔伯林
  主要演员: 尼古拉斯 凯奇 Nicolas Cage
  梅格 瑞安 Meg Ryan
  安德烈 布劳格 Andre Braugher
  丹尼斯 弗朗兹 Dennis Franz
  Colm Feore
  Robin Bartlett
  乔安娜 默林 Joanna Merlin

  塞斯是上帝的使者,他拥有着天使应该拥有的一切法力,他可以永生,他可以去任何想去的地方,他可以不用像凡人一样为生活疲于奔命……当然他也无法拥有一些东西,他有翅膀却感觉不到微风拂过脸颊,他不畏惧暴风雨却也感受不到温暖,他与心爱的人近在咫尺却闻不到她的发香……. 他的使命是将刚刚死去的灵魂带到天堂,他每天从病房中将已去的人们带到另一个世界,他却爱上了那位与死神争夺生命的医生梅姬,他不明白为什么上帝不给予他感情却让他拥有自由的意志,自由的意志让他别无选择只能坠入爱河,他为了心爱的人宁愿落入凡尘,宁愿放弃天使的身份,放弃永生……于是他重重的从高处落下,他的手流出了鲜血,他却为能感受疼痛而兴奋不已,他终于可以奔向心爱的人。然而他不知从他落入凡尘的一瞬他就注定要承受凡间的一切,包括弄人的命运…….他放弃了永生,选择了短暂,不想竟短暂至此……他和那个美丽的女医生共同度过了一段美好的日子,然后那个女医生就因为车祸死了。




尼古拉斯 凯奇的电影《天使之城》的大概内容是什么?

赛斯是一位天使,凡人看不到天使,只有将死的人才能看到他们。而天使的任务就是带走他们的灵魂。一天,赛斯出现在洛杉矶一家医院的手术间,医生正在极力抢救病人,但最终赛斯还是带走了他。手术期间,赛斯感受到了主刀女医生玛姬的注视,那目光里的坚定和执着深深震撼了赛斯,他已经被玛姬吸引住了。玛姬因为手术失败而无比自责,感到绝望无力。这期间赛斯一直默默地陪在玛姬身边,尽管玛姬感受不到他的存在。   赛斯爱上了玛姬,这个美丽善良而自信的女医生。他多么希望玛姬能注意到他,多么希望能够碰触玛姬(天使是没有触觉的),并走进她的生活。凡人看不见天使,除非天使自愿现身。所以赛斯冒险在玛姬面前现身了。玛姬只见了赛斯一面,就再也忘不了了。她被赛斯英俊的外表和忧郁迷人的气质吸引。   赛斯和玛姬渐渐熟起来了。但对于赛斯的来历玛姬却很困惑,每次问起赛斯总是答得含糊不清。赛斯说他不是一个凡人,玛姬感到很混乱很困惑。但渐渐地她开始相信,因为赛斯的 天使之城
与众不同。拍照时照片中看不到赛斯,被刀子划了却没有伤口……他们深深相爱,无奈那只是一个关于天使与凡人的童话,他们如何相守?   同时,在医院里时,赛斯发现了一个惊人的秘密——玛姬的一个病人居然曾经是天使。那一天,赛斯去病房,被那个病人发现了。原来,那个病人曾经是天使,后来下凡成了凡人。方法就是怀着强烈的意愿从高处跳下。   为了能真真切切感受到玛姬,为了与玛姬厮守一生,赛斯决定放弃永生,成为凡人。当坠地的那一刻,他感到了前所未有的快乐。他疯了一样地去找玛姬,玛姬正在别墅度假。他们终于能真切地感受到对方的存在,那么真实而美好。他们甜蜜地靠在一起,仿佛看到了永恒。   然而,美好总是短暂的。第二天,玛姬因车祸而死。赛斯在最后一刻赶到。玛姬靠在赛斯怀里,看着天空说,我看到他们了。她看到的是天使。天使在带走人的灵魂时,会问他们最喜欢什么。玛姬告诉赛斯,如果被问起,她一定回答:是你。而赛斯,也曾经说过同样的话.不知道为什么,我一看到这部电影就觉得是悲剧。最终电影也乐极生悲,不过能死在人生最快乐的时刻,死在爱人怀里也是一种莫大的幸福。

电影《City of Angels》尼古拉斯凯奇和梅格瑞恩主演的,原著是什么?作者是谁?

原片名 Der Himmel uber Berlin
中文译名:柏林苍穹下 又译 欲望之翼。




  英文名:Nicolas Cage
  全 名:Nicholas Kim Coppola
  性 别:男
  生 日:1964年1月7日
  祖 籍:意大利
  星 座:摩羯座
  血 型:A型
  身 高:183cm
  体 重 :210磅 (95.2KG)
  职 业 :导演、演员、电影制片人
  想演的角色:教父中的吉米坎Jimmy Caan、吸血鬼德拉库拉Dracula
  偶 像:劳勃·狄尼诺Robert DeNiro 、马龙·白兰度Marlon Brando 、克林特伊斯特伍德Clint Eastwood
  家 人:父亲 August Coppola 旧金山大学比较文学教授 母亲 Joy Vogelsang 舞蹈家
  叔父 Francis Ford Coppola 《教父》导演 祖父 Camine Coppola NBC首席吹笛手 妻子Alice Kim 儿子Weston Coppola Cage /Kal-Er Coppola Cage
  第1任:帕特丽夏·阿奎特--Patricia·Arquette (1995.4.08--2001.5.18) 早在上世纪80年代初,凯奇见到Arquette第一面时便向她求婚,Arquette觉得很奇怪,于是列了一些难以做到的事情并说:如果可以做到就嫁给他。在多年之后他俩还是结婚了。
  第2任:丽莎·玛丽·普雷斯利--Lisa·Marie·Presley (2002.8.10--2004.5.16) 猫王独生女,著名歌星Michael·Jackson的前妻。婚后4个月便分居。
  现 任:爱丽斯·金--Alice·Kim (2004.5.30--) 韩裔,曾为洛杉矶某酒店招待,并在一家寿司店做过舞妓。与凯奇在洛杉矶某夜总会偶遇,后在新西兰附近的岛屿闪电结婚。
  “三 子”:
  儿子:Weston,,与前演员女友Kristina Fulton所生;.Enzo,继子,为妻子与前男友所生

  车子:兰博基尼1994年黑色、兰博基尼1971Miura SVJ、法拉利、雪佛兰1967银灰色、阿斯顿马丁GP





  1988年,他在影片《吸血鬼之吻》中扮演了一位纽约雅皮士,后来变成了一个吸血鬼,该片堪称是凯奇从影以来最为“过分”的演出,因为在拍片时,他甚至真的活吞了一只蟑螂。不过那只倒霉的蟑螂却似乎给他带来了好运。此后他那带点疲惫,有些低调的形象开始为人们所接受。1990年他又演出了《火鸟出击》和《我心狂野》。《我心狂野》有着诡异强烈的影像风格,及超现实的气氛。片尾凯奇身着蛇皮夹克站在滚滚车流之上演唱猫王名曲“Love Me Tender”一段更成了电影史上的一个经典场面。该片1992年获第43届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖,成了凯奇创作的转折点。


  凯奇在1994年拍摄的几部影片却引起了不俗的反响,在《第一夫人的保镖》中他饰演一位保护前总统夫人的特工。在《倾城佳话》中,他饰演了一位信守诺言的诚实警察,将中彩票得来的奖金分了一半送给一个女招待作小费。 在《天堂有难》中, 他又饰演了一位被小镇居民感化而弃恶从善的劫匪。凯奇在片中的表现也都相当地出色。不过他却似乎厌倦了演这种善良的小人物,于是在1995年,他的形象有了极大的变化。在影片《死亡之吻》中,凯奇扮演了一位冷血杀手。为了演好这个凶狠强壮的杀手角色,他还特别加强了身体锻炼以获得外形上的效果。











  国家宝藏3National Treasure 3 (2010)

  魔法师的学徒The Sorcerer's Apprentice(2010)

  电子上帝Electric God (2010)

  坏中尉Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2010)

  女巫季节Season of the Witch (2010)

  闪亮的人生The Dance (2010)

  铁臂阿童木Astro Boy (2009-10-23)

  海扁王 Kick-Ass (2009)

  豚鼠特攻队G-Force (2009-7-24)

  极度恐惧 (2009)

  Amarillo Slim (2009)

  先知/先知先觉/地球毁灭密码/末日预言 Knowing (2009-3-20)

  曼谷杀手 Bangkok Dangerous(2008-8-21)

  国家宝藏2:神秘书 National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007-12-21)

  预见未来/惊魂下一秒 Next(2007-4-27)

  世贸中心:World Trade Center(2006-11-9)

  恶灵骑士/幽灵骑士/灵魂战车 Ghost Rider (2006-8-4)

  异教徒/柳条人 The Wicker Man (2006-1-1)

  天气预报员 The Weather Man (2005-4-1)

  战争之王 Lord of War (2005-1-1)

  国家宝藏/惊天夺宝 National Treasure (2004-11-19)

  命运之土 Land of Destiny (2004-6-3)

  火柴人 Matchstick Men (2003-8-8)

  改编剧本/兰花盗 Adaptation (2002-12-6)

  追风战士/风语者 Windtalkers (2002-6-14)

  柯莱利上尉的曼陀林/战地情人 Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001-8-17)

  居家男人/住家男人/加料感情线 The.Family.Man (2000-12-22)

  极速60秒/惊天动地60秒/致命60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000-6-5)

  替代情人/穿梭阴阳界 Bringing.Out.the.Dead (1999-10-22)

  八毫米 8mm (1999-2-19)

  蛇眼 Snake Eyes (1998-8-7)

  天使之城 City of Angels (1998-4-10)

  变脸/夺面双雄 Face Off (1997-6-27)

  空中监狱 Con Air (1997-6-5)

  勇闯夺命岛/石破天惊/绝地任务 The Rock (1996-6-7)

  死亡之吻 Kiss of Death (1995-4-21)

  离开拉斯维加斯/远离赌城/两颗绝望的心 Leaving Lasvegas (1995-1-1)

  天堂有难 Trapped in Paradise (1994-12-2)

  倾城佳话 It Could Happen To You (1994-7-29)

  超级赌徒.连环计中计 Deadfall (1994-7-15)

  第一夫人的保镖 Guarding Tess (1994-3-11)

  世纪电影 Century of Cinema, A (1994-1-1)

  西部红石镇 Red Rock West (1993-6-16)

  拉斯维加斯的蜜月旅行 Honeymoon in Vegas (1992-8-28)

  情挑野玫瑰/禁忌情缘 Zandalee (1991年)

  火鸟出击 Fire Birds (1990-5-25)

  全面攻击/杀戮时刻 Tempo di uccidere (1990-1-1)

  我心狂野 Wild At Heart (1990-1-1)

  吸血鬼之吻 Vampire's Kiss (1989-6-2)

  月色撩人 Moonstruck (1987-12-18)

  抚养亚历桑那 Raising Arizona (1987-3-6)

  忧郁男孩 the Boy in Blue(1986)

  佩姬苏要出嫁 Peggy Sue Got Married (1986-10-10)

  棉花俱乐部 The Cotton Club (1984)

  鸟人 Birdy (1984-12-14)

  爱的召集令 Racing with the Moon (1984-8-23)

  斗鱼 Rumble Fish (1983-10-21)

  山谷女孩 Valley Girl (1983-4-8)

  开放的美国学府 Fast Time at Ridgement High (1982)


Paula Cole的Feelin' Love

You make me feel like a sticky pistil...
Leaning into a stamen
You make me feel like a mister sunshine...
You make me feel like splendor in the grass...
While we’re rollin’
Damn skippy baby
You make me feel like the amazon’s runnin’ between...
My thighs
You make me feel love, love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
You make me feel like a candy apple
All red and horny
You make me feel like I wanna be a dumb blonde
In a centerfold, the girl next door
And I would open the door and...
I’d be all wet
With my tits soaking through this tiny little t-shirt...
That I’m wearing
And you would open the door and tie...
Me up to the bed
Lover, but I don’t know who I am
Am I barry white? am I isis? ohhh...
Lover, I’m laced with your unconscious
Oh baby babe babe baby
I will be your desdemona ahhhhh...
Take your time
You make me feel ahaa
You make me feel woowoo baby
You make me feel ahaa mmm
You make me feel loved


1、 夺面双雄(变脸)


2、勇闯夺命岛 与 空中监狱


3、国家宝藏 系列

尼古拉斯·凯奇最著名的票房力作是《国家宝藏》系列,《国家宝藏2》4.57亿美元的全球票房收入,也成为凯奇电影作品中的最高纪录。 但是个人感觉2没有1好看一些。






》。《野性难驯》有着诡异强烈的影像风格,及超现实的气氛。片尾凯奇身着蛇皮夹克站在滚滚车流之上演唱猫王名曲“Love Me Tender”一段更成了电影史上的一个经典场面。该片1992年获第43届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖,成了凯奇创作的转折点。










8毫米》 导演:乔·舒马赫 主演:尼古拉斯.. / 詹姆斯·.. / 凯瑟琳·.. /更多 类型:惊悚 悬疑 美国 首映:1999年2月19日 美国 又名:八毫米 /八厘米 /8厘米感官谋杀案 点评:你相信一卷看似无奇的八毫米影片,却是让你卷入罪恶深渊的媒介吗?汤姆威勒是个传奇性的监视专家,他住在宾州,有个心爱的老婆爱咪和宝贝女儿辛蒂。汤威勒平日以接一些无危险性的外遇案件维生,但是他心中很渴望遇上一个能证明他专业能力的契机。直到一天,一卷看似安全又小巧的八毫米影带将汤姆威勒正常的生活完全给颠覆到社会的黑暗面中,并一步步诱引他陷入一场比一场更险恶的危机中。不管汤姆威勒走到哪里,他都无法将影片上那个怪异又生动的陌生女孩形象给忘记,于是陷入良心不安的情境中。直到一个成人书店的店员麦克斯激发了他放弃家人而前往调查真相的勇气。汤姆威勒将会发现一卷小小的八毫米影片,竟是他所无法想像的致命梦魇。 汤姆·威利斯是一位专门侦察别人隐私的私人侦探,他与妻子和女儿一起住在宾西法尼亚的哈斯利堡。威利斯的事业还算成功,总是能接到许多案子,但大都是跟踪奸夫淫妇寻找他们外遇的事实,这些工作都不可能有任何危险,也不会受到威胁恐吓,他心中十分渴望遇上一个能证明他专业能力的机会。这时一卷看似无奇的八厘米影片却使他卷入罪恶的深渊。 为了追查影片上那个怪异又生动的陌生女孩,威利斯开始过着今天不知道明天会发生什么的日子,他一路追踪但却发现自己正陷入一场比一场更险恶的危机之中…… Tom Welles是宾州一个工作稳定,家庭美满的中年人,他的工作是对特定对象进行监视。Tom平日的工作大多是外遇案件,但一个偶然的机会使他满足了内心深处对刺激的渴望。一位工业巨子的遗孀把Tom请去,向他展示她在已故丈夫的保险箱里找到的一卷8毫米胶片。这位遗孀雇佣Tom为她追查胶片里那个令人不安的年轻女人的下落,Tom循着蛛丝马迹,横穿美国一直追到了加州的好莱坞。在那里,Tom遇到了成人杂志店职员Max,从他那里逐渐揭开了整个故事…… 《倾城佳话》 导演:Andrew Bergman 主演:尼古拉斯.. / 布里吉特.. / 罗西·培.. /更多 类型:爱情 剧情 喜剧 首映:1994年7月29日 美国 又名:爱在纽约 /你也可能碰上的.. /Cop Gives Waitr.. 点评:查理(尼古拉斯·凯奇)是个善良、温和、喜欢孩子的好警察。就是这份善良使他的生活产生了巨变。一次查理无钱付给即将破产的招待依芳小费,便把刚买的彩票抵押,并约定如果中了奖,就分给她一半;如果没中,第二天他会来补上小费。戏剧性的故事发生了!查理的彩票中了四百万美元巨奖!信守诺言的查理经过心理斗争,分给了依芳一半的奖金,尽管这招来了恶妻...更多倾城佳话的剧情 《战争之王》 导演:安德鲁·尼科尔 主演:尼古拉斯.. / 伊桑·霍.. / 布丽姬·.. /更多 类型:惊悚 犯罪 美国 首映:2005年9月16日 美国 又名:军火之王 点评:当尤瑞·奥洛夫(尼可拉斯·凯奇饰)很小的时候就跟随着自己的家庭从乌克兰移居美国。尤瑞的家族生意就是经营饭馆,但是一个偶然的机会令他踏入了军火生意的大门,有一次他意外目睹了两个俄罗斯黑帮之间的街头枪战,这让他认识到人类在吃饭的本能之外还有着仇恨和屠杀的欲望,从此开始了贩卖武器的“职业生涯”。尤瑞遇事机智,胆大心细,这不仅让他成功俘...更多战争之王的剧情 《天气预报员》 导演:戈尔·维宾斯基 主演:尼古拉斯·凯奇 / 迈克尔·凯恩 类型:喜剧 美国 小资闲情 首映:2005年10月20日 美国 又名:气象先生 点评:芝加哥天气预报员大卫(尼古拉斯·凯奇),被他的粉丝们热爱,也被诅咒--这些人在天气不好的时候会迁怒于他,而大部分时候,大卫都是在预报坏...更多天气预报员的剧情 《关键下一秒》 导演:李·塔玛霍利 / 李·塔玛霍瑞 主演:尼古拉斯.. / 朱莉安·.. / 杰西卡·.. /更多 类型:动作 惊悚 科幻 美国 首映:2007年4月25日 美国 又名:金人 /预见未来 /天眼救未来 点评:美国票房大片,尼古拉斯凯奇惊原来魔术师并不都只会一些骗人的小把戏,他们中也可能有人拥有特殊的能力,只是假装成是普通人而已。克里斯·约翰逊就是一个拥有独特超能力的魔术师,他能够看到未来几分钟发生的事情,但对于他来说,这种神秘的天赋有时候只是一个命运的诅咒而已。由于政府和医疗机构对他的能力产

