
扮寂2024-03-13 16:49:22園辞嵯嶇躱


昆囂:나는 생각했다. 나는 그녀의 것의 파악에게 손을 얻는 능력이 정말 있어 좋을 시간 때. 나는 일 발렌타인 데이에서 할 수 있다. 나의 첫번째에 의하여 일어난 그녀를 준다. 그리고 그녀를 요구한다. 저와 가진 생활을 함께 보내기 위하여 따른다 ......

晩囂:暴は深えた。 暴が泳溺の麗の委燐に返を誼る嬬薦を留りなく嗤してもいい扮寂扮。 暴は晩バレンタインデ`にできる。 暴の及1によって貧がった泳溺を嚥える。 そして泳溺を勣箔する。 暴との伏凋を匯偖に狛ごすために惄......

蟻囂:Ich dachte. Wenn ich Fähigkeit wirklich haben kann die Zeit, die Einfluß von ihrem Hand erhält. Ich Dose am valentine Tag der Tag. Gibt sie, die mein erstes stieg. Und verlangt sie. Willigt ein, um zusammen zu verbringen das Leben mit mir ......

隈囂:J'ai pens└. Quand je peux avoir la capacit└ vraiment le temps qui met la main sur le sien la main. Je bidon en jour de valentine qui jour. La donne que mon premier s'est lev└e. Et la demande. Se conforme pour passer ensemble la vie avec moi ......

錬整囂:‘κέφτηκα. Όταν μπορώ να έχω τη δυνατότητα αληθινά ο χρόνος που παίρνει τη λαβή δικός της χέρι. Μπορώ στην ημέρα βαλεντίνων εκείνη η ημέρα. Της δίνει τον πρώτο μου αυξήθηκε. Και αιτήματα αυτή. ‘υμμορφώνεται για να περάσει μαζί τη ζωή με με ......

吭寄旋囂:Ho pensato. Quando posso avere abilit┐ allineare il tempo che ottiene a stretta di suo la mano. Io latta nel giorno di valentine che giorno. La d┐ che il mio primo ┬ aumentato. E la chiede. Aderisce per spendermi insieme la vita con ......

塞声囂:Ik dacht. Wanneer ik capaciteit kan echt hebben de tijd die greep van van haar hand krijgt. Ik kan in valentine dag die dag. Geeft haar mijn eerste toenam. En verzoeken haar. Voldoet om het leven met me samen door te brengen ......
躯囂: думал. Когда я могу иметь способность поистине время получает владению hers руку. Я чонсервная банка в дне valentine день. Дает ее мое, котор первое подняло. И спрашивает ее. Исполняет для того чтобы проводить совместно жизнь с мной ......
届妄兩囂:Eu pensei. Quando eu puder ter a abilidade verdadeiramente o tempo que começa a preensão de dela a mão. Mim lata no dia de valentine que dia. D│-a que meu primeiro se levantou. E pede-a. Complies para gastar junto a vida com mim ......
廉萎兩囂:Pens└. Cuando puedo tener capacidad verdad el tiempo que consigue a asimiento el suyo la mano. Yo poder en el d┴a de valentine que d┴a. La da que se levant┏ mi primer. Y la solicita. Se conforma para pasar junta la vida con m┴ ......


正超倉遙[ət]。@= at響咄祥頁at議響咄。at哂 [ət] 胆 [æt,ət] prep.┗輅称志達壓;壓蝶扮寂賜扮震;參器; 鬘劾。n.唖蒙╂藁慮┗匍ノ撮100 唖蒙 = 1 児噸。制婢彿創@議竃崟汗彩青形嵒勣頼撹議垢恬頁泌採鳩隠宸倖喨周丘器屎鳩議窮辻。麿俶勣匯倖炎紛參緩委倖繁議兆忖揖麿侭喘議麼字蛍蝕。@!!明跳爽畢匯凛祥僉嶄阻宸倖蒙歩議忖憲宸倖壓繁兆岻嶄蒸斤音氏竃峙跳催。^万駅倬酒玉咀葎酒準頁恷嶷勣議。 ̄万竃崛烹@頁囚徒貧率匯議念崔炎紛。厘峪音狛心阻心万万祥壓椎戦厘封崛短嗤晦編凪麿忖憲。 ̄宸劔匯栖屡辛參酒準苧阻仇勧弓蝶繁壓蝶仇議佚連嗽閲窒阻窮辻侃尖寄楚佚連扮恢伏詞及匯方忖仇峽勧弓tomlinson@bbntenxa祥哘塰遇伏阻。噐頁祥嗤阻厘断聞喘議窮徨佚箋脹輅笑諒州哉肪旗鷹+@+窮辻麼字賜巷望旗鷹+窮辻麼字侭奉字更議來嵎旗鷹+曾倖忖銚燕幣議忽社旗鷹。宸聞誼窮徨喨周誼參宥狛利大彈鳩涙列仇勧僕遇拝験嚠憲催@匯倖畠仟議根吶。


Actor shaping the role which is to deal with the most difficult relationship between the self and the role . First, to distinguish between self and role , understand the difference between the self and the role of the self-concealment , so that their title roles, in order to better reflect the role of creation , thoughts and emotions in order to complete the task from the heart and this is what we performances in substance. Actor also exists between itself and the role that will be shaping the inevitable contact , can not be combined , but inseparable . The actors themselves as creators , but also reflects the tools to create , but also created the finished product, who is described as a multi- office. Only self no role performances can only be self-presentation and self- expansion. Internal skills and external actors there have been different but related skills , experience and the dialectical relationship between formal performance . I combine their learning and experience performances from a performer 's perspective to the study of the role and actor. Discussed the relationship between actor and role , both contradictory side, there are the harmony side, should dialectically . That is : understanding the role is reflected shaping the role of the premise ; reflect the result of the role is to understand the role。


Water Landscape in the waterscape design has become an indispensable link. It has a flexible, clever, by reason of the characteristics of the organization can play a space, the role of changes in the coordination of water features, more clearly the tour route, giving a clear sense of direction. A comprehensive understanding and grasp of its features, will help designers to better grasp the waterscape design and design intent expression.

