
时间:2024-03-15 11:21:46编辑:分享君


羽球的发源有多种的传说: 一.中国古代的游戏中国古代有一种游戏,用木板拍击一个装饰的球,玩这种球的方式,很像今日的羽球运动。现在中国贵州的苗人,仍以木板拍击鸡毛的毽为游戏。 二.日本的「追羽根」日本贞享二年(1685 A.D.)的时候,日本女子在新年正月里,常一面歌唱式的数数,一面用羽子板作一种「追羽根」的游戏,这种游戏与今日的羽球类似。 三.印度人的乡土游戏印度人时常作一种名叫 Poona 的游戏,这种游戏的起源据说是 1820 A.D.在印度孟买城的一条名叫Poona 街道的居民,作一种类似今日羽球运动的游戏,以后逐渐普及全印度及全世界,因此今日的羽球运动,又被称为印度人的游戏(Indian game)。 四.英国拜明顿村的故事1870 A.D. 英国格罗特郡(Glouestershire)拜明顿(Badminton)村的波福特公爵,在自己的庄园中,接待由印度返英度假的英国军官,这些军官们在天气太坏,不能出外活动时,即在大厅中作游戏,这种游戏即是今日羽球运动的前身。它在开始时没有名称,而被称作拜明顿的游戏(The game at Badminton)。当时的羽球是一个毽子。而网球拍则当作毽子板,以后毽子板与毽子逐渐改良,乃成为今日的羽球运动。人们为纪念羽球发源于拜明顿村,遂以Badminton 村名,作为羽球正式名称。 中国人早就开始踢毽子,这是一种用脚来进行的运动,这就是最早的羽毛球。现在还不清楚是不是它带动了五个世纪之后在中国、日本、印度和希腊流行开的球拍羽毛球运动。到了1600年球拍羽毛球成为孩子们最喜爱的娱乐活动,不久又成为许多欧洲国家上流社会一项显示身份地位的运动。19世纪中叶在印度出现了一种与现代羽毛球非常相似的运动“扑那”,驻扎在印度的英国军官学会了这项运动并把它介绍到了国内的贵族社会。四年后第一家羽毛球俱乐部成立,现在的比赛规则沿用的就是那时制定的规则。直到上个世纪末,这项运动才从贵族社会普及到平民当中。英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚、新西兰和法国成立了羽毛球协会,比赛也更加激烈。国际羽毛球联合会于1934年成立,最初有9个成员国,很快又有了荷兰、加拿大、印度、澳大利亚和美国的加入。 亚洲人在加入这项运动之后决心夺回它的统治地位。1934年以来,中国和印度尼西亚夺得了国际羽联70%的冠军头衔,尽管这个联合会有131个成员。 在经过了这么多年的发展之后,羽毛球运动与18世纪中叶时期相比并无太大差别,只有球速加快了很多。有记录的最高速扣杀球是英国人西蒙-阿切尔创造的,球速达到了每小时260公里


鲍弗特。现代羽毛球运动起源于英国。1873年,在英国格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿镇有一位叫鲍弗特的公爵, 在他的领地开游园会时,有几个从印度回来的退役军官就向大家介绍了一种隔网用拍子来回击打毽球的游戏,人们对此产生了浓厚的兴趣。在英国贵族之间风靡开来,大家都觉得这项运动很适合于休闲与交际,自此之后,羽毛球这项运动在英国发展开来。出现了现代化的羽毛球的雏形,比如圆形的球头,白色的羽毛或者黄色的羽毛,但是随着第一次世界大战与第二次世界大战的开始,羽毛球这项运动也慢慢无人问津。扩展资料:羽毛球的起源与发展:现代羽毛球运动诞生于英国, 大约在 1800 年左右, 年左右, 现代羽毛球运动诞生于英国, 由网球(搜吧)派生而来。 由网球(搜吧)派生而来。我们可以注意到现今的羽毛 球场地和网球场地仍非常相似。 球场地和网球场地仍非常相似。1870 年,出现了用羽 毛、软木做的球和穿弦的球拍。1873 年,英国公爵鲍 软木做的球和穿弦的球拍。 弗特在格拉斯哥郡伯明顿镇的庄园里进行了一次羽 毛球游戏表演。从此,羽毛球运动便逐渐开展起来, 毛球游戏表演。“伯明顿”即成了羽毛球的名字,英文的写法是“Ba 伯明顿”即成了羽毛球的名字,英文的写法是“Ba dminton”。那时的活动场地是葫芦形, dminton”。那时的活动场地是葫芦形,两头宽中间 年才改作长方形。 窄,窄处挂网,直至 1901 年才改作长方形。 窄处挂网, 参考资料来源:百度百科-羽毛球


Tangram is an intellectual game, as its name implies, is a puzzle consisting of 7 board. This seven-piece graphics board can spell many (more than 1600 kinds), such as: triangle, parallelogram, irregular polygon, the player can also spell it all kinds of characters, images, animals, bridges, rooms, towers, etc. also some in English and Chinese letters.
Also called "Qiqiao plans," is a popular Chinese folk toys intelligence. It is from a few Yan Tang evolved, the original author of a room for games, after the civil into a puzzle toy. According to Lu Qing Tian "cold Cottage miscellaneous knowledge," said:: Song Huang Yan Chambers a few maps, a few side seven, coherent long, spread to 25 body into a 68. Ming Yanseveral butterfly diagram, the system is also flexible in order to shape thefor the triangular shape of the wrong, such as. Its three-, six of its system, the scores of three, the change of style, where more than 100. Near and Qiqiao map, its in five, the number seven, the change to multi-thousand. Xiao precursor form, readily changes, to build a game which ranked stuffy silence broke, it was secular hi all. "Tangram is a square cut by five smallits graphics together into various things, such as figures, animals and plants, room pavilion booths, car sedan bridge boat, one person can play, or more persons to engage in competition. puzzle can be explained using a number of important geometric relationship between the ancient principle of arithmetic is the "principle of access to complementary"
[Edit this paragraph] 【Structure】
Puzzle is composed of the following board 7, a complete design for a square: 5 isosceles right triangle (the two small triangular-shaped, triangular-shaped one in and two large triangle-shaped), a square and a parallelogram.
The nineteenth century, one of the most popular is the tangram puzzle. Is probably the popular puzzle because of its simple structure, simple, understandable reason. You can use the puzzle to spell can design your own pattern, but if you want to use spell-specific pattern puzzle, it will be faced with real challenges. It is where the fun puzzle.
The structure of simple puzzle that is easy to mistakenly believe that to solve the problem it is also very easy, in fact, this is one-sided. Puzzle can spell with more than 1600 kinds of patterns, some of which is easy to spell, and there are some quite sophisticated, some are full of contradictions and paradoxes.
"Puzzle" is China's ancient invention of the working people, its history can be traced back to at least the first century BC to the basic shape of the Ming Dynasty. Ming and Qing dynasties in widespread civil Qing Tian Lu "cold Cottage miscellaneous knowledge" in Volume I wrote "nearly there Qiqiao map, its in five, the number seven, the change to multi-thousand. Xiao precursor form, readily changes, to build a game which ranked stuffy silence broke, it was secular all-hi. "
"Qiqiao map" do not know when they spread abroad by their welcome and attention, Needham said that it is "the oldest pastime Oriental" in one of the University of Cambridge since the library has a collection of "new Qiqiao spectrum. " Special American writer Edgar Allan Poe has been refined with an ivory puzzle. Napoleon in exile in France have used lifepuzzle game. Who can imagine that would puzzle even with Napoleon Bonaparte, Adam, Dulay, Edgar Allan Poe, as well as Carroll and others special relationship? In fact they are the puzzle aficionados.
Puzzle played it? That simple 7 board, could spell a variety of graphics. Who would have thought then that this toy is an evolution of ancient furniture.
Huang called Chambers of the Song Dynasty, and of great deal of research in geometry, his hospitality, invented a table with 6 Zhang a "feast a few" - a small table to eat dinner.
Later it was to improve the composition of the seven feasts of several tables can be different according to the number of meals to the table spell different shapes, such as spell 3 triangle, square form themselves into the number 4, 6 spell of six square ... ... when all this convenience food, the atmosphere was better.
Later, it was the feast that only a few changes to narrow the 7 board, with its puzzles, turned into a toy. Fun because it is very clever, it is called the "puzzle."
By the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, the palace of the people often use it to celebrate the festivals and entertainment, and spell a variety of auspicious patterns and text, the National Palace Museum has also kept it at the time of the puzzle!
The 18th century, puzzle spread abroad, immediately aroused great interest, and some foreigners to play it all night and call it "Don map", which means "puzzle from China."
The name on the puzzle that many of the original:
1. From the abandoned English word "trangram": odd-shaped gadgets;
2. Words from the Tang (the Tang Dynasty in China) with the suffix-gram (the context for the works of Greece);
3. From the term "tanka", which means people on board along the coast. They ferry transportation in addition to the supply of food, clothing, but also to provide some entertainment for the hospitality. Including the composition of this board by 7 Chinese puzzle. About the word Tangram (Tangram) from tanka game (board game people) to the evolution.
More than these seems to have some truth.
The original puzzle is probably the strong interest and entertainment of its interpretation, inspired the famous American puzzle expert mountain Brimelow creative literary Aykroyd. In 1903, his 61-year-old, in the "eighth Paper Tea" wrote: "according to the Encyclopedia, the puzzle game is a very ancient origins. In China, as a pastime of the plaything, its history can be traced back to 4,000 years ago ... ... "
Tangram is an excellence of our ancestors to create. The early 19th century, puzzle spread to the West, was known as the "Oriental magic board."
[Edit this paragraph] 【】 China's development process
First, a few plans Yan Song Ming into→ → Furthermore several of the early Qing Dynasty to modern puzzle.
Yan several chart - features the original puzzle is "Yan few map" mean a few Yan greeted guests feast Zongbin the case with a few, lead to this idea are the Northern Song Huang Jinshi Chambers, who designed the first case of a few rectangular six in banquet, as guests can adjust the amount of the appropriate location, and then added to a small few, the case of seven with a few full-spelling, will become a big rectangle, can be separated from changes in infinite combinations. And modern puzzle has the same amount of money.
a few - then, in accordance with the Ming Ge Shanyou "Yan several map" of the principles of the design of the "few", from 13 different triangle and composed of a few cases, together with the wings of a butterfly shape, after the separation may spell out more than 100 kinds of graphics.
Puzzle - the puzzle that is modern, "several plans Yan" and "a few" be developed based on the out.
[Edit this paragraph] the benefits and use 【】
The benefits and usefulness of Tangram is numerous, the following is the puzzle part of the benefits and usefulness: the shape of the concept of visual resolution, recognize chi skills, visual memory, hand-eye coordination and encourage the opening up, the proliferation of thinking, creative opportunities.
Whether in modern or ancient times, to inspire children puzzle are good partners for intelligence. Able to care for the kind and form a bridge linking between the foster child's powers of observation, imagination, and creative forms of logic have a great space for development.
Now widely used by parents to help children learn basic concepts of logic and mathematics. Can help children understand a variety of geometric shapes, numbers, understanding the meaning of perimeter and area to understand the Pythagorean theorem.
Puzzle can also teach children to identify colors, graphics and guide children to understand the segmentation and synthesis, thus enhancing the child's hand intelligence, patience and observation. Can then be used to tell a story, will be dozens of picture puzzle pieces together into a coherent picture of the can when the comic as it is for the children to listen to that. First spell several cats and several dogs, a house, you can tell a wonderful story.
[Edit this paragraph]】 【production puzzle
Production puzzle is a very simple matter. Material is only an ordinary stationery: a pen, a ruler, a pair of scissors and a piece of cardboard / paper. Such as love, can be prepared a few crayons. Refer to production methods
1. First of all, draw a square on a piece of paper, dividing it into 16 small squares. 2. From the top left corner to draw a line in the lower right corner. 3. In the middle of the above even a line to the middle of the right. 4. And then the upper right corner in the lower left-hand corner to draw a line, when the second line can be stopped.
5. And then the upper right corner in the lower left-hand corner to draw a line, when the second line can be stopped. 6. From the speeches of the end of that line to start a line drawn to the bottom three-quarters of the location of the beginning of the number from the left and touched the line can be stopped. 7. Finally, they painted a different color and cut along the black lines, you will have a new puzzle of the.








3.来自术语“tanka”,意即沿海船上人家。他们在运输摆渡中除了供应食物、浣洗衣物外,还提供一些娱乐方面的招待。其中就有这种由七块板组成的中国谜题。大约七巧板一词(Tangram)就是从tanka game(船上人家的游戏)演化来的。



