the do塔

时间:2024-03-16 19:07:10编辑:分享君

how do you do befour的lrc歌词

[00:00.00]befour - how do you do
[00:14.53]How do you do
[00:16.22]You like me and I like you
[00:17.97]Come and take me by the hand
[00:19.72]Cuz I wanna be your friend
[00:21.53]How do you do
[00:23.28]You like me and I like you
[00:25.10]Say how do you do you do
[00:26.91]How do you do you do
[00:30.28]When I`m going on each time a holiday
[00:34.04]And my plane leaves to a place so far away
[00:37.47]I`m so happy cuz its time to celebrate
[00:41.08]Oh I feel like I could dance
[00:44.70]Different people all around the globe don`t know
[00:48.46]What to say when there`s a stranger I will show
[00:51.95]That there is a way you can communicate
[00:55.52]Everybody understands
[00:57.14]How do you do
[00:59.08]You like me and I like you
[01:00.58]Come and take me by the hand
[01:02.45]Cuz I wanna be your friend
[01:04.20]How do you do
[01:06.02]You like me and I like you
[01:07.83]Say how do you do you do
[01:09.52]How do you do you do
[01:11.33]How do you do
[01:13.14]You like me and I like you
[01:14.77]Come and take me by the hand
[01:16.64]Cuz I wanna be your friend
[01:18.52]How do you do
[01:20.27]You like me and I like you
[01:22.02]Say how do you do you do
[01:23.84]How do you do you do
[01:25.59]How do you do
[01:41.53]It`s so easy when you want to make a friend
[01:45.34]When the sun is shining in a distant land
[01:48.72]There`s a certain feeling that surrounds your mind
[01:52.22]And you feel like you can dance
[01:55.84]When you`re going to the south of Africa
[01:59.34]To America or to Australia
[02:02.90]You`ll see people of all colors and all kinds
[02:06.53]Everybody understands
[02:08.34]How do you do
[02:10.03]You like me and I like you
[02:11.78]Come and take me by the hand
[02:13.60]Cuz I wanna be your friend
[02:15.35]How do you do
[02:17.16]You like me and I like you
[02:18.91]Say how do you do you do
[02:20.69]How do you do you do
[02:22.51]How do you do
[02:24.26]You like me and I like you
[02:26.01]Come and take me by the hand
[02:27.82]Cuz I wanna be your friend
[02:29.63]How do you do
[02:31.32]You like me and I like you
[02:33.13]Say how do you do you do
[02:34.94]How do you do you do
[02:36.70]How do you do


linkin park的歌和night wish的歌都经常用到,常见的有魔兽世界 亡灵序曲、nightwish - elvenpath、numb 林肯公园经典的歌、德国党卫军第一装甲师进行曲 the mass、linkin park - in the end - 林肯公园、nightwish - she is my sin、nightwish - nemo、all about us - t.a.t.u. 家族战歌网等,这些歌在酷狗里都能找到,打击乐、金属、重金属、混合金属能给人无限的激情,一般的视频都是用这些能带动情绪的歌曲做背景音乐。


《空空如也》《远走高飞》《我们不一样》《阿刁》《纯真年代》《说散就散》《那片星空那片海》《123我爱你》《追光者》《动物世界》《回忆总想哭》《国歌》《勋章》《广东爱情故事》《天边》《荷塘月色》《告白气球》等等等等,我这边有整理的一些热门歌曲,分享给你,希望有你喜欢的;链接: 提取码:11ze



《最后一刻才明白》《WARTEN AUF DICH》《暧昧关系》《不要爱情了》《草编的戒指 》
《追忆》 《止步爱情》《这个冬天我还在》《再也不见》《小小猪的大大爱》 《像笑话般的爱你》
《我们的回忆》《我们的爱在赎罪》《唯你懂我心》《为你唱首歌》 《始终不够》《上世纪童话》
《晒月光》《牵手的右前方》《心动》《这个夏天》《爱你是种失落 》《别再说你爱着我》
《this is me 》《优伤的小情歌》《Best Friend》 《I Gotta Find You》《Too cool ―camp rock》
《属于我们的歌》《怎么办、我想你》《纪念》《tell me why》《所谓的感情》《怎么说》
《you and me》《if ever》《遗忘》《淡淡的忧伤》《卡农的旋律》《都是因为你》《我只在乎你》
《失约的爱》《never be replaced remix》《river flows in you》《赤裸的爱》《都是巧合》
《现实把我变了》《摆脱那份痛》《直到最后》《在路口寻找人生答案》《en day tibage》

拜托 个人品味不一样 你怎么知道别人不喜欢这些 还有 你自己不标明喜欢哪种类型的 怪别人说的不符合你的要求干嘛


推歌好办~~本人也是超爱听歌的,在这里就给楼主推荐几首骨灰级的吧: me love 2.En Dag Tilbage ,这首是丹麦歌手唱的,我最喜欢了! will love again ,这首我都在找空间链接,有点童声的感觉,太美妙了 4 .staz-quiet exit 这首开场的的感觉太赞了,有后浪推前浪的感觉,声音慢慢想起来! 5.hold me for a while,这首是我最喜欢的抒情歌。 are my everything .这首是最有感觉的RNB了节奏慢,唱法舒缓…7Kiss the rain r&b说唱版担保你没有听过,别有一番味道的抒情说唱 …8越南天簌之歌,"sorry"越语不一样的感觉…完美钢琴伴奏…不一样的抒情,look to the sky,…俄罗斯rosstallanma的lubov俄国小语种,…中文歌:它是一种梦_c蓝;这首能比拟欧美的r&b风格说唱…还有这首中文哥“我的歌声里”, 好就给你推荐这几首吧,,,,可以的话请楼主加加分给点力。。哥不是到网上贴回来的,都是我一字一字用手机打出来的!!!!请楼主笑纳!

上一篇:圣诞老人 古拉加斯
