be cruel to be kind

时间:2024-03-21 00:44:01编辑:分享君

Cruel To Be Kind 歌词

歌曲名:Cruel To Be Kind歌手:Will Young专辑:From Now OnWill Young - Cruel To Be KindBabe I'm sorry but I just can't stand the painIf you're leaving baby,Let me say one last thingYou tell me I don't careBut you know it just ain't trueI got newsThat I'm still in love with youGirl, haven't you been around meLong enough to knowOh, that I need your loveAnd I won't let goOh, you don't have to be cruel to be kindYou break my heart you hurt me soKick me out because I ain't leavingOh, you don't have to be cruel to be kindI'm feeling that you got me wrongAll I want is you back where you belongYeah, yeah, yeahForget about the thingsThat we could and should have done'Cause it's not too late, no noAin't the best still yet to comeWhat we have is a chance to start overAnd make it a newSo trust what you feelDon't hide from what's realEvery word I say is trueGirl, haven't I told you this a thousand times beforeOh, that I don't want you going through that doorAll I want is you backNo contest(I'm telling you yeah)No question('Cause I need you)Believe me, I ain't leavingNo contest(I'm telling you girl)No question('Cause I need you, yeah)Believe me, I ain't leavingYou don't have to be cruel to be kindYou break my heart you hurt me soKick me out because I ain't leavingOh, why must you be cruel to be kindI'm feeling that you got me wrongAll I want is you back yeah yeahOh, you don't have to be cruel to be kindYou break my heart you hurt me soKick me out because I ain't leavingOh, why must you to be cruel to be kindI'm feeling that you got me wrongAll I want is you backBaby don't do the things you doBaby don't hurt me like you doBaby don't hurt me, hurt meDon't go...


[ 00:23.72 ]我们都知道,我不应该在这里
[ 00:27.51 ]这是错误的
[ 00:29.31 ]和婴儿的杀害我,是你杀害
[ 00:32.04 ]我们两人都试图成为强有力的
[ 00:35.00 ]我还有别的地方要
[ 00:38.09 ]承诺保持
[ 00:40.10 ]别人谁爱我
[ 00:43.50 ] ,并相信我快睡着了
[ 00:47.00 ]我弥补我心中
[ 00:49.00 ]有没有回头路可走
[ 00:52.00 ]她一直对我很好,
[ 00:54.00 ]和她理应优于
[ 00:55.50 ]这是最难
[ 00:57.80 ]我会以往任何时候都必须做的
[ 01:01.00 ]要看看你的眼睛
[ 01:05.00 ]和告诉你我不爱你
[ 01:07.00 ]这是最难
[ 01:09.00 ]我会永远都躺在
[ 01:12.00 ]要显示任何情绪
[ 01:16.00 ]当你开始哭了
[ 01:19.00 ]我不能让你见
[ 01:21.00 ]你对我意味着
[ 01:23.00 ]当我的双手捆绑
[ 01:26.00 ]和我的心不自由
[ 01:30.00 ]我们并不是要
[ 01:32.00 ]这是最难
[ 01:34.00 ]我会以往任何时候都必须做
[ 01:38.00 ]要转身走开
[ 01:40.50 ]伪装我不爱你
[ 01:44.00 ]我知道,我们将再次会晤
[ 01:46.00 ]命运有一个时间和地点
[ 01:48.00 ]所以你可以用你的生活
[ 01:51.00 ]我得要残酷的实物
[ 01:54.00 ]一样齐瓦哥医生
[ 01:56.81 ]我所有的爱我将派遣
[ 01:59.00 ]你永远不会知道
[ 02:02.26 ]就不可能有快乐的结局
[ 02:04.98 ]这是最难
[ 02:06.40 ]我会以往任何时候都必须做的
[ 02:09.62 ]要看看你的眼睛
[ 02:12.00 ]和告诉你我不爱你
[ 02:15.41 ]这是最难
[ 02:16.49 ]我会永远都躺在
[ 02:20.36 ]要显示任何情绪
[ 02:24.00 ]当你开始哭了
[ 02:27.00 ]我不能让你见
[ 02:27.95 ]你对我意味着
[ 02:31.50 ]当我的双手捆绑
[ 02:34.50 ]和我的心不自由
[ 02:36.25 ]我们并不是要
[ 02:40.00 ]这是最难
[ 02:41.91 ]我会以往任何时候都必须做
[ 02:46.22 ]要转身走开
[ 02:48.00 ]伪装我不爱你
[ 02:53.00 ]也许另一时间,另一天
[ 02:57.50 ]正如我想,我不能留
[ 03:02.50 ]我弥补我心中
[ 03:04.00 ]有没有回头路可走
[ 03:07.00 ]她一直对我很好,
[ 03:10.00 ]和她理应优于
[ 03:12.00 ]这是最难
[ 03:14.00 ]我会以往任何时候都必须做的
[ 03:17.50 ]要看看你的眼睛
[ 03:21.00 ]和告诉你我不爱你
[ 03:23.00 ]这是最难
[ 03:25.00 ]我会永远都躺在
[ 03:28.00 ]要显示任何情绪
[ 03:31.00 ]当你开始哭了
[ 03:34.50 ]我不能让你见
[ 03:37.00 ]你对我意味着
[ 03:39.00 ]当我的双手捆绑
[ 03:42.00 ]和我的心不自由
[ 03:44.00 ]我们并不是要
[ 03:48.00 ]这是最难
[ 03:49.50 ]我会以往任何时候都必须做的
[ 03:54.00 ]要转身走开
[ 03:56.00 ]伪装我不爱你

you have to be cruel to be kind什么意思

you have to be cruel to be kind:你有残忍也有残酷


另外楼主,我解释一下:have to be 连在一起变成一个短语,可翻译为:肯定是…,毫无疑问是…

cruel to be kind :忠言逆耳


请大家帮忙翻译一下这几句英文谚语 急用 谢谢

After climbing a great hill, one only finds there are many more hills to climb 这个可以翻译成天外有天吧,或者山外有山,强中更有强中手。
One good turn deserves another 可以翻译成 礼尚往来
A change is as good as a rest 换个工作犹如短暂的休息
其他不知道怎么翻译比较合适了但是意思基本明白 不知道怎么说才准确 哈哈哈

英语俗语十句以上。。 有翻译,,

As a man lives so shall he die.有生必有死。2.As a man's heart is,so does he speak.言为心声。3.As a man sows,so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。4.A secret between more than two is no secret.两人以上知道的秘密就不算秘密。5.A servant is known by his master's absence.主人不在可以看出仆人的品行来。6.A silent tongue and true heart are the most admirable things on earth.缄默的嘴,真诚的心,是世界上最令人赞美的东西。7.A single spark can start a prairie fire.星星之火,可以燎原。8.As is the workman so is the work.什么工人出什么活。9.Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.如果你少问,谎言就难进。10.A smart coat is a good letter of introduction.人要衣装,佛要金装。11.A small leak will sink a great ship.一个小漏洞可能弄沉一艘大轮船。12.A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.平静的海洋练不出熟练的水手。13.A sow,when washed;returns to the muck.江山易改,本性难移。14.A spot is most seen on the finest cloth.最清洁的布上,污点特别显眼。15.As soon as you have drunk,you turn your back upon the spring.忘恩负义。16.A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with.欲加之罪,何患无辞。17.As the best wine makes the sharpest vinegar,so the deepest love turns to the deadliest hatred.美酒可制成烈醋,热爱能变为深仇。18.As the call,so the echo.发什么声音,有什么回声。19.As the fool thinks,so the bell clinks.一厢情愿。20.As the inner life is,so will be the language.言为心声。


cruel意思是:残酷的;冷酷的。cruel,英 [ˈkruːəl], 美 [ˈkruːəl]。比较级:cruelle;最高级:cruellest用法:cruel作为形容词具有评价意义,其基本意思是表示人的某种性格特点,即置别人的痛苦于不顾,甚至以目睹他人遭受痛苦或使他人遭受痛苦为快。示例:I can't stand people who are cruel to animals.我无法容忍虐待动物的人。扩展资料:cruel、savage、savage、savage辨析:cruel一般用词,指行动或态度的残忍。 brutal指极端的残忍,强调无情或缺乏同情心,含不择手段的意味。inhuman着重缺乏同情心、仁爱等人类特有的良好的品质。savage指缺乏文明人应有的教养,尤指在动怒或冲动时表现出的粗野蛮横,含野蛮意。barbarous专指只有原始或未开化的人才会有的残忍行为。

