
时间:2024-03-22 14:21:02编辑:分享君



地下停车场:Basement Parking \Underground Parking

垃圾房:Litter Room;

消防通道:Fire Engine Access;

Keep close and unlocked

风机房:Ventilator Machine Room;

AC Machine Room或air-conditioning machine room;

非工作人员请勿入内:Staff Only;

2号门(商场某一出口):Second Exit

营业时间:Business hours/office hours/shop hours

2号货梯:Second goods elevator

goods elevator (by goods only)

opening hours(elevator opening hours)

Customer Service Centre

Individual with disability use lift please.

小孩子乘扶梯需要由监护人陪同:Children ride elevator must with major.

扶梯运行中请抓好扶手:Catch the handrail while the escalator is moving.

扶梯运行中请勿将头手伸至电梯外:Do not reach out of the elevator which it is moving.

第一会议室:Conference Room No.1

elevator operation Instruction

Do not use this lift as a means of escape in the event of fire

电梯限载十人:Only 10 persons permitted!

儿童应在成人陪护下用电梯:Children Must Be Accompanied by an Adult

消防疏散示意图:Evacuation Chart


2栋:Building 2

三单元:Unit 3

弱电井:Elv Shaft

电梯机房:Elevator Machine Room

配电室:Distribution Room


目前上海已成熟的商圈有九个,分别为:南京西路商圈(包括静安寺区域)徐家汇商圈淮海路商圈陆家嘴商圈(新上海商业中心商圈)南京东路商圈虹桥商圈五角场商圈中山公园商圈四川北路商圈南京路商业街——中华第一街,是中国最具代表性的步行路商业街,南京东路商业街是上海标志性的商业街,购物街向东直达黄浦江游,可以深呼吸上海的海派空气,外滩是上海历史的见证,殖民时代的西方建筑的标志,江对岸是浦东金融中心,新上海的标志。南京西路是新兴高档商业中心,以江宁路南京西路梅龙镇广场、恒隆广场、中信泰富广场“金三角”的为代表,是上海高档奢侈品商业的集中地。形成商务办公、休闲时尚、品牌购物中心区,这里以波特曼丽嘉酒店、嘉里中心、上海展览中心为核心,形成商务办公、会展、酒店服务区。成都北路、西至茂名北路,以上海电视台为代表形成文化传媒、公共活动、办公服务区。主要商场介绍:上海金鹰国际购物中心荟萃众多国际知名品牌,已经成为上海乃至全中国最具代表性和国际时尚感的高档商业中心。 梅龙镇广场中高档,中信泰富广场 。众多专卖店云集世界各地名牌精品,广场突出“室内购物街”特色,将现代购物、文化休闲和美食观光融为一体 ,恒隆广场 国际顶级精品在上海的汇聚地,满足具有高层次消费意识和高标准消费能力的中外人士的个性化需求,同时提供更多对国际著名品牌提高鉴赏水平和鉴别能力的机会。鸿翔百货和久光百货 集商业零售、餐饮、超市、休闲于一体的城市型“销品茂”。 人民广场商圈——位于上海市政治文化中心,上海市政所在地,重要的商业文化休闲中心。北面是市政大厦,西北角是上海大剧院,各类顶级的表演中心。人民广场东北侧,是地铁人民广场车站三条地铁1、2、8号线在此汇集。东南是带式香港名店街和迪美购物中心,处于人民广场中轴线南面的是上海博物馆,上海最重要文化展览馆,现在已全部免费开放,对市民和外地客是不错历史文化的陶冶之地。主要商场介绍:来福士广场是最重要的时尚购物休闲餐饮中心,地下商城处于人民广场东南端的草坪旁,乘自动扶梯下到8米以下的下沉式广场,步人地下商业街。各家店铺布置高雅,其中境外商店特别是香港名店占了约80%,所以人们叫它香港名品街。淮海路商业街是上海传统的中高档商业街,白领妹妹最爱逛的购物时尚街。商圈生活网推荐最佳逛街地点为淮海路陕西南路,是主要商场集中汇集区。淮海路位于上海市中心,是上海最繁华的商业街区之一。时尚名品荟萃,紧随世界潮流。不同档次的宾馆群、吃、住、行、游、购、娱设施齐备,无不让你感受到新奇、悦目、便捷。良好的购物环境、众多的餐饮娱乐名店,以及优越的酒店服务为淮海中路商圈增色不少。高雅浪漫著称的百年淮海路,成为一个温馨的女性购物天堂。淮海中路上著名的商店有上海国际购物中心、上海二百永新有限公司、上海第一百货公司淮海店、上海香港三联书店有限公司、新华联商厦淮海店、上海市妇女用品商店、上海钟表商店、全国土特产食品商店、上海真丝商厦新淮海店、世界鞋帽商店等。


Betty and Helen are good friend. They are on their way to the shops. They are going to do some shopping. They are now talking about what they are going to buy. Helen wants to buy a present for her grandpa's birthday and a few things for school. Betty wants to buy her father a pen and something for home like food, clothes and shoes. But when they got there, the shop I closed. They have to go back home with nothing.

贝蒂和Helen是好朋友。 他们在他们的途中对商店。 他们做一些购物。 他们现在谈论什么他们买。 Helen想要买一个礼物为她的祖父的生日和几件事为学校。 贝蒂想要买她的父亲笔和某事为家象食物、衣裳和鞋子。 但,当他们到那里,商店I关闭了。 他们必须在家与没什么匹配。

2 What are you going to do on Saturday
5 How about Sunday
4 Let's make it in the evening.
3 We have to buy a gift for my mom's birthday.
1 Shall we go to the Dongfang garden on Saturday


From the beginning of the development to GDP per capita reached 10,548 U.S. dollars in 1996, which has been 121 times over, after the creation of the "Jianghan miracle", the international position of the Korean economy has been improving rapidly and the momentum of development is still very strong.
Foreign trade as a major engine of economic development is also expansion rapidly in exports, the export structure has been optimized at the same time, in and on China's trade surplus for many years also. With the improvement of the economic strength of South Korea, South Korea's largest multinational corporations in the world's direct investment is also increasing in the size. South Korea officially joined the ranks of developed countries in 2006.
Since ancient times, China and South Korea have kept close contact and the cultural traditions are very similar. In view of China and South Korea is similar to the recent history and have a similar geographical location, the Korean experience of economic and trade development has a certain degree of inspiration to China.
This article will focus on including comparison of South Korea and China in the import and export commodity structure, the international competitiveness of enterprises in both countries, the two countries' attitude towards the culture in promoting economic development and so on five aspects , thas point out the inspiration of South Korean model of economic development to China as well as how to draw and absorb South Korea's experience in economic development for China.


