
时间:2024-05-10 16:55:26编辑:分享君






分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习



我也很喜欢这首歌 ^_^

this ain't a song for the broken-hearted


no silent prayer for the faith-departed


i ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd


you're gonna hear my voice


when i shout it out loud



it's my life


it's now or never


i ain't gonna live forever


i just want to live while i'm alive


(it's my life)


my heart is like an open highway


like frankie said


i did it my way


i just wanna live while i'm alive


it's my life


this is for the ones who stood their ground


for tommy and gina who never backed down


tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake


luck ain't even lucky


got to make your own breaks



it's my life


it's now or never


i ain't gonna live forever


i just want to live while i'm alive


(it's my life)



分类: 外语/出国

guess I'm a dreamerMy heart is goldI had to run away highSo I wouldn't e home lowJust when things went rightDidn't mean they were always wrongJust take this songAnd you'll never feel left all aloneTake me to your heartFeel me in your bonesJust one more nightAnd I'm ing off this long and winding roadI'm on my wayI'm on my wayHome sweet homeI guess that I seemTo make romantic dreamsUp in lightsFallin' off the silver screenMy heart's like an open bookFor the whole world to readSometimes nothing, keeps meTogether at the seamsI'm on my wayI'm on my wayHome sweet homeI'm on my wayI'm on my wayHomeIt's a bittersweet symphony,This life.Just tryin' to make ends meet.You're a slave to the money,Then you die.There's no change...I can't change,I can't change,I can't change.But I'm here in my mindI'm here in my mindI'm a million different peopleFrom one day to the nextI can't change my mindNo, no, noI'm on my wayI'm on my wayHome sweet homeI'm on my wayI'm on my wayHome sweet homeI'm on my wayI'm on my wayHome


guess I'm a dreamer 假想自己是个梦想家

My heart is gold 内心是高贵的

I had to run away high 我不得不往上跑

So I wouldn't e home low 向下是回不到家的

Just when things went right 当一切都像好处发展的时

Didn't mean they were always wrong 并不代表他们过去就是错误的

Just take this song听听这首歌

And you'll never feel left all alone那么你就永远不会感到孤单

Take me to your heart带我进入你心扉

Feel me in your bones 感觉我就在你的骨髓中

Just one more night 又是另一个夜晚

And I'm ing off this long and winding road我将结束这漫长而又曲折的道路

I'm on my way 我正走在我的旅途中

I'm on my way

Home sweet home 家,甜美的家

I guess that I seem 我猜想

To make romantic dreams 我会点燃着浪漫的梦

Up in lights

Fallin' off the silver screen

My heart's like an open book 我的心就像一本敞开的书

For the whole world to read全世界都可以阅读

Sometimes nothing, keeps me 有时候

Together at the seams 使我在裂缝中紧紧地结合

It's a bittersweet symphony, 这是一首苦乐参半的交响曲

This life.这就是生活

Just tryin' to make ends meet.只是为了勉强糊口

You're a slave to the money, 你是着金钱的奴隶

Then you die. 然后你死亡

There's no change... 没有任何变化

I can't change, 我无法改变

I can't change, 我无法改变

I can't change.

But I'm here in my mind 但是在我内心有另一个自我

I'm here in my mind

I'm a million different people 我是与众不同的

From one day to the next 从今天到明天

I can't change my mind 我不能改变我的想法

No, no, no 不,不,不


1、谷歌(78.23%)毫无疑问,谷歌排名第一。谷歌搜索引擎诞生于1996年,由谢尔盖·布林和拉里·佩奇创立。2、Bing(8.04%)虽然必应的份额比不上谷歌,但在许多国家必应仍占据了一定的地位,月访问量达13亿。3、百度(7.34%)百度是中国最大的搜索引擎,截至2月占了中国市场74.73%的份额,谷歌在中国市场仅占2%。4、雅虎(3.39%)雅虎成立于1994年。曾经的雅虎风光无限,旗下的各种业务令该公司在2000年的估值达到了1250亿美元,现在跟谷歌的各种竞争中都处于下风。5、Yandex(1.53%)Yandex是俄罗斯最流行的搜索引擎,占俄罗斯国内市场的55%,在乌克兰、白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦和土耳其都能看到它的身影。6、Ask(0.72%)Ask成立于1996年,最初命名为Ask Jeeves,2006年改名为Ask。2010年因为在搜索上实在不敌谷歌,最终放弃了搜索引擎的市场份额,所以现在实际上是由谷歌给Ask提供搜索结果支持。7、DuckDuckGo(0.39%)DuckDuckGo非常注重隐私,它的口号就是“隐私,简化”(Privacy, simplified),不储存任何个人信息,所以也没有广告轰炸。DuckDuckGo目前每天的搜索使用次数为2740万,并不断增长中。8、Naver(0.13%)Naver是韩国知名搜索引擎,占了国内75%的份额,被誉为“韩版谷歌”。9、AOL(0.06%)AOL是“America Online”的缩写,成立于1985年。面对谷歌在搜索领域的攻势,AOL转而专注互联网媒体,但搜索业务仍存在。10、Seznam(0.05%)成立于1996年的Seznam在捷克流行,而且在谷歌进入捷克前一度是当地的搜索领头羊,但目前只占了当地12.27%的份额。


1、百度搜索百度搜索是全球最大的中文搜索引擎,2000年1月由李彦宏、徐勇两人创立于北京中关村,致力于向人们提供“简单,可依赖”的信息获取方式。 “百度”二字源于中国宋朝词人辛弃疾的《青玉案》诗句:“众里寻他千百度”,象征着百度对中文信息检索技术的执著追求。2、搜狗搜索搜狗搜索是中国领先的中文搜索引擎,致力于中文互联网信息的深度挖掘,帮助中国上亿网民加快信息获取速度,为用户创造价值。3、360搜索360综合搜索,属于元搜索引擎,是搜索引擎的一种,是通过一个统一的用户界面帮助用户在多个搜索引擎中选择和利用合适的搜索引擎来实现检索操作,是对分布于网络的多种检索工具的全局控制机制。4、谷歌搜索谷歌搜索引擎是谷歌公司的主要产品,也是世界上最大的搜索引擎之一,由两名斯坦福大学的理学博士生拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布林在1996年建立。谷歌搜索引擎拥有网站、图像、新闻组和目录服务四个功能模块,提供常规搜索和高级搜索两种功能。


1.Zac住在一座森林里面, 他很喜欢唱歌和跳舞
2.每一天松鼠们都要送猴子王一些礼物, 然后猴子王会让它们从森林中收获拿走一些食物
3.Zac有时候会在猴子王面前唱歌, 因为猴子王喜欢阅读, 所以它不喜欢Zac唱的歌(或音乐)
4.有一天, Zac再次为了猴子王唱歌, 猴子王十分愤怒并大吼:"给我滚!" 然后它把Zac扔下了树
5.Zac站起了身并看向它的尾巴, 尾巴居然变得茂密了! Zac喜欢它的新尾巴, 其他松鼠也相当喜欢并效仿, 因此那天起所有的松鼠的尾巴也变得茂密了
6.这真是一个很好的故事! 它是真的吗?


1、谷歌(78.23%)毫无疑问,谷歌排名第一。谷歌搜索引擎诞生于1996年,由谢尔盖·布林和拉里·佩奇创立。2、Bing(8.04%)虽然必应的份额比不上谷歌,但在许多国家必应仍占据了一定的地位,月访问量达13亿。3、百度(7.34%)百度是中国最大的搜索引擎,截至2月占了中国市场74.73%的份额,谷歌在中国市场仅占2%。4、雅虎(3.39%)雅虎成立于1994年。曾经的雅虎风光无限,旗下的各种业务令该公司在2000年的估值达到了1250亿美元,现在跟谷歌的各种竞争中都处于下风。5、Yandex(1.53%)Yandex是俄罗斯最流行的搜索引擎,占俄罗斯国内市场的55%,在乌克兰、白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦和土耳其都能看到它的身影。6、Ask(0.72%)Ask成立于1996年,最初命名为Ask Jeeves,2006年改名为Ask。2010年因为在搜索上实在不敌谷歌,最终放弃了搜索引擎的市场份额,所以现在实际上是由谷歌给Ask提供搜索结果支持。7、DuckDuckGo(0.39%)DuckDuckGo非常注重隐私,它的口号就是“隐私,简化”(Privacy, simplified),不储存任何个人信息,所以也没有广告轰炸。DuckDuckGo目前每天的搜索使用次数为2740万,并不断增长中。8、Naver(0.13%)Naver是韩国知名搜索引擎,占了国内75%的份额,被誉为“韩版谷歌”。9、AOL(0.06%)AOL是“America Online”的缩写,成立于1985年。面对谷歌在搜索领域的攻势,AOL转而专注互联网媒体,但搜索业务仍存在。10、Seznam(0.05%)成立于1996年的Seznam在捷克流行,而且在谷歌进入捷克前一度是当地的搜索领头羊,但目前只占了当地12.27%的份额。




网页都有自带翻译的功能网页一般是右键或者任务栏都可以对网页进行翻译的选项如果用的浏览器没有办法翻译或者翻译出来是乱码这个时候就有必要换一个浏览器打开这个网页Microsoft Edge浏览器就可以直接右键翻译,非常简洁明了而且这个浏览器的界面也十分简洁,非常推荐使用翻译是在准确(信)、通顺(达)、优美(雅)的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号和视频翻译。其中,在甲语和乙语中,“翻”是指的这两种语言的转换,即先把一句甲语转换为一句乙语,然后再把一句乙语转换为甲语;“译”是指这两种语言转换的过程,把甲语转换成乙语,在译成当地语言文字的过程中,进而明白乙语的含义。二者构成了一般意义上的翻译,让更多人了解其他语言的含义。


元搜索引擎(META Search Engine)接受用户查询请求后,同时在多个搜索引擎上搜索,并将结果返回给用户。著名的元搜索引擎有InfoSpace、Dogpile、Vivisimo等,中文元搜索引擎中具代表性的是搜星搜索引擎。在搜索结果排列方面,有的直接按来源排列搜索结果,如Dogpile;有的则按自定的规则将结果重新排列组合,如Vivisimo。
元搜索引擎(META Search Engine)接受用户查询请求后,同时在多个搜索引擎上搜索,并将结果返回给用户。著名的元搜索引擎有InfoSpace、Dogpile、Vivisimo等,中文元搜索引擎中具代表性的是搜星搜索引擎。在搜索结果排列方面,有的直接按来源排列搜索结果,如Dogpile;有的则按自定的规则将结果重新排列组合,如Vivisimo。
免费链接列表(Free For All Links简称FFA):一般只简单地滚动链接条目,少部分有简单的分类目录,不过规模要比Yahoo!等目录索引小很多。【回答】
大哥 我问的是分为哪 两种 是两种【提问】


常用的搜索引擎有:百度 、 搜狗。搜索引擎,就是根据用户需求与一定算法,运用特定策略从互联网检索出指定信息反馈给用户的一门检索技术。搜索引擎依托于多种技术,如网络爬虫技术、检索排序技术、网页处理技术、大数据处理技术、自然语言处理技术等,为信息检索用户提供快速、高相关性的信息服务。搜索引擎技术的核心模块一般包括爬虫、索引、检索和排序等,同时可添加其他一系列辅助模块,以为用户创造更好的网络使用环境。搜索引擎是指根据一定的策略、运用特定的计算机程序从互联网上采集信息,在对信息进行组织和处理后,为用户提供检索服务,将检索的相关信息展示给用户的系统。搜索引擎是工作于互联网上的一门检索技术,它指在提高人们获取搜集信息的速度,为人们提供更好的网络使用环境。从功能和原理上搜索引擎大致被分为全文搜索引擎、元搜索引擎、垂直搜索引擎和目录搜索引擎等四大类。搜索引擎发展到今天,基础架构和算法在技术上都已经基本成型和成熟。搜索引擎已经发展成为根据一定的策略、运用特定的计算机程序从互联网上搜集信息,在对信息进行组织和处理后,为用户提供检索服务,将用户检索相关的信息展示给用户的系统。


求英文翻译 Many languages do not have a written form. People who speak them have had to record their history through fables and songs. In addition to telling a story, these songs express the feelings of the singer. For example, if someone were sad, he might sing about his suffering or what he thinks might relieve his depression. Over time, people discovered that music had the power to make them feel infinitely better. Research conducted over the last enty years supports the conclusions made by music lovers thousands of years ago; namely, that music can heal both body and mind. Peaceful music reduces stress by enabling individuals to relax. It has the same effect on the body as removing the stressors from your life. Classical music is particularly soothing to the physically ill. It has been found to calm aggressive patients, trigger long- and short-term memory in those with memory loss, distract cancer sufferers from the pain of their extensive treatments, and help women endure the agony of childbirth. Though research hasn't fully determined what makes the body and mind react so favorably to music, it clearly shows that music has the power to heal. You should listen to a joyful-sounding symphony if you are down or a slower piece if you are angry. Listening could make a substantial difference in the way you face the music. 1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph? (A) To illustrate that music has long been known to heal. (B) To talk about depression. (C) To confuse the reader into thinking this is a history lesson. (D) To talk about ancient musicians. 2.Aording to the article, what sort of music should a woman listen to while giving birth? (A) Modern Italian operas. (B) 17th century symphonies. (C) Broadway musicals. (D) Folk music. 3.In what way might music help reduce stress? (A) Raise cholesterol levels. (B) Lower energy levels. (C) Increase heart rate. (D) Lower blood pressure. 参考译文: 许多语言没有文字形式,因此,使用该语言的人们必须透过传说与歌谣来记录历史。歌曲除了唻~,也传达了歌者的情感。比如说,当一个人悲伤时,他会唱一首关于自身的苦痛或是他认为能让自己走出沮丧的歌曲。长久以来,人们发现音乐有抚慰人心的力量。 近二十年来的研究证实了数千年前音乐爱好者提出的结论。那就是,音乐可以治疗身心。和缓的音乐可使人放松心情,减轻压力。对身体来说,这和解除生活中引发紧张的因素有一样的效果。 古典音乐特别能纾缓身体上的不适。人们发现它可以让有攻击性的病患冷静、激发失忆症患者或长或短的记忆、让癌症病患从繁琐的疗程痛苦中分散注意力,也可帮助妇女度过生产的剧痛。 虽然研究结果无法完全确定为何音乐有益身心,但很明显地,音乐的确具有疗效。当你心情低落时应该听一首令人愉悦的交响曲,不高兴时则听一首缓慢的乐章。聆听音乐会让你在面对现实时心情上有很大的不同。 标准答案: 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (D) We never talked about it, but I hear the blame was mine. I'd call you up to say I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want to waste your time. 'Cause I love you, but I can't take anymore. There's a look I can't describe in your eyes. If we could try, like we tried before, but you keep on telling me those lies. Do you remember? Would we remember? Guess there's no way to make up, 'cause it seemed your mind was set. And the way you looked, it told me, it's a look I know I'll never fet. You could've e over to my side. You could've let me know. You could've tried to see the distance beeen us, but it seemed too far for you to go. Do you remember? Would we remember? Through all of my life, in spite of all of the pain, you know that we could falter sometimes, but you just can't wait to get at it again. Tell me, do you remember? There are things we won't recall. Feelings we'll never find. It's taken so long to see it, 'cause we never seemed to have the time. There was always something more important to do. More important to say, but "I love you" wasn't one of those things, and now it's too late. Do you remember now it's over? Do you remember? Tell me, do you remember? 这是一首英文歌曲,译成汉语: 我们从未谈起这件事,但我听到的,都是归咎于我。我想打电话向你说抱歉,但又不想浪费你的时间。我爱你,但我再也不能忍受。你眼中有种无法言喻的神情。我们仍可像从前一样试试看,但是你不断地说着那些谎言。 你是否记得?我们是否会记得?事情似乎无法弥补,因为你的心意已决。你的眼神告诉了我,那是我知道我永难忘怀的眼神。你应该站在我的立场,应该让我明了。你应该试着看清我俩之间的距离,但是距离对你似乎太远了。 你是否记得?我们是否会记得?回顾我的一生,尽管有很多痛楚,你知道我们时有挫败,但是你就是等不及再试一次。 告诉我,你是否记得?有些事我们不想记起来。有些感觉我们永远无法发现。这幺久了我们才了解,因为我们似乎永远没有时间。总是有更重要的事要做。有更重要的话要说,但是『我爱你』从不包括在内。如今,已太迟了。 现在恋情已经告终,你是否记得?你是否记得?告诉我,你是否记得? The Origin of the Jack-O'-Lantern 万圣节南瓜灯的由来 The jack-o'-lantern is integral to Halloween. Halloween, which falls on October 31st each year, originated with the Celts of ancient England and Ireland. The celebration—then called Samhain—signaled the end of the harvest and the start of winter. On the eve of All Saints' Day, the Irish hollowed out pumpkins and placed a light in them to ward off the spirit of Stingy Jack. The name "jack-o'-lantern" derives from the legend of Stingy Jack. Stingy Jack was a mean drunkard who played tricks on everyone: his family, his friends, his mother—even the Devil himself. Once, he tricked the Devil into climbing up an apple tree. When the Devil had ascended the tree, Jack hurriedly placed crosses around its trunk. The Devil was unable to get out of the tree. Stingy Jack made the Devil vow not to take his soul when he died. After the Devil consented to his wish, Jack removed the crosses and let the Devil down. Years later, Jack died. At the gates of Heaven he was told that he had led a wicked and miserly life on Earth. He was rejected from Heaven and so went down to Hell. The Devil kept his promise and refused Jack entry. With nowhere to go, Jack could only wander alone in the dark void beeen Heaven and Hell. His sole light was from a candle he kept inside a pumpkin. At Halloween, you will see many jack-o'-lanterns on doorsteps and in windows. Remember Stingy Jack and always exercise prudence when making contracts, especially with the Devil. ——by John J. Bucher 1.Why wouldn't the Devil let Jack enter Hell? (A) Jack had been rejected from Heaven. (B) Jack was too stingy and mean. (C) He had made a promise to Jack. (D) He was pleased with Jack. 2.Who began the practice of carving jack-o'-lanterns? (A) The ancient Celts. (B) Stingy Jack. (C) The Devil. (D) All the saints. 3.Which saying best fits the story of Stingy Jack? (A) Kill o birds with one stone. (B) Be careful what you wish for. (C) Every cloud has a silver lining. (D) Don't bite the hand that feeds you. 参考译文: 南瓜灯是万圣节不可或缺的。每年十月三十一日的万圣节源自于古英格兰和爱尔兰的塞尔特民族。这项在当时称作Samhain的庆典意谓着收成的结束与冬季的来临。万圣节前夕,爱尔兰人会将南瓜挖空并把灯放入其中以驱离小气杰克的鬼魂。 南瓜灯 (jack-o'-lantern) 的名称由来是源自“小气杰克”的传说。小气杰克是个自私刻薄又爱恶作剧的酒鬼,他的家人、朋友、母亲、甚至是撒旦全都上过他的当。有一次,他骗撒旦爬上苹果树。当撒旦爬上了树,杰克赶紧在树干周围放满十字架,撒旦便无法爬下树。小气杰克要撒旦发誓死后不得带走他的灵魂。在撒旦同意之后,他才将十字架移走,让撒旦爬下树。 数年后,杰克挂了。因为他在世时又坏又吝啬,天堂之门不肯让他进入,于是他只好到地狱去。撒旦遵守诺言不让他入地狱。杰克无处可去,只好在天堂与地狱间游荡。他唯一的光芒便是他放进南瓜里的小烛火。 万圣节时,你可以看见家家户户将许多南瓜灯放在门前的台阶或窗户上。切记小气杰克的教训,所以和别人订定合约时要谨慎小心,特别是和撒旦呦! 标准答案: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) The earliest epic of England was Beowulf. Chaucer wrote novels Shakespeare wrote 39 plays. The Son was invented by Shakespeare. Spenser invented the linked son. The rime scheme of Shakespearean son is abab cdcd efef gg. Pope was a neoclassicist. Romantici *** began in 1798. Wordsworth was one of the Lake poets. The Bronte sisters were playwrights、 英国的最早史诗是 Beowulf 。 乔叟写了小说 莎士比亚写了 39场游戏。 十四行诗被莎士比亚发明了。 Spenser 发明了被联编的十四行诗。 莎剧式的十四行诗的霜方案是 abab cdcd efef gg 。 罗马教皇是 neoclassicist 。 浪漫精神在 1798 年开始。 Wordsworth 是湖诗人之一。 Bronte 姊妹是剧作家。 1. F. (I'm not sure about what the first epic is ,but i dont think it's Beowulf.) 2. F. (He wrote poets... a philosopher usually doesnt write novels.) 3. F. (Shakespeare wrote 38 plays.) 4. F. (Shakespeare did write 154 sons,but he didnt invent them) 5. T. might be true... (cuz spenserian son named after Spencer..) 6. T. (he's professional) 7.don't get the question... Pope is not a person's name, right? 8.T. (cuz i know it started in late 18th century..) 9.T.( william wordsworth) 10.F (eh~~~I know they wrote novels, dont know if they wrote play...) Privacy Name Chen Yongxing Gender Male Date of Birth March 1987 Birthplace Hubei Jianshi Specialized vehicle engineering undergraduate degree Internship and social practice ◆ Students involved in undergraduate science and technology innovation innovation projects to obtain field-grade project (on the windows are not closed alarm system design) I is responsible for the alarm automatically close the design window, and aumulated a wealth of design innovation and knowledge; ◆ Tenth Harbin International Auto Show in early stage of preparing to divert the flow of people is responsible for extension, and aumulated experience in teamwork. Education of ◆ Basic Course: Higher mathematics, mechanical drawing, mechanical design, puter-based, VB programming foundation, electrical and electronics. ◆ professional courses: vehicle ergonomics, automotive design, body design, automotive energy-saving technology, automotive technology, automotive electronics, vehicle inspection, vehicle test studies, traffic management and control, vehicle performance, vehicle structure and so on. Rewarded ◆ 2006-2007 school year, first-class last semester school scholarships; ◆ 2006-2007 school year under the second semester of school scholarships; ◆ 2006-2007 school year, "School outstanding student leaders," the honorary title; ◆ 2007-2008 school year, "National inspirational" scholarships; ◆ 2007-2008 school year, the school "outstanding members from the honorary title"; ◆ 2007-2008 school year, the school "Holding Hands" Scholarship; ◆ 2007-2010 school year, a total of four third-class school scholarships. Language Four levels of English-speaking countries Computer Level ◆ National Computer 2 level; ◆ proficiency in CAD drawing sofare, office series of office sofare; ◆ familiar with PRO / E 3D mapping sofare. Self-evaluation ◆ e from rural areas, hard-working is the most valuable asset, their job seriously, has a good team spirit and a strong collective sense of honor; ◆ four-year period in school life as a member of a class level are well coordinated beeen the students of class of financial done openly, fairly, has aumulated a certain amount of work experience; ◆ worked in school during the internship mechanical design, automotive design internship have achieved excellent results; ◆ undergraduate students undertake innovative projects related to the windows close automatically part of the innovative design task, and achieved certain results, from which aumulated a wealth of design knowledge and relevant expertise; aumulated a wealth of experience in teamwork. Job intentions ◆ Chi engaged in automotive design sector-related design work or automobile manufacturing sector, inspection and testing related work; ◆ treatment requirements: 2000 yuan / month or more. Legend hoist with scorpions and the snake essence. A pangolin aidentally hit a cave, o goblins wear escaped from the people in. Tell a man hurried to pangolin scales, the only kind of seven colors to kill the o gourd, demon. Old stone save pangolin, pulled together made gourd seed, this cave. The gourd is, in the protection and safe, returned to his old yard. A man and his gourd seed vine climbed stands aside his *** all stockpiles, scaffolding, soon became the red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet, are seven gourd demon lens see from flexibly. Elderly care with the gourd, and they set the generations feelings. More Goblins are not this man, took seven gourd and pangolin scratching. Seven gourd mature, suessively ground into seven boys, brother pictures gourd wearing the costume seven colors. In order to eliminate the evil man, and pangolin, one after another to fight with the goblins. Eva is red, shape can greaten strongman, fall in najaf violence swamp. Orange Eva is amiable breeze ear, but by the demon lens and sword shoot fans had been blind eyes, Eva, have been rescued yellow eyes healed animals and deadly trap is blue, help find baby dolls hiding place. Huang, Eva invulnerability thread off hand, but due to the sword, and was foolhardy outnumbered by goblins and soft Yin and Yang jian tied. Eva green fire, once the axe, melting the centipede by goblins, cold spring with cool and refreshing drunk again by freezing. Eva green mass throughput jianghai can mirror, devil brings drunk down float in the poison aquarium. Blue, want to have invisibility Eva, finally began to steal the baby brother because of the ignorance and Eva JinBao suction were purple gourd. Purple is lost, Eva demon captivation nature, think oneself is a demon, deny man, they came to his gourd and was alive. The seven fairies brother sent into the LianDan furnace, want a seven heart Dan. At this moment, I threw out a summary, seven brothers together, standing in the moment of the ten times amplification in Taiwan LianDan out I play every spells, and finally beat goblins JinBao aept them into the bottle gourd, colorful mountain, the mountain in fairies. 希望可以帮助你 Novel in over 200 years ago, colonial America as a theme, but to expose the capitalist development of the United States is the nieenth Century era social code of cruelty, deception of religious and moral hypocrisy.The protagonist Hester is written as the incarnation of holy morality.She will not only affect the quite different to Dinmes Dyer, but also affect the evil society.As for her hu *** and Chillingworth novels have, put him into a wanted to peep secret revenge shadow figure.In his novels, only plot foreshadowing role. Hello. I am afraid my colleague must have delivered the wrong package to you. Please let me know whether you want a new delivery of the right package or you just want a refund by returning the garments. Thank you very much for your understanding. Merry Christmas. After graduating from high school, the choice of Korean students, the University of reading in the prior to a year of preparatory study. During the year, encountered many difficulties, sometimes will have to give up the idea of, but when troubles e, I'll calm thinking, to solve the problem to settle things, in the solution after self reflection. After the first came to Korea, a personal life, life needs its own cooking. In this period of time, develop their own affairs and responsible attitude; for the time of master life habits and other aspects gradually developed to do things by themselves have ordered character; quickly adapt to the living environment, make many foreign friends, to broaden our horizons, contact different national culture broaden international view. Because of my friend's reason, let me feel optimistic, enthusiastic feature, helpful. His active optimi *** , the original poor munication to realize the importance of the initiative to municate with people. In South Korea and the stage of learning schools arrange colorful curriculum, drama is one of the. Because of the same group of students from different countries, different modes of thought, language is different, differences of friction. However, after the short-term calm, I raise the crew to meet and municate with each other to speak out his mind, to re plan, assign tasks, suessfully solve the things at the anizational leadership, and achieved good results. In the study period, I have holiday short working with hope to work to help me learn Korean, contact friends development skills and give the classroom can not gain experience. Because it is the first attempt to work, just started to work when you feel inadequate his lot, bee more aware of the job are not easy to. Then you will not question I would ask, until you remember. At the beginning of the business skilled generated a lot of mistakes, in the face of president of the punishment to listen carefully and correct. Although the job is very hard, but always adhere to in the end. Work makes me feel a lot of practice, learning outside of the pleasure of life. In work period, caused me to operate curiosity, whether of inventory, inventory, tally, people related professional field of curiosity. Query through the neork, your predecessors remended in management science, academic research, industry reputation, hope to have the opportunity to bee a member of your school poring over their favorite field. The study of the University, is to lay the foundation for the future career of knowledge and ability, is also very important for their own direction of development in the future. Therefore, in university period I will work hard to enrich the Korean language ability, to enhance the Korean speaking and writing, I will subscribe to Han Wen related books, listening to and watching Han Wen class program. Chinese enterprises have entered the international market, but also an important lesson to train the ability of English, while enhancing the professional ability of puter information. I will actively participate in school activities, and play to cultivate relationships in their personal ability, and strengthen the basic professional courses of study, for university graduates to obtain certificates, thick planting individual solid career background for enterprises to obtain the favor. In the future career, I want to work into the South Korean enterprises, learning to play in the process of studying knowledge, understand the advantages of self, to find their own ideal, for the munity to contribute their greatest strength, by everybody appreciated support at work, build the human neork of their own, these self target is the original my motivation, also encourage yourself toward the future direction step by step enter practice! 闲云鹤生态农庄 leisurely & carefree eco-farm 意译 勉强可以 要直译,又没有了汉语的那份雅致闲情了—— Solitary Cloud & Wild Crane Eco-farm 哈有一个意译的尝试: Unworldly Carefree Eco-farm Wait for someone with my life I am sure what I do want is your ing back, and then I will face all the consequences of going to Xiamen. Please give me some time and when the time es, meet me outside McDonald's at the station. (1)不清楚‘为考去厦门’的意思 所以只译了去厦门 如果是为了考试去厦门 going to Xiamen改为going to Xiamen for examinations (2)不清楚‘所带来的一切’的意思 译文的意思是‘后果’(consequences) 要是意思在物质方面,例如开支, 可用all the costs costs也可以泛指‘代价’ 直译可以是 I will face/shoulder all the things that going to Xiamen will bring. 如果是你一人去 going to 改为 my going to 如果是你2人一起去 our going to



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