
时间:2024-07-29 03:19:00编辑:分享君




2019. 6. 26. 英语课堂游戏

一、Simon says 西蒙说


(1)游戏规则与Listen and do 听指令做动作差不多,不同的是教师在发出指令前可以说“Simon says”,则学生做此动作,指令前没有说“Simon says”,则学生不做此此动作;

(2)如教师说“touch your nose”,而学生做摸鼻子的动作,就算错了。


Good morning! Boys and girls! Nice to meet you again!boys and girls,before the class.do you want to play a game?I know you like it,do you still rememember the game”simon says”yes?wonderful,let’splay it now

Boys and girls,Listen to me carefully!

Simon says:“touch your eyes”

Simon says:“touch your nose”

Simon says:“touch your pencil box

“touch your ears”

Haha somebody moves,remember you shouldn’t do anything when I don’t say simon says,are you clear?ok ,let’s play it again,/wow,this time everybody did a good job!

二、high and low voice大小声






boys and girls,now let's play a high and low voice game!

If I read this word/sentence in high voice ,you should read it in low voice ,and if I read it in low voice ,you should read it in high voice .

now are you ready?what would you like?(师小声)....

一、Magic box 魔术盒子







Boys and girls,here is a magic box ,and there are many delicious food in the box.Now would you want to open the box and see what's in it?Remember when you take it out,please say its English name,ok?Now are you clear?great!who want to come here and have a try?oh,tom,you please!

二、Guessing Game 猜一猜






dear class,now please look at the word card and read it loudly,ok?pencil.ruler.eraser....wonderful,

boys and girls,now i will hide a word card secretly behind my back,can you guess which word is behind my back?lucy,can you guess?ruler.tom,what's your answer?pencil.what about you,jack?eraser.

wow ,you three have diffrent answers,now let's see who got it.dangdangdang,it's pencil!Tom,you got it.congratulations.a star for you

四、What's missing? 哪一张卡片不见了?





-What‟s missing?

-…is missing.


Now let's read these words together,window,chair,table,picture.....

ok ,boys and girls,let's play the game"what's missing?ok?did you still remember the game?yes?wonderful! now let’s play it.Everbody close your eyes ,please,let me see whose eyes are still open,ok i have taked away a word card and then can you guess which word is missing ,andy,can you have a try?

三、Listen and do 听指令做动作



(2)教师可迅速说出一些祈使句,如:Touch your nose (ear,mouth,eye).Put up your hands. Close your eyes.等;

(3)学生听到后做动作,最快、最准地获胜。可以用来发出指令的词句还有:Touch your book (your pen ,the desk ). 等。


boys and girls ,now let's play a game"listen and do"you should listen to my order carefully and then do the action as quickly as possible,let's see who wil react quickly and correctly!

now listen to my order,please,touch your nose,touch your eyes,close your eyes,put your hands up....

