
时间:2024-07-29 21:13:38编辑:分享君


difficult的读音是:英['d?f?k?lt]。difficult的读音是:英['d?f?k?lt]。difficult的例句是用作形容词(adj.)The quest for gold was difficult.寻找金矿是很困难的。difficult【近义词】fussy。一、详尽释义点此查看difficult的详细内容adj.(形容词)困难的,艰难的,难做的,难解的,问题很多的,充满艰难困苦的需要精力或技术的,费力的难相处的,不随和的难熬的麻烦的,难对付的,棘手的,难以,难弄(人)执拗的,顽固的真别扭二、双解释义adj.(形容词)困难的,难懂的 needing a lot of effort, skill, etc.; hard to do, make, understand, or deal with; not easy不易相处的,难满足的 hard to deal with; not easy to please or persuade三、英英释义Adjective:not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure;"a difficult task""nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access""difficult times""why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?"hard to control;"a difficult child""an unmanageable situation"四、例句The quest for gold was difficult.寻找金矿是很困难的。The child is going through a difficult phase.那孩子正经历困难的阶段。She handled a difficult argument skilfully.她巧妙地应付了一场艰难的辩论。She is just being difficult.她正在闹别扭呢。He was a difficult man to deal with.他是个很难对付的人。He is a difficult man to get along with.他是个不易相处的人。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.English is a difficult language to learn.英语是一门难学的语言。Mathematics is regarded as a difficult subject.数学被人认为是难科目。He is absorbed in the calculation of that difficult maths problem.他全神贯注地在算那道数学难题。The teacher gave us an explanation of the difficult point.老师向我们清楚地解释了这个难点。If you think that the repair is going to be a difficult job, we'll just have to call in a builder.如果你认为这项修理工作很困难的话,我们就得去请个建筑工人来了。He is hardly capable of executing such a difficult task.他几乎不可能完成这样困难的任务。He bore himself with dignity under such difficult circumstances.他在如此艰难的环境中仍然保持了自己的尊严。Though their task was a difficult one, their revolutionary zeal and perseverance carried them through.虽然他们的任务艰巨,但他们的革命热情和坚韧不拔的精神帮助他们克服了一切困难。The old man bears the difficult days of the past in mind.老人牢记过去的艰难岁月。He has always been a difficult child.他一直是个闹人的孩子。He is a difficult poet.他是一个不好懂的诗人。She's a difficult woman to get on with.她是个不易相处的妇女。He was in a very difficult position.他当时处境十分尴尬。用作表语S+be+~I appreciate the task will be long and difficult.我懂得这项任务是长期而艰巨的。When you get down to it, it isn't so difficult.当你开始认真对待事情时,事情就不难。Unloading the boxes is hard; inspecting them is even more difficult.把盒子卸下来是费劲,检查它们则是更困难的。The calculation was difficult but we finally cracked it.计算起来很费劲,但我们终于解决了。Don't be so difficult!不要那么不随和!We had hoped that we would be able to leave tomorrow, but it's beginning to look difficult.我们原希望明天可以出发,但是这事开始显得困难起来。Nothing is difficult to a man who wills.世上无难事,只怕有心人。S+be+~+of n./v- ingIt was difficult of proof.这事难以证明。The theory is difficult of explanation.这学说难以解释。It was difficult of solution.这问题难以解决。The summit of the mountain is difficult of ascent.这山顶难以攀登。S+be+~+to- vThe question is difficult to answer.这个问题难以回答。The task is difficult to do.这项任务很难完成。The place is difficult to live (in).这地方难以居住。The emotionally disturbed are difficult to treat.情绪病患者很难医治。The patient was difficult to manage, but the nurse dealt with him all right.这个病人很难管理,但是护士把他护理得很好。He is difficult to satisfy.他很难得到满足。It is/was+~+(for sb) to- vIt's very difficult to dig into the cliff.挖进崖石是非常困难的。It is difficult to arrange their difference.他们的分歧很难调解。It is difficult to choose between such two nice houses.两幢房子都这么漂亮,让人难以作出抉择。During my illness I got behind in my school work, and now it is difficult to catch up.我生病期间功课拖下了,现在很难赶上。It's so difficult to get a chance.得到机会如此不易。It is difficult to get them all together under one roof.把他们都聚集到一起是很不容易的。It was difficult to get the pole over the hedge.要把这根竿子传递过树篱很困难。It's difficult to carry on a conversation at a noisy party.在闹哄哄的聚会上,很难进行交谈。It is difficult to forgive anyone for cruelty.任何人的粗鲁是很难被原谅的。It is difficult to adjust one's habits to someone else.一个人很难调整自己的习惯以适应其他人。It's difficult to talk to her, because she is hard of hearing.跟她说话很难,因为她听觉不灵。It is difficult to adapt oneself to sudden changes of temperature.一个人很难使自己习惯于突然变化的气温。It is difficult for me to teach.教书对于我是件不容易的事。It is difficult for me to do the task.要我完成这项任务是困难的。It is difficult for you to learn English.对你来说,学英语是有困难的。It was difficult for her to fight back her tears.她很难忍住眼泪。I think it's not difficult for him to get a word in edgeways, because all the chatterboxes are not here.我想他插上话并不难,因为那些喜欢饶舌的人都不在。It was difficult for me to decide which one to buy.对我来说很难决定买哪一个。It's rather difficult for a cocky person to be on good terms with others.一个傲慢的人要和别人很好地相处,那是很难的。用作宾语补足语S+V+O+~I found English difficult at first.起初我发觉英语难学。That made the subject difficult of investigation.那使这问题不易探讨。She got across the headmaster, who made life very difficult for her.她得罪了校长,校长就让她日子不好过。I find it difficult to adapt myself to the climate here.我觉得自己难适应这儿的气候。The modern children find it difficult to conceive of a time when there was no radio or TV.今天的儿童很难设想没有收音机和电视机的时代是什么样子。His awkward speech made him difficult to understand.他那蹩脚的讲演很难让人听懂。六、经典引文Knowledge..is difficult to gain.出自:WordsworthIt is difficult to imagine a more universal disaster.出自:J. L. MotleySome harbours..are made difficult of access by..sunken rocks.出自:J. ConradHelp to see him through the difficult weeks ahead.出自:Daily Mirror七、词语用法adj.(形容词)difficult的基本意思是“难的”,指难以做到的、难以解决的、难以理解的、难以承受的事物,多用于智力或情感方面,侧重需付出大量思考或运用技巧方能解决。引申用于修饰人时表示“难以对付的,不易取悦的”; 用于指境遇时表示“尴尬的”。difficult可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。作表语时,后面可接介词of或to引起的短语,也可接动词不定式,句子的主语是动词不定式的逻辑宾语。difficult的意思是“使人感到困难的”,而不是“人感到困难的”,因此一般不以“人”作主语,而如以动词不定式作主语,则常用于形式主语结构。difficult用作表语时其后接的动词不定式不能用于被动结构。difficult的相关近义词fussy、grim、hard、obscure、painful、steep、stiff、ticklish、tough、tryingdifficult的相关反义词easy、straightforwarddifficult的相关临近词difficulty、differentiate、difficult of、Difficultiea、difficultiesl、difficult job、difficultness、difficult man、Difficult ore、difficult task、difficult work、difficult test点此查看更多关于difficult的详细信息


difficult,读音:英[ˈdɪfɪkəlt],美[ˈdɪfɪkəlt]。释义:adj.困难的;艰难的;(人)难对付的;不易相处的。例句:It is very difficult for me to learn a new language.对我来说,学习一门新语言很难。变形:比较级more difficult,最高级most difficult。difficult的用法difficult的意思是“使人感到困难的”,而不是“人感到困难的”,因此一般不以“人”作主语,而如以动词不定式作主语,则常用于形式主语结构。difficult用作表语时其后接的动词不定式不能用于被动结构。difficult可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。作表语时,后面可接介词of或to引起的短语,也可接动词不定式,句子的主语是动词不定式的逻辑宾语。


difficult读音:英 ['dɪfɪkəlt],美 ['dɪfɪkəlt]。释义:(1)困难的,艰难的,难做的,难解的,问题很多的,充满艰难困苦的。(2)需要精力或技术的,费力的。(3)难相处的,不随和的。(4)麻烦的,难对付的,棘手的,难以,难弄。例句:The child is going through a difficult phase.那孩子正经历困难的阶段。词汇搭配difficult country 丘陵地区difficult language 困难的语言difficult position 艰难的境况difficult problem 困难的问题扩展资料近义词1、fussy读音:英 ['fʌsi],美 ['fʌsi]。释义:adj. 过分装饰的;谨慎的;挑剔的;唠叨的,抱怨的。例句:The little girl dislikes her fussy parents.小女孩讨厌她那过分操心的父母。2、hard读音:英 [hɑːd],美 [hɑːrd]。释义:(1)adj. 硬的;困难的;棘手的;坚强的;残酷的;用力的;液态的;严寒的;确凿的。(2)adv. 努力地;强烈地;严重地;坚定地。例句:The ground is as hard as stone after the long drought.长期干旱之后,土地硬得就像石头一样。

