
时间:2024-08-05 17:50:29编辑:分享君


解释:n. 锅(源自广东话);炒菜锅wok读法:英 [wɒk] 美 [wɑːk] 用法:Manchu Wok 满洲镬 ; 满洲锅Wok Of Life 福满人间electric wok 电炒勺 ; 电炒锅 ; 炒勺 ; 蛤蜊用电锅近义词:clamp读法:英 [klæmp] 美 [klæmp] 解释:v. (用夹具)夹紧,夹住;紧紧抓住,牢牢固定住;给(车辆)上夹钳;保持(电信号)电压极限在规定水平n. 夹具,夹钳;车轮夹锁(用于锁住违章停放的车辆);钳位电路;贮藏于稻草(或地底)下的一堆马铃薯(或其它块根蔬菜);青贮饲料堆的三面结构用法:Patch clamp 膜片钳 ; [生理] 膜片箝 ; 膜片钳技术 ; 片钳voltage clamp 电压钳 ; 钳位电压 ; 理想电压箝位 ; [医] 电压箝Butt Clamp 对夹 ; 对于夹


woke英/wəʊk/ 美/woʊk/v.醒;醒来;唤醒;弄醒;唤起(记忆);使再次感觉到adj.(美)警觉的wake的过去式 woke造句1、Uncle Arthur, after a loud snore, woke suddenly.阿瑟大叔响亮地打了个鼾后,突然醒了过来。2、Excessive drinking yesterday, woke up still want to vomit.昨日饮酒过度,醒来仍想呕吐。3、I woke up and got out of bed.我醒来后就起床。4、When I woke at dawn my heart was thrilling tremulously as I stepped outside.清晨醒来,起身走到外面,我的心里震颤不已。5、The noise woke me.吵声惊醒了我。


woke意思是:激发。woke动词唤醒;v. 醒( wake的过去式 );唤醒;唤起(记忆);使再次感觉到;激发;使…复活(wake的过去式)adj.(美)警觉的。woke造句1、The dog woke up,had a good stretch and wandered off.那条狗醒过来,舒舒服服地伸展了一下身子便走开了。2、It's time you woke up to the fact that you're not very popular.你早就该明白你没什麽人缘儿。3、The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.这件事唤起了他对过去苦难经历的回忆。4、The bad news finally woke the country to the danger of war.坏消息传来,终于使国人认识到了发生战争的危险。5、The argument woke old rivalries.争论又激起了旧怨。6、The country woke from her trace of two hundred years.这个国家在沉睡了200年之后觉醒过来了。7、He woke one morning to find himself the owner of the farm.他一觉醒来,发现自己成了农场主。8、In the middle of the night,two boys woke up and began shouting.在半夜里,两个孩子醒了并大声喊起来。


wokev.醒;醒来;唤醒;弄醒;唤起(记忆);使再次感觉到adj.(美)警觉的英/wəʊk/ 美/woʊk/wake的过去式 woke造句1、Uncle Arthur, after a loud snore, woke suddenly.阿瑟大叔响亮地打了个鼾后,突然醒了过来。2、Excessive drinking yesterday, woke up still want to vomit.昨日饮酒过度,醒来仍想呕吐。3、I woke up and got out of bed.我醒来后就起床。4、When I woke at dawn my heart was thrilling tremulously as I stepped outside.清晨醒来,起身走到外面,我的心里震颤不已。5、The noise woke me.吵声惊醒了我。

