
时间:2024-08-06 21:20:37编辑:分享君


reconciliation 和解双语例句Thanks to our reconciliation/Because we appeared reconcilable/Because we were conciliatory, the matter did not escalate.我们采取了息事宁人的态度,事情才没有闹大。The peaceful atmosphere is conducive to reconciliation.和平的气氛有助于和解。He tried hard and finally got the two sides to patch up their quarrel and effect a reconciliation. / It took him a lot of talking to bring about a reconciliation.他左劝右说,才得以息事宁人。EXAMPLE: Our accounting department stayed up late last night doing our monthly reconciliation.昨天晚上,每月的核对帐目让我们的会计部门工作很晚.


一、发音不同:reconciliation:英 [ˌrekənsɪli'eɪʃn],美 [ˌrekənsɪli'eɪʃn]reconcilement:英 ['rekənsaɪlmənt],美 ['rekənsaɪlmənt] 二、解释不同:reconciliation:n. 和解;调和reconcilement:n. 调停;一致三、搭配用法不同:reconciliation:reconciliation statement of account 帐户调节表deficit reconciliation statement 亏损额计算书...reconciliation procedure 调和程序, 协调过程 reconciliation statement 银行往来调节表,银行 reconciliation 【经】银行对账单,银...reconciliation of reciprocal accounts 相互帐户的协调...用作名词 (n.)They informed him that they wished reconciliation.他们告诉他,他们愿意和解。There was no hope of a reconciliation between them.他们之间没有和好的希望。reconcilement:Interface between customers GUPT on der fulfillment, ac reconcilement, quality audit, specific product development business model recommendations.作为客户和公司的窗口,满足客户的需求,付款处理,质量审核,特殊产品开发和合作模式推荐Because there must be someone put himself down and beg reconcilement first when misunderstanding exists between two, and you'd better be the one.这是一个在不被理解的情况下安慰自己的办法,而实际上也有可能是这样。

