原来如此 英语

时间:2024-08-14 16:06:59编辑:分享君


问题一:原来如此用英语怎么说 soga

问题二:“原来如此”用英语怎么说? “原来是这样”用英语怎么说? So that is what [how] it is
I see
It explains the matter.
So that's how matters stand.
So this is your good works 你的所谓杰作原来如此 呀
'Oh,'he sneered,'that's it! “ 嘿, ” 他冷笑一声, “ 原来如此!
So that's how it's done! 原来如此!
Now it es to me. 原来如此.

问题三:“原来如此”用英语怎么说? “原来是这样”用英语又怎样说? So that's it..
So it is

问题四:[原来如此] 用英语怎样表达 原来如此
[yuán lái rú cǐ]
So that is what [how] it is.; I see.; It explains the matter.; So that's how matters stand. ;
最常用的当然就是I see了。

问题五:原来如此翻译成英语怎么说 1.So that's how it is!
2.Oh I see now!
3.Oh I see how it is!
4.No wonder!
5.Oh I got it now!
7.So that's why...
8.Oh so that explains why...
以上的都是很口语化的 =)

问题六:原来如此用英语该怎么说 原来如此
So that is what [how] it is.; I see.; It explains the matter.; So that's how matters stand.

问题七:‘原来如此’用英语怎么说 你好!
I see.

问题八:英文「原来如此」怎么说 So that's how matters stand.
matters 英 ['m?t?z]
美 ['m?t?z]
n. 物质( matter的名词复数 ); (讨论、考虑等的) 问题; 重要性; 事件;
v. 要紧( matter的第三人称单数 ); 化脓; 有重大影响; 有重要性;
[例句]She told me not to repeat it, but now I don't suppose it matters.
[其他] 原型: matter

问题九:原来如此 的英语怎么说 原来如此
[词典] So that is what [how] it is.; I see.; It explains the matter.; So that's how matters stand.;
So this is your good works!

问题十:原来如此用英语怎么说 soga


原来如此的英语是i see词汇解析:see  基本词汇  英 [siː]     美 [siː]    v. 看见;明白;了解;经历;设想n. 主教教区;主角权限When the sun goes down, we can see the stars.当太阳落下,我们能看见星星。see further看得更远 see hardly几乎看不见词汇的同近义词view  基本词汇  英 [vjuː]     美 [vjuː]    n. 视野;见解;风景;方法;检查v. 考虑;看;把 ... 视为His view of life is different from yours.他的人生观与你的不同。single view一目了然 adverse view反面意见

