
时间:2024-08-18 20:03:43编辑:分享君

alone 是什么意思

alone的意思是:单独的;独自的;唯一的;独一无二的;孤独的;孤单的;孤立的。短语:let alone更不必说,听任,不打扰;all alone独立地,独自地;stand alone孤立,独一无二;alone with与…一起;live alone独自生活,一个人住,单独居住;adj.独自的;单独的;孤独的;adv.独自地;单独地。双语例句1、Winking back her tears,she left alone. 她眨眨眼忍住眼泪,独自离开了。2、Her parents disapprove of her going to dances alone.她父母不赞成她单独去跳舞。3、He traversed alone the whole continent of Africa from east to west.他独自一人从东到西横越整个非洲大陆。4、You can't place to a yard by means of shoulder and arm energy alone.你不能独自用肩和臂的力量将某物推进一码。


alone读音:/əˈləʊn/.释义:adj./adv.单独的;独自的;只;仅仅;孤独的;孤立的;单干的;仅仅的。常见变形词:比较级aloneer;最高级aloneest;名词aloneness.短语搭配:1、let alone更不必说;2、leave alone不干涉;不理会;3、all alone独自一人、单独;4、left alone独自离开;5、live alone独自生活;6、stay alone一个人呆着;7、work alone独自工作;8、go it alone单干;9、stand alone独一无二;10、leave well alone不要去管它。例句:1、He debated whether he should leave the matter alone or speak to her.他在考虑是顺其自然还是和她谈谈。2、The very thought of being alone brought her out in a cold sweat.一想到那孤身一人的情景,她不禁出了一身冷汗。


  你知道alone是什么意思吗?下面一起来看看吧   alone   alone的意思:   adj.单独的;独自一人的;孤单的   adv.独自地;仅仅   alone的英语音标:   英 [ə'ləʊn]     美 [ə'loʊn]   alone的英语例句:   Tom is not alone in finding Rick hard to work with.   并不只是汤姆一人认为和里克难以共事。   I was alone in the classroom.   我独自在教室里。   After tea I wandered alone about the town.   吃过下午茶,我独自在城里漫步。 alone是什么意思   You can't live on bread alone.   你不能仅靠面包维生。   Don't leave a child alone in a room with an open fire 房间里有裸露的明火时,不要让孩子独处其中。   He knew when to leave well alone and when to interfere 他知道什么时候该适可而止,什么时候该插手干预。   He had always been an outcast, unwanted and alone 他一直都被视为异类,无人理睬,形单影只。   He was working alone and did not have an accomplice 他在单干,没有同伙。   I can console myself with the fact that I'm not alone 不是只有我一个人才这样,我可以用这一事实来安慰自己。   Michael was standing alone by the bar when Brian rejoined him 布赖恩回到迈克尔身边时,他正一个人站在吧台旁边。   I would have to learn, little by little, to exist alone 我得慢慢学会独自生活。   He lived alone, keeping close contact with his three grown-up sons 他一个人住,与个已经长大成人的儿子经常联系。   The doll-like figures in these stories are unlike anybody, let alone oneself 这些故事中的玩偶形象跟谁都不像,更不用说像自己了。

