
时间:2024-08-19 23:52:20编辑:分享君

be sure是什么意思

1、be sure of和be sure about意思和用法没区别,一般都可以替换。2、be sure of 确信例句:She looked over her shoulder to be sure of her footing. 她扭头看了看后面以确认自已是否站稳了。3、be sure about 对......很有把握例句: You can be sure about their interest in it. 你可以肯定他们对引很感兴趣。扩展资料A lot of people think that it's better to pay for their education so that they can be sure of getting quality .许多人认为最好是接受付费教育,这样能确保教学质量。The US will need a three-to-one superiority in forces to be sure of a successful attack 美国需要在军力上具有3比1的优势才能确保进攻胜利。You can be sure of one thing. 有一件事你可以肯定。Whatever you find inside, there's one thing you can be sure of. 无论你在包里发现了什么,有一点是肯定的。I hope so, but nobody can be sure of the future. 我希望能这样,可是对未来谁也没有把握。参考资料来源:百度翻译:be sure of

be sure of和be sure about意思一样吗?

不一样. 具体有如下两点:1、具体含义不同be sure of的意思是确信;确保。be sure about的意思是就像…一样地不容怀疑;把握;确定。2、用法不同be sure of后接名词性动词,表示确保某件事情;be sure about后接的是物,而不是事。例如:If you want to be sure of getting thereon time,you had better leave early.I am sure about her success at her exam as she is very diligent and smart.

