
时间:2024-08-22 06:17:57编辑:分享君


It is a very good chance for me, so I will try my best. I am sure that I will bring great benefit to your company and also help you a lot. It is really nice to meet you today.

But I wonder what's the compensation and the welfare? Does your company provide housing subsidy and social insurance for the employees?

When do you expected me to work? Personnally I hope to work on 27 this month. You know, I have to go back to Fujian and hand over my work.

Could you please send me some company profiles and documents, so I can learn and get farmiliar with my work as soon as possible. Thanks.


请帮忙译成英文,谢谢!急!急! See attached file until the statements are so far we have received a number of colorway, please can all of this when sent to us so that we can continue as soon as possible transfer material; Thank you! Please confirm that the DEV samples have not been changed.If so,we will adjust the material's color aording to the dev samples.I will reply you the delivery date of the confirmed samples after I get the delivery date of the material from the factory.Thanks. Meanwhile,please issue the formal PO for the confirm samples to us ,Thank you so much! Please find the attached sample list. I've mailed all the sales samples but ht/sv/ad to the warehouse by UPS. ht/sv/ad will be posted this Friday. There are tracking numbers on the list, please track on it. Thanks. See attached sample file up-to-date statements, all of the shipping time I have written in the D column; for most of the samples we sent to you on the 8th in; italy to DELAY the materials required in order to receive the factory on the 13th, so in addition to De / Ce / Be The three STYLE We will not send, you will wait on the 20th, when a business trip to China to see, please substances, thank you I will be on annual leave from Sep. 1st to Sep 5th, and I will be back to the office on Sep. 7th. Please contact Lucy or Anna if you need any assitance. You can send email or give me a call if needed. Thanks I have some good shoes, but there are a number of style do not necessarily have to wait until the end of this month can only be sent to; If all the shoes to be received before the 27, it must send ups can express; if they may not forward; I will be on maternity leave from 20th August to 21st November, please contact to Lucy and Anna if you have any questions about me during this time. I wish you all fine business and everyday joyance! The following is a meeting we had last week in the office of the shipping records, whether or not all the problems mentioned above can be implemented, please make sure to e back if we can do based on, thank you! 1: If the DEV SAMPLE do not need to forward the invoice to the guests, we have written to tell the guests as long as the samples which have been sent away, and this can awb #; 2: If the sales / pm sample, all inovice developers need to provide a format in aordance with the lily do list, then pass on the Department of costing to fill their real price to HK-stella, HK-Stella again shall forward to the guests invited; 3: In order to facilitate the workload of all the above in the conflict, and to save everyone's time to do some clerical work, I hope the DEVsample do not need to forward to the guests INVOICE; Usually we tell the guests to write mail will detail which had been sent away to tell what has not to send, you say that? Please see attached progress table for samples. The samples marked with red will send out today by forwarder(?). You may receive them around this Friday. The samples marked with yellow will not be able to send out until this Friday. The samples marked with green is postponed to send out on the fifth day of next month, because these made by factory are unqualified and they will have to re-produce. If you have any question or quary, please let us know. Thank you so much and have a great day! I am going to begin maternity leave on 17th September,and be back on 18th December.During this period, if who has any troubles please call lucy and lily directly. If there is any things that I can help,please call me,thank you! It is very pleased that David gave me this chance to have a meal with all of you .Thank you for caring about me during my pregnancy.I would like to say thank you instead of my little baby. We will meet again soon,and I will miss everyone of you.


出自《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。原文:人最宝贵的东西是生命 ,生命属于人只有一次 。一个人的生命是应该这样度过的 :当他回首往事的时候, 他不会因虚度年华而悔恨 ,也不会因碌碌无为而羞耻 ,这样在临死的时候 ,他才能够说:'我的生命和全部的经历 ,都献给世界上最壮丽的事业----为人类的解放而斗争。赏析:当一个人身体健康.充满青春活力的时候.坚强是比较简单和容易做到的事.只有生活像铁环那样把你紧紧箍住的时候.坚强才是光荣的业绩。《钢铁是怎样炼成的》是前苏联作家尼古拉·奥斯特洛夫斯基所著的一部长篇小说,于1933年写成。小说通过记叙保尔·柯察金的成长道路告诉人们,一个人只有在革命的艰难困苦中战胜敌人也战胜自己,只有在把自己的追求和祖国、人民的利益联系在一起的时候,才会创造出奇迹,才会成长为钢铁战士。



