
时间:2024-08-24 06:27:11编辑:分享君


A well-known poem by Tang Dynasty writer Du Mu tells of a sad scene in early April: "rains fall heavily as Qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go." Qingming Day, the traditional tomb-sweeping day, falls on April 4-6 each year. It is a time for remembering loved ones who have departed. People visit their ancestors' graves to sweep away the dirt.唐朝著名诗人杜牧有一首著名的诗,描述了四月初令人伤感的一幕场景:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”每年4月4-6日左右的清明节是传统的扫墓的日子。在这一天,人们祭吊去世的亲人,到先人的坟头上扫墓。Its origin dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period. Jin prince Chong'er ran away from the country with his supporters due to persecution. They were homeless for 19 years and things got so bad that Chong'er began to starve to death. One of the prince's faithful followers, Jie Zitui, cut a piece of muscle from his own leg and served it to his master. Chong'er was saved and, in 636 BC, he took back the throne.清明节可以追溯到春秋时代。晋国公子重耳因受到迫害,率其支持者出逃。19年间,他们居无定所,漂泊四方。一次,他们的处境相当窘迫,重耳饿得快不行了。这时,忠心耿耿的介子推从自己的腿上割下一块肉献给了重耳,公子重耳得救了。公元前636年,他夺回了王位。


清明节英语手抄报内容如下:Tomb Sweeping Day is a festival.April 5 is Tomb Sweeping Day. On that day, we should sweep tombs. Every yeartoday, we go back to the garden to worship our ancestors. What my grandmother will prepare to worship is for the Qingming9Festival.In order to sweep the grave, we have prepared sickles, flowers, fruits and so on. There are many things to worship ourancestors. We weeded and cleaned first.My father and other relatives worked very hard. After weeding, we began to putpaper money on the tomb and finished the work of changing and paying homage.When it was time to burn paper moneybecause there was too much paper money, l quickly put it down and burn it until it was finished.Finally, the worship is over, but we stil have to tidy up another tomb. When we arrive at another cemetery, because theplace is easier to clean and because the tomb is relatively small it will be finished soon.Next to the tomb is the tomb markedby the cross, and many people worship with flowers.We finally finished sweeping the tomb. lt was a busy day.


【 #英语资源# 导语】清明节起源于春秋战国时代,是中国汉族的传统节日之一,为中国二十四节气之一,时间约在每年的阳历4月5日前后。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.清明节英语手抄报资料   Qingming Festival is a beautiful spring day. I went to the mountain of my hometown to visit the grave with my grandparents and my parents. Before we came to the grave, dad and grandpa first removed the weeds on the grave, then put some paper money on the grave, grandma put some beautiful paper flowers on it, lit some incense and bowed deeply to their grave. Finally, Dad took out firecrackers and set them off. The crackling sound of firecrackers spread far away.   When we got home after sacrificing our ancestors, we began to do what I thought about day and night - making cottonseed cakes. There are many cotton vegetables in my hometown's vegetable garden. I picked some tender cotton vegetables, washed them and broke them. Then I mixed the cotton vegetable juice with japonica rice flour and an appropriate amount of water, kneaded them into dough and divided them into small pieces. Then I diced shrimp skin, dried tofu, dried bamboo shoots and chicken and fried them into delicious fillings. Then I shaped the small dough into a bowl, wrapped the fillings in it, and finally put the wrapped cotton vegetable cake into a large pot for 15 minutes, It's done. Smell it, it smells good! Our family is eating cottonseed cakes. It's really delicious.   After eating the cottonseed cake, I couldn't help sighing: how short a person's life is, and how beautiful it is to live! Qingming Festival is a day to remember our ancestors and let us know how to cherish it. 2.清明节英语手抄报资料   On Tomb Sweeping Day, we will come to the tomb, place a bunch of flowers and burn some paper money to express our thoughts and blessings to our loved ones, and silently pray for them in our hearts, wishing them to live happily and happily like us on the other side of heaven. At this time, we can't help but recall the years they spent with us. Those pictures seem to be still fresh in our eyes. Thinking of these, I can't help crying.   In the distance, the scenery of spring gradually came into my sight. Birds were singing the sonata of spring. The mountains were red, and there were golden cauliflower everywhere. The tender buds blew and the leaves fell, and the green tender buds grew out. Everywhere, there was a scene of spring and the recovery of all things, which announced the beginning of the new life of the deceased, a beginning full of expectations and blessings.   This is a season of spring, a season full of hope, a season for the beginning of a new life. While remembering the past, we should also be full of hope for the future, cherish life, make our life more meaningful, and don't waste such a beautiful life.   Qingming Festival, let us have a new understanding of life on such a special day. 3.清明节英语手抄报资料   The Tomb Sweeping Day in my hometown is the same as all over the country. But on the day of tomb sweeping in my hometown, we all go up the mountain early in the morning and go empty stomach without breakfast, so that the deceased ancestors can "eat" breakfast first. After a period of worship in front of the grave, we can take the food dedicated to our ancestors as our breakfast, even though the food is cold, But I think it's a respect for our ancestors. After offering sacrifices to their ancestors, the adults will clean up the weeds on the grave, and then insert a branch cut from nowhere next to the grave. I don't know what this means. I just hear the adults say it's to protect their ancestors from the wind and rain.   Of course, this is not the only festival in my hometown. After sweeping the tomb, the people in the village will get together and hold the annual "cockfighting" competition. It was the busiest scene I've ever seen. There were a sea of people. Everyone watched two big cocks fighting there. My friends and I like to swing on the temporary swing at the entrance of the village. We often forget to go home.   There are many activities in Qingming Festival in my hometown. I think these activities and customs are also Chinese traditional culture! 4.清明节英语手抄报资料   These days are Tomb Sweeping Day. We have a holiday. The whole family decided to visit Xitang. It's said that this is an ancient town. It's very fun. We drove all morning and arrived at Xitang at noon.   When you enter the gate, you can see the ancient buildings here. Whether it's a small pavilion or attic, it looks so antique. The tile eaves of the roof are high and stilted, and gray roofs are everywhere. After many years, small bridges and flowing water complement each other. Small boats floated over, with boats full of happy tourists. Tourists were weaving on both sides of the river bank, and there were cries of Hawking in small shops one after another.   We move forward with the crowded flow of people, and take a look at the small shop next to us from time to time. We have everything we buy, eat, use, wear and so on. Just past a small bridge, I suddenly heard someone singing. 5.清明节英语手抄报资料   Everything recovers and the spring is exciting. The annual Qingming Festival is coming soon. Qingming is people's sacrifice to martyrs and dead old people. Therefore, every time I go to Qingming, my heart has a kind of sad palpitation.   In the past, Qingming seldom met with the wind and sunshine. My father always took me to worship his ancestors. So he took up the shovel and added some new soil on his grandfather's grave. Some people will pick some Qingming flowers and put them in front of the graves of their deceased relatives, so that the Qingming flowers refresh their brightness and beauty against the sunshine in spring. They still linger after sweeping the tombs   Looking at the habitat of our ancestors, time is solidifying and memory is solidifying. A little incense is reverence, burning a few pieces of paper money is missing, and the etiquette of kowtowing is piety. The burned paper money flew around like a gray butterfly, and the sound of explosion made fireworks curl in the quiet field. There is wine in life. I'm drunk now. Why did a drop come to Jiuquan. The wine and meat placed in front of the tomb are missing, sustenance, blessing and gratitude.   Qingming, carrying too much melancholy, too much sadness, too much life and death. 6.清明节英语手抄报资料   It's sunny and sunny outside on Qingming Day. It's comfortable to ride my beloved bike and the warm spring breeze touches my cheek! There were so many cars along the way. I stepped on the pedal hard and followed my father closely. Today is my first time to go out by bike. I finally got to the Strawberry Garden.   Into the Strawberry Garden, bursts of sweet fragrance came to my face. There are few branches and leaves of strawberries. Under the emerald leaves, strawberries are scattered on the soil ridge like rubies. Strawberry has five petals, snow-white, only the middle stamen is light yellow. Carrying a plastic basket, I couldn't wait to start picking strawberries. There are light cyan seeds on the "body" of strawberries. Strawberries are red and large, glittering with attractive luster. At a glance, I can't wait to taste one. I eagerly put "rubies" into the basket. The fluff on the strawberry leaves tickled the back of my hand and I was fearless. Soon I picked a full frame, faster than my father.   I chose a big red strawberry and put it into my mouth. It's so sweet! Carrying a box full of red strawberries, with the joy of harvest, my father and I rode home.   Today is really a happy and meaningful day! 7.清明节英语手抄报资料   On Tomb Sweeping Day, we will come to the tomb, place a bunch of flowers and burn some paper money to express our thoughts and blessings to our relatives, and silently pray for them in our hearts, wishing them a happy and happy life on the other side of heaven. At this time, we can't help but recall the years they spent with us. Those pictures seem to be still fresh in our eyes. Thinking of these, I can't help crying.   In the distance, the spring scenery gradually came into my sight. The birds sang the Spring Sonata, the mountains were red, the golden cauliflower was everywhere, the tender buds blew and the leaves fell, and the green tender buds grew out. Everywhere was another scene of spring and the recovery of all things, which again signaled the beginning of a new life for the dead, a beginning full of expectations and blessings.   This is a spring season, a season full of hope and the beginning of a new life. While remembering the past, we should also be full of hope for the future, cherish life, make our life more meaningful, and don't waste such a beautiful life.   Qingming Festival, let us have a new understanding of life on such a special day. 8.清明节英语手抄报资料   Qingming is the day when peach blossoms are everywhere. Among the large peach blossoms on the mountain, several tall old trees appear abrupt. The strong wind in winter makes them especially old when they are in danger. The bare branches held dry forks and looked a little sad and silent. It is said that spring is a newborn child. I feel like the dying old man holding his newborn grandson. That unique combination will not make people feel abrupt, but a different kind of beauty.   The grass sprouted its delicate green buds and jumped up vigorously. It was not afraid that the thick soil would break its waist. Everything is racing against time at the fastest speed. Even the lazy Parthenocissus, who leans against the wall in summer before the wind blows, tries to climb up the wall and grow purple buds. Spring is a race. All life wakes up from the sleep of winter and everything looks new. 9.清明节英语手抄报资料   Every tomb sweeping day, I will follow my family to recall the lost loved ones. Every time we come to their graves, we will always bring their favorite food. Chicken, duck, fish and meat are complete. When I was young, I just felt fun, had food, and continuous drizzle to play with me, and I was very happy. Until I grew up and went to the fifth grade, I realized something I had never thought of.   It was another Tomb Sweeping Day, and my heart became tense with the depressed atmosphere. In front of Grandpa's grave, I didn't cry, but stood quietly in front of his grave without saying a word. It was not until my family lit the incense, sprinkled the wine in front of the grave and kowtowed a few heads that I came back to my senses. I also kowtowed to my grandfather in a hurry.      In the evening, we went home. One or two drops of rain fell from the sky and hit the eaves, clothes and even our sad hearts. This rain should be spring rain! I have loved the spring rain since I was a child. Every time I see the rain, I will always run and laugh in the rain. This time, I don't, but stand quietly in the rain and let it hit me. I am silent, because I miss my great grandfather.   The rain was still falling, and the grass accepted the baptism of the spring rain and quietly drilled out of the soft land; The big tree was baptized by the spring rain, and the dead branches grew tender small green buds; Pedestrians received the baptism of spring rain, and tears fell one after another; The earth has been baptized by the spring rain, and the stream flows to the East happily; We accept the baptism of the spring rain, and the world smiles in the sky. 10.清明节英语手抄报资料   "In the Qingming Festival, people on the road want to break their souls." This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is Thursday, April 4. Our family drove to our hometown, Chaoyang Gurao, early in the morning to sweep the tomb and worship our ancestors. The cars lined up all the way to the cemetery.   It was my first time to visit the grave. On the way, I always guessed what the cemetery on the mountain was like. I was looking forward to it. Finally, when I arrived at my destination, I couldn't wait to rush up, but the hillside Road on rainy days was too slippery, "plop" I fell and chewed mud. I got up. My mother looked at it and said, "Daye, I'm too anxious to eat hot tofu. I have to walk slowly on the hillside.". I listened to my mother and walked slowly. There are many fruit trees on the mountain: red bayberry trees, apple trees, banana trees, olive trees... Small red bayberry trees hang on the trees. Some apples are as red as children who drink a lot of wine, and bananas hang on the trees like small boats. The air is so fresh!   Walking and walking, we finally arrived at Grandma's grave. After clearing the weeds in front of the grave, we put the tribute and paper money in front of grandma's grave, lit candles and began to worship. My mother said something in her mouth, and I don't know what she was talking about. After paying homage, we inserted the candles into the soil, then we took some wood to light a fire, and then put the paper money into the fire. Finally, we lit firecrackers, took three prayers and took things home.   There are so many ancestor worshippers on the mountain. There are echoes of money and paper and firecrackers everywhere. Today's mountain is really lively!


【 #英语资源# 导语】我国传统的清明节大约始于周代,已有二千五百多年的历史,清明节不仅是传统节日,也是二十四节气之一。在清明节来临之际,很多学校也会举行形式多样的清明节活动,其中让学生做清明节手抄报就是一种方式。 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.清明节英语手抄报资料   At the time of the Qingming Festival, when spring returns to the earth, people take advantage of their advantages. Besides sweeping the tomb, they also have a family of children and old playing in the mountains and countryside. When they go home, they easily fold a few willow branches that have just begun to bloom and wear them on their heads. Some people specially go to nature to enjoy and appreciate the vibrant spring scenery during the Qingming Festival. Hiking in the suburbs can express their depressed mind since the severe winter. This kind of outing is also called outing. In ancient times, it was called exploring spring and searching for spring. Its meaning is to step on the grass, play in the countryside and watch the spring.   Qingming Festival is a good time for outing, so it has become an important part of Qingming Festival customs. In ancient times, women could not travel casually on weekdays. Tomb sweeping is a rare opportunity for outing. Therefore, women have more fun than men on Tomb Sweeping Day. There is a folk saying "women's Tomb Sweeping Day and men's year". 2.清明节英语手抄报资料   In the Chinese calendar, it has long been a custom to eat cold food, ban fire and pay homage to our ancestors. After the Tang Dynasty, the cold food festival gradually declined, and the tomb sweeping and ancestor worship on the Qingming Festival has become a continuous festival custom tradition since then. Bai Juyi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in his poem, "the black crowing magpie makes noise and faints the trees. Who cries during the Qingming cold food? The wind blows in the wilderness, paper money flies, and ancient tombs are covered with green spring grass. Tangli flowers reflect white poplar trees, full of places where life and death are separated. The heavy spring in the dark desert doesn't hear the cry, and the people return in the bleak and rainy evening." Gao juqing, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once wrote in a poem: "there are many tomb fields on the mountains in the north and south, and there are various tomb sweeping ceremonies during the Qingming Festival. Paper ashes fly as white butterflies, and tears and blood stain into red cuckoos. At sunset, foxes sleep on the grave, how can a drop ever reach the Jiuquan!" Even in today's society, people still have the custom of going to the grave to sweep the grave and worship their ancestors before and after the Qingming Festival: eradicating weeds, placing offerings, offering incense and prayers in front of the grave, burning paper money and gold ingots, or simply offering a bunch of flowers to express the memory of their ancestors. 3.清明节英语手抄报资料   Qingming Festival is the time for willows to sprout and green. There are folk customs of folding willows, wearing willows and inserting willows. When people go on an outing, they can fold down a few wickers and play with them in their hands, weave them into hats and wear them on their heads, or take them home and insert them on the lintel and eaves. There are proverbs such as "Qingming does not wear willows, and a beautiful woman becomes a bright head" and "Qingming does not wear willows and turns yellow after death", which shows that it was a very common custom to fold willows at Qingming in the old days. It is said that willow branches can ward off evil spirits, so inserting willows and wearing willows is not only a fashionable decoration, but also a blessing and ward off evil spirits. Inserting willows during the Qingming Festival may also be related to the custom of begging for new fire with willow branches during the cold food festival in the past. Today, it seems that taking willow branches at will is a kind of damage to trees and should not be advocated.   The custom of planting trees with willows on the Qingming Festival is said to commemorate the Shennong who invented various agricultural production tools and "tasted all kinds of grass"; Another is that the willow tree held by Jie Zi when he died was later resurrected. Duke Wen of Jin gave it the name Qingming willow and folded it into a circle and put it on his head. This custom was later spread to the people. Although there are different sources of 'allusions', these customs are still inseparable from people's joy of returning to the earth in spring. 4.清明节英语手抄报资料   Qingming was originally just the name of a solar term, which became a festival to commemorate ancestors, which is related to the cold food festival. From the historical reality, the prohibition of fire and cold food mainly reflects the remains of the ancient Chinese custom of changing fire.   In primitive society, the ancestors drilled wood for fire, and the fire seeds were hard won. The tree species used for fire often changed constantly due to seasonal changes. Therefore, changing fire and exchanging new fire was a major event in the life of the ancients. Spring and March coincide with the season of changing fires. People should prohibit making fires before new fires arrive. In the Han Dynasty, the cold food festival was called the no smoking Festival, because people were not allowed to raise a fire on that day. In the evening, candles were lit in the palace and the fire was transmitted to the families of noble and important officials.   The customs during the cold food festival mainly include banning fire and cold food and sweeping tombs. Chinese ancients attached great importance to sacrificing ancestors. In ancient times, when someone died in his family, only grave pits were dug for burial, no grave mound signs were built, and sacrifice was mainly carried out in the ancestral temple. Later, grave mounds were built when digging graves, and ancestor worship was arranged in cemeteries, so there was material support. During the Warring States period, the wind of tomb sacrifice gradually became stronger.   In the Qin and Han Dynasties, it was more popular to sweep tombs. According to records in the book of Han Dynasty, Minister Yan Yannian would return to his hometown regularly to visit the cemetery even if he was thousands of miles away from Beijing. In the Tang Dynasty, both scholars and civilians regarded the tomb sweeping on the cold food festival as an honor to return to their roots and pursue their ancestors. Because the Qingming Festival was very close to the cold food festival, people often extended the tomb sweeping until the Qingming Festival. The works of poets often mention cold food and Tomb Sweeping Day. For example, Wei Yingwu has a poem saying: "a good cold food during the tomb sweeping day will bring flowers to the spring garden." Bai Juyi also has a poem saying: "the black crowing magpie makes noise and faints the trees. Who cries during the Qingming cold food?" In view of the fact that both the folk cold food and the Qingming Festival have become a common practice, the imperial court officially stipulated in the form of an official document that when the Qingming Festival comes, it can have a holiday together with the cold food festival. This regulation has been more than 1200 years ago, indicating that since then, Qingming has the color of a national legal festival. 5.清明节英语手抄报资料   It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and it's the Qingming Festival again. One sunny morning, our little reporters in grade 4 of Dongfanghong got on the bus with reverence and went to Dongtai mountain martyr cemetery.   As soon as I got to the foot of the mountain, I could not help sighing: "this mountain is really powerful!" We walked along the winding mountain road with clear air in the mountain stream to the martyr cemetery. After a while, we finally came to the martyrs' cemetery. A stone tablet stands in the middle of the square. The stone tablet is engraved with the words "the people's heroes will live forever". Many tall and straight pines and cypresses are planted on both sides of the martyrs' cemetery, like soldiers guarding the stone tablets. A memorial ceremony was held.   First of all, we saluted the team and sang the team song. In the song, four fifth grade brothers and sisters carried out two large and beautiful flower baskets for the heroes. Then, our martyrs bowed in silence. We bowed our heads, and the nearby leaves rustled, as if they were also mourning with us. Then the teacher took us to review the oath of joining the team. We held our hands high in our ears and seriously followed the teacher and said, "always be ready." The oath echoed in my ears for a long time. Then we walked around the stone tablet. After turning, we reluctantly left the martyr cemetery.   I benefited a lot from the lonely activity of visiting the martyrs' cemetery this time. Our beautiful life now is bought by our ancestors with their own life and blood. We should cherish the beautiful life now.

