
时间:2024-08-29 02:24:35编辑:分享君




一、迷局1931《迷局1927》是刘涛、黄觉、张国庆、万妮恩、郝洛钒等主演的电视剧,由北京康乾光澍影视投资有限公司出品。该剧以上世纪二十年代末为背景,讲述上海公共租界巡捕探长因卷入了系列连环凶杀案,而引发出中日关于保护铁矿所展开的革命故事。二、倾城之恋《倾城之恋》是2009年出品的电视剧,改编自张爱玲同名小说《倾城之恋》。该剧由梦继导演,邹静之编剧,陈数、黄觉、王学兵等人主演,该剧已于2009年3月14日在中央电视台电视剧频道播出。该剧讲述发生在20世纪30年代上海和香港两地的一段华丽而苍凉的传奇爱情故事。三、奇妙世纪《奇妙世纪》是由优酷出品与啼声影视共同出品的都市奇幻单元剧。该剧由程亮、林博执导,黄觉、南笙、范植伟等主演。该剧讲述了都市男女们意想不到的奇幻故事。该剧于2014年10月21日在优酷网、土豆网上线。四、不完美的她《不完美的她》是由刘飚执导,周迅、黄觉领衔主演,惠英红、赵雅芝特别出演的都市女性剧。该剧翻拍自日剧《母亲》,主要讲述了林绪之撕开过去,寻找真相,守候爱与希望的故事。五、隐形将军 《隐形将军》是由上海新文化传媒投资集团、上海欢天喜地影视传播有限公司联合出品的谍战剧,该剧由余丁执导,由黄觉,郭珍霓,陆玲,祖峰等人主演。该剧改编自韩兢同名小说《隐形将军》,主要讲述了主人公连城从一名穷苦人成长为地下共产党人并潜伏在国民党内部,为中国的解放事业奉献一生的传奇故事。


他引270多次,单篇(第一作者他引超过50次);10次国际会议报告(含邀请报告和大会报告)。1. T. Wang, H. Wu, H. Zheng, J. B. Wang, Z. Wang, C. Chen, Y. Xu, and C. Liu*, Nonpolar light emitting diodes of m-plane ZnO on c-plane GaN with the Al2O3 interlayer, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 141912 (2013).2. Ying Lin, Xing Qiang Liu, Ti Wang, Chao Chen, Hao Wu, Lei Liao and Chang Liu*, Shape-dependent localized surface plasmon enhanced UV-emission from ZnO grown by atomic layer deposition, Nanotechnol. 24, 125705 (Mar. 7, 2013) (5pp)3. T. Wang, Hao Wu, Z. Wang, C. Chen, and C. Liu*, Blue light emission from the heterostructured ZnO/InGaN/GaN, Nanoscale Research Lett. 8, 99 (2013).4. Zhi Wei Ai, Yun Wu, Hao Wu, Ti Wang, Chao Chen, Yang Xu and Chang Liu*, Enhanced band-edge photoluminescence from ZnO-passivated ZnO nanoflowers by atomic layer deposition, Nanoscale Research Lett. 8, 105 (2013).5. T. Wang, H. Wu, Z. Wang, C. Chen, and C. Liu*, Improvement of optical performance of ZnO/GaN p-n junctions with an InGaN interlayer, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 161905 (2012).6. T. Wang, Hao Wu, Z. Wang, C. Chen, and C. Liu*, Ultralow Emission Threshold Light-Emitting Diode of Nanocrystalline ZnO/p-GaN Heterojunction,IEEE Elect. Device Lett., 33, 1030 (2012).7. Z. An, F. Q. Liu, Y. Lin, and C. Liu*, The universal definition of spin current, Sci. Rep. 2, 388 (2012).8. T. Wang, H. Wu, C. Chen, and C. Liu*,Growth, optical, and electrical properties of nonpolar m-plane ZnO on p-Si substrates with Al2O3 buffer layers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 011901 (2012).9. Yang Pan, Zheng Wang, Ting Peng, Kemin Wu, Hao Wu, C. Liu*, Improvement of structural and electrical properties of Cu2O films with InN epilayers, J. Cryst. Growth, 334, 46 (2011).10. Z. P. Zhou, S. J. Luo, Y. Wang, Z. W Ai, C. Liu*, D. F. Wang, Y.P. Lee, Room temperature ferromagnetism and hopping transport in amorphous CrN thin films, Thin Solid Films, 519,1989 (2011).11. K. M. Wu, T. Han, K. Shen, B. Liu, T. Peng, Y. Pan, H. D. Sun, and C. Liu*, Growth of vertically aligned InGaN nanorod arrays on p-Type Si substrates for heterojunction diodes, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 10 , 8139 (2010).12. Y. Pan, T. Wang, K. Shen, T. Peng, K. M. Wu, W. Y. Zhang, C. Liu*, Rapid growth and characterization of InN nanocolumns on InGaN buffer layers at a low ratio of N/In, J. Cryst. Growth 313, 16 (2010).13. T. Peng, K. Shen, H. Wu, C. Hu, and C Liu*, Room-temperature ferromagnetism and electrical properties of Cu2O/GaN heterostructures, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, 315101 ( 2010).14. Q. M. Fu, T. Peng, Y. Pan and C. Liu*, Effects of AlN/GaN superlattices on structural properties of Al0.45Ga0.55N grown on AlN/sapphire templates, J. Kor. Phys. Soc., 55, 2659 (2009).15. H. Wu, J. Yuan, T. Peng, Y. Pan, T. Han, K. Shen, B. R. Zhao, C. Liu*, Control of the epitaxial orientation and reduction of the interface leakage current in YMnO3/GaN heterostructure, J. Phys. D - Appl. Phys. 18, 185302 (2009).16. Yuan, Longyan, Fang, Guojia, Zhou, Hai, Gao, Yihua, Liu, Chang, Zhao, Xingzhong,Suppression of near-edge optical absorption band in sputter deposited hafnium oxynitride via nitrogen incorporation and annealing,J. Phys. D – Appl. Phys., 42, 145302 (2009).17. Q. M. Fu, T. Peng, C. Liu*, Effects of real-time monitored growth interrupt on crystalline quality of AlN epilayer grown on sapphire by molecular beam epitaxy, J. Cryst. Growth, 311, 3553 (2009).18. B. Liu, J. Gao, K. M. Wu and C. Liu*,Preparation and rapid thermal annealing of AlN thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy, Solid State Commun. 149, 715 (2009).19. Y. Tian, H. B. Lu, L. Liao, J. C. Li, C. Liu, Synthesis and evolution of hollow ZnO microspheres assisted by Zn powder precursor, Solid State Commun. 149, 456 (2009).20. H. Wu, J. Yuan, T. Peng, Y. Pan, T. Han, and C. Liu*, Temperature- and field-dependent leakage current of epitaxial YMnO3/GaN heterostructure,Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 122904 (2009).21. D. F. Wang, S. Y. Park, Y. S. Lee, T. W. Eom, S. J. Lee,Y. P. Lee, Ch. J. Choi, J. C. Li, and C. Liu, Epitaxial ZnMnO/ZnO Coaxial Nanocable, Crystal Growth & Design 9, 2124 (2009).22. K. M. Wu, Y. Pan, and C. Liu*, InGaN nanorod arrays grown by molecular beam epitaxy: growth mechanism, structural and optical properties, Appl. Surf. Sci. 255, 6705 (2009).23. Q. M. Fu, T. Peng, F. Mei, Y. Pan, L. Liao and C. Liu*,Relaxation of compressive strain by inclined threading dislocations in Al0.45Ga0.55N grown on AlN/sapphire templates using graded-AlxGa1-xN/AlN superlattices,J. Phys. D - Appl. Phys. 42, 035311 (2009).24. H. Li, J. P. Sang, C. Liu, H. B. Lu, J. C. Cao, Microstructural study of MBE-grown ZnO film on GaN/sapphire (0001) substrate, Central European J Phys. 6, 638 (2008).25. F. Mei, K. M. Wu, Y. Pan, T. Han, and C. Liu*, J. W. Gerlach, and B. Rauschenbach, Structural and optical properties of Cr-doped semi-insulating GaN epilayers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 113507 (2008).26. L. Liao, Z. Zheng, B. Yan, J. X. Zhang, H. Gong, J. C. Li, C. Liu, Z. X. Shen, and T. Yu, Morphology controllable synthesis of alpha-Fe2O3 1D nanostructures: Growth mechanism and nanodevice based on single nanowire, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 10784 (2008).27. L. Liao, H. X. Mai, Q. Yuan, H. B. Lu, J. C. Li, C. Liu, C. H. Yan, Z. X. Shen, T. Yu, Ting, Single CeO2 nanowire gas sensor supported with Pt nanocrystals: Gas sensitivity, surface bond states and chemical mechanism, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 9061 (2008). Highlighted by Nature Asia Materials 06 August 2008.28. F. Mei, Q. M. Fu, T. Peng, C. Liu*, M. Z. Peng and J. M. Zhou, Growth and characterization of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures on semi-insulating GaN epilayers by molecular beam epitaxy, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 094502 (2008)29. F. Ren, G. X. Cai, X. H. Xiao, L. X. Fan, C. Liu, D. J. Fu, J. B. Wang, and C. Z. Jiang, Ion irradiation induced hollow and sandwiched nanoparticles, J Appl. Phys. 103, 084308 (2008).30. L. Liao, H. B. Lu, M. Shuai, J. C. Li, Y. L. Liu, C. Liu, Z. X. Shen, and T Yu, A novel gas sensor based on field ionization from ZnO nanowires: moderate working voltage and high stability, Nanotechnol. 19, 175501 (2008).31. D. F. Wang, S. Y. Park, Y. S. Lee, Y. P. Lee, J. C. Li, and C. Liu,Synthesis and room-temperature ferromagnetism of Zn0.96Mn0.04O/ZnO coaxial nanocable and Zn0.96Mn0.04O film,J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D126 (2008).32. B. Liu, Q. M. Fu, K. M. Wu, C. Liu*, Studies of the growth method and properties of AlN grown by RF-MBE, J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 52,S17 (2008).33. L. Zhang, F. Q. Liu, and C. Liu*, Simulations of voltage-controlled yellow or orange emmision from GaN codoed with Eu and Er, J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 52,S67 (2008).34. J. Gao, B. Liu, Y. Pan, T. Peng, K. M. Wu, C. Liu*, Effect of rapid thermal annealing on the properties of InN epilayers, J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 52,S128 (2008).35. T. Peng, Q. M. Fu and C. Liu*, Deposition of ZnO thin films on GaN substrates, J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 52,S100 (2008).36. X. H. Xiao, J. X. Xu, F. Ren, C. Liu, C. Z. Jiang, Fabrication of Ag nanoclusters in single-crystal MgO by high-energy ion implantation, Physica E 40, 705 (2008).37. L. Han, F. Mei, C. Liu*, C. Pedro and E. Alves, Comparison of ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition on sapphire and Si substrates, Physica E 40, 699 (2008).38. L. Liao, H. B. Lu, L. Zhang, M. Shuai, J. C. Li, C. Liu, D. J. Fu, and F. Ren,Effect of ferromagnetic properties in Al-doped Zn1-xCoxO nanowires synthesized by water-assistance reactive vapor deposition, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 114307 (2007).39. X. H. Xiao, L. P. Guo, F. Ren, J. B. Wang, D. J. Fu, D. L. Chen, Z. Y. Wu, Q. J. Jia, C. Liu, C. Z. Jiang, Formation of metal nanoparticles in silica by the sequential implantation of Ag and Cu, Appl. Phys. A 89, 681 (2007).40. L. Liao, H. B. Lu, J. C. Li, C. Liu, D. J. Fu, and Y. L. Liu, The sensitivity of gas sensor based on single ZnO nanowire modulated by helium ion radiation, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 173110 (2007), selected for the November 5, 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.41. L. Zhang, F. Q. Liu, and C. Liu*, Voltage-controlled variable light emissions from GaN codoped with Eu, Er, and Tm, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 143514 (2007).42. X. H. Xiao, F. Ren, J. B. Wang, C. Liu, C. Z. Jiang, Formation of aligned silver nanoparticles by ion implantation, Mater. Lett. 61, 4435 (2007).43. X. H. Xiao, J. Zhu, Y. R. Li, W. B. Luo, B. F. Yu, L. X. Fan, F. Ren, C. Liu, and C Z Jiang, Greatly reduced leakage current in BiFeO3 thin film by oxygen ion implantation, J. Phys. D - Appl. Phys. 40, 5775 (2007).44. L. Liao, K. H. Liu, W. L. Wang, X. D. Bai, E. G. Wang, Y. L. Liu, J. C. Li, and C. Liu, Multiwall Boron Carbonitride/Carbon Nanotube Junction and Its Rectification Behavior, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 9562 (2007).45. H. Li, J. P. Sang, F. Mei, F. Ren, L. Zhang, C. Liu, Observation of ferromagnetism at room temperature for Cr+ ions implanted ZnO thin films. Appl. Surf. Sci. 253, 8524 (2007).46. L. Zhang, F. Q. Liu, C. Liu*, The influence of external electromagnetic field on an exciton spin current, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 19, 346222 (2007).47. L. Zhang, H. C. Jiang, C. Liu*, J. W. Dong, P. Chow, Annealing of Al2O3 thin films prepared by atomic layer deposition, J. Phys. D - Appl. Phys. 40, 3707 (2007).48. L. Liao, W. F. Zhang, H. B. Lu, J. C. Li, D. F. Wang, C. Liu, D. J. Fu, Investigation of the temperature dependence of the field emission of ZnO nanorods, Nanotechnol. 18, 225703 (2007).49. L. Liao, Z. Xu, K. H. Liu, W. L. Wang, S. Liu, X. D. Bai, E. G. Wang, J. C. Li and C. Liu, Large-scale aligned silicon carbonitride nanotube arrays: Synthesis, characterization, and field emission property, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 114306 (2007), selected for the June 18, 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.50. L. Liao, J. C. Li, C. Liu, Z. Xu, W. L. Wang, S. Liu, X. D. Bai, E. G. Wang, Field emission of GaN-filled carbon nanotubes: High and stable emission current, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 7, 1080 (2007).51. L. Liao, H. B. Lu, J. C. Li, H. He, D. F. Wang, D. J. Fu, C. Liu, W. F. Zhang, Size dependence of gas sensitivity of ZnO nanorods, J. Phys. Chem C 111, 1900 (2007).52. F. Ren, C. Z. Jiang, C. Liu, J. B. Wang, T. Oku, Controlling the morphology of Ag nanoclusters by ion implantation to different doses and subsequent annealing, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 165501 (2006).53. F. Mei, C. Liu*, L. Zhang, F. Ren, L. Zhou, W. K. Zhao, Y. L. Fang, Microstructural study of binary TiO2:SiO2 nanocrystalline thin film, J. Cryst. Growth 292, 87 (2006).54. X. Z. Shang, S. D. Wu, C. Liu, W. X. Wang, L.W. Guo,Q. Huang and J. M. Zhou, Low temperature step-graded InAlAs/GaAs metamorphic buffer grown by molecular beam epitaxy, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39, 1800 (2006).55. F. Mei, C. Liu*, L. Zhou, W. K. Zhao, Y. L. Fang, J. B. Wang, and Y. Y. Ren, Effect of annealing temperature on binary TiO2:SiO2 nanocrystalline thin films, J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 48, 1509 (2006).56. F. Ren, C. Z. Jiang, C. Liu, J. B. Wang, Fabrication and annihilation of nanovoids in Cu nanoclusters by ion implantation into silica and subsequent annealing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 183114 (2006).57. L. Chen, Z. Q. Chen, X. Z. Shang, C. Liu*, S. Xu, Q. Fu, Effect of annealing temperature on density of ZnO quantum dots, Solid State Commun. 137, 561 (2006).58. L. Liao, J. C. Li, D. F. Wang, C. Liu, M. Z. Peng, J. M. Zhou, Size dependence of Curie temperature in Co+ ion implanted ZnO nanowires, Nanotechnol. 17, 830 (2006).59. L. Liao, J. C. Li, D. F. Wang , C. Liu, C. S. Liu, Q. Fu, Electron field emission studies on ZnO nanowires, Mater. Lett. 59, 2465 (2005).60. F. Ren, C. Z. Jiang, C. Liu, D. J. Fu, Y. Shi, Interface influence on the surface plasmon resonance of Ag nanocluster composite, Solid State Commun. 135, 268 (2005).61. L. Liao, J. C. Li, D. F. Wang , C. Liu, C. S. Liu, Q. Fu, L. X. Fan, Field emission property improvement of ZnO nanowires coated with amorphous carbon and carbon nitride films, Nanotechnol. 16, 985 (2005).62. C. Liu, Q. Fu, J.B. Wang, W.K. Zhao, Y.L. Fang, T. Mihara, M. Kiuchi, Structural characterization of nanocrystalline TiO2:SiO2 powders and thin film at 35 °C, J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 46, S104 (2005).63. L. Liao, J. C. Li, D. H. Liu, C. Liu, D. F. Wang , W. Z .Song, Q. Fu, Self-assembly of aligned ZnO nanoscrews: Synthesis, growth, configuration and field emission, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 083106 (2005) (Cover image).64. L. Liao, D. H. Liu, J. C. Li, C. Liu, Q. Fu, M. S. Ye, Synthesis and Raman analysis of 1D-ZnO nanostructure via vapor phase growth, Appl. Surf. Sci. 240, 175 (2005).65. F. Ren, C. Z. Jiang, H. B. Chen, Y. Shi, C. Liu, J. B. Wang, Metal alloy and monoelemental nanoclusters in silica formed by sequential ion implantation and annealing in selected atmosphere, Physica B-CONDENSED MATTER 353, 92 (2004).66. T. Asanuma, T. Matsutani, C. Liu, T. Mihara, and M. Kiuchi, Structural and optical properties of titanium dioxide films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering in pure oxygen plasma, J. Appl. Phys. 95, 6011 (2004).67. T. Matsutani, T. Asanuma , C. Liu, M. Kiuchi , and T. Takeuchi Deposition of SiO2 films by low-energy ion-beam induced chemical vapor deposition using hexamethyldisiloxane, Surf. Coat. Technol. 177-178, 365 (2004).68. T. Matsutani, T. Asanuma, C. Liu, M. Kiuchi and T. Takeuchi, Ion-assisted chemical vapor deposition of Si-C film with organosilicon precursor, Surf. Coat. Technol. 169-170, 624 (2003).69. C. Liu, T. Matsutani, T. Asanuma, and M. Kiuchi, Preparation and characterization of indium tin oxide films formed by oxygen ion beam assisted deposition, Solid State Commun. 126, 509 (2003).70. W. K. Zhao, L. Zhou, C. Liu, L. Hu, Y. Fang, and M. Kiuchi, Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 prepared by liquid phase deposition, Acta Chim. Sinica 61, 699 (2003).71. C. Liu, T. Matsutani, T. Asanuma, and M. Kiuchi, Structural, electrical and optical properties of indium tin oxide films prepared by low-energy oxygen-ion-beam assisted deposition, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, 206, 348 (2003).72. T. Matsutani, T. Asanuma, C. Liu, M. Kiuchi, and T. Takeuchi, Comparison of surface morphologies of SiO2 films prepared by ion-beam induced chemical vapor deposition and ion-beam assisted deposition, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, 206, 343 (2003).73. L. Zhou, C. Liu, W. Zhao, L. Hu, Y. Fang, Photocatalytic activity of Fe3+-doped TiO2 thin films prepared via liquid phase deposition, Chinese J. Catal. 24, 359 (2003).74. C. Liu, T. Matsutani, T. Asaluma, K. 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