
时间:2024-09-07 03:53:21编辑:分享君

求 优衣库 的所有 职位 的英语缩写及意思,谢谢!







The past several years havewitnessed a burgeoning economy in China. However, it is difficult for collegeundergraduates to find a decent job.

There are several factorscontributing to this social phenomenon. To begin with, as the job market isgetting gloomy and competition is becoming keener, college students should bewell equipped with practical experience while still in college. Their summerand winter holidays should be used to gain valuable work experience. Moreover,the expectations of employment play an important part. A large number ofgraduates tend to give first priority to earnings and aim for well-paidpositions in foreign companies or big banks. Since they won’t accept anypoorly-paid job, many opportunities have been lost. As a result, graduatesshould aim to accept any job offers they receive now. Last but not least, manyemployers do require job applicants to have a degree related to the job.College students could improve their career prospects by opting for furtherstudies, whether for a master’s or a doctoral degree. Good career decisionsrequire good information – about your personal traits and preferences and aboutthe world of work. One has to have additional education to get an edge.Education is indeed a worthwhile investment in the future.

With the increasing number ofgraduates, graduate employment will become difficult. Among many solutions,gaining work experience while still at university and having realisticexpectations of salaries are extremely vital. Also, starting your own businesswill also be an option. Running a new business is a valuable learningexperience and skill builder.


Write a letter to a friend ofyours to recommend one of your favorite books and give your reasons for yourrecommendation. Dear Frank,

I am writing this letter for thepurpose of recommending one of my favorite books to you, Harry Potter. Thebooks tell a story of adventure about Harry potter and his friends fightingagainst the Dark Lord. It intends to tell us that love is powerful. HarryPotter is invincible because his mother Lily tried to save him by sacrificingher own life. In addition, the books are really exciting and cliff-hanging. Theplots are well-designed, capturing our attention all along. Reading is of utmost importance for one’slife. Firstly, a good book is our faithful friend. Reading can increase ourcontentment when we are cheerful and happy, and can lessen our pain when we aresad or lonely. Secondly, reading can help people to relax and unwind. Few of uscan travel far from home, but all of us can savor a wide range of experiencesthrough reading. Besides, reading can also increase our knowledge and skills,broaden our horizons and make us wise. I hope you can enjoy the reading. Lookingforward to your reply. Yours, Li Ming


The Internet has becomeincreasingly prevalent in recent years. For example, Microblogs and Wechat aretwo forms of new media. Various people, regardless of their age, gender orbackground, are involving in creating their own microblogs and using Wechat.Also, a number of online courses emerged into our vision. Now students canenjoy excellent courses in a virtual classroom without stepping out of theirhouses. Even a taxi driver can use Didi to find his target customers. Opinions vary greatly when itcomes to whether these new technology is a boon/blessing or a bane/curse. Someargue that technology innovation really brings us much convenience. We areconnected to the world through the Internet and communicate directly andefficiently with people across the globe. Also, with the Internet, the homebecomes a library, a school, an office and an entertainment center. Alltransactions can be conducted online, and all information can be obtained witha click of the mouse. However, others insist the changes it brings could welllead to potentially adverse consequences. Children are more likely to beaddicted to surfing the Internet and less likely to be involved in real-lifeinteraction. Moreover, the Internet could exert a huge impact on ourtraditional cultures. Over the course of thousands of years, the Chinese peoplehave created their own unique customs and traditions, and passed them on fromone generation to the next. However, a growing number of people becomeincreasingly concerned that China’s cultural heritage could become marginalizedor even disappear entirely. The Internet has brought more and more westerncultures to China and children are more likely to be exposed in the westerncultures. There is a danger that age-old customs and traditions may become lostin the shadows of modernization.

With the accelerated pace of contemporarylife, people’s work and life are increasingly confined to a narrow space.However, in face new technology, we should be prudent. On the macro level, thegovernment and authority should make relevant policies and measures. On themicro level, we should learn to make rational use of the Internet.

精神品质:independence(independent); 坚持:persistence(persistent); 勤奋:diligence(diligent); 缺乏信心:lack of confidence; 合作:cooperation (cooperative); 乐观:optimism (optimistic)

With the development of economyand society, competition is increasingly fierce. It is impossible for anyone tofinish a work all by himself. Hence, people in mounting numbers put greatemphasis on teamwork. In fact, it has been universally acknowledged that theability of teamwork is the most essential qualification that anyone who wantsto achieve success should possess.(合作)

Life is ten percent what you makeit and ninety percent how you take it. The value of life lies not in the lengthof days, but in the use we make of them. So having right values in life is veryimportant for us, especially youngsters.(观念)

The young always give up becausethe problem is beyond their ability to cope with. It is well-known that weexist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. We can do nothing but facethem. Secondly, attitude is the key point to take the first step. Take thefamous scientist Thomas Edison for example. He had done very well in his earlylife, but continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life.(坚韧)

Odd and funny as they sound, suchfalse promises can be seen and heard everywhere in our country. I dare say thatour society is suffering corruption and cheat which are causing damage tosociety both materially and morally. But one should know that by dishonestwords no one can survive the intense competition under market economy system.They should remember the old saying, “Honesty is the best policy”. (诚信)


内容来自于B站up 主“我是瑞斯拜” 。这些仅是我个人的学习笔记。要看完整内容烦请移步B站。 老版:with the rapid development of ——(主题词 ), it's of great necessity for —— to ——. 新版:In the contemporary world, ——(主题词) have / has become increasingly important. It's of great necessity for —— to ——. 当今世界, 已经变得越来越重要。对于某类人来说,做某件事非常有必要。 sb. (students, freshman, citizens, parents, patients, senior people, residents, staff,) reasons and concerts evidence to support my point are follows. The followings are reasons and concerts evidence to support my point. As an old saying goes, ——. For ——(us college students / all of us), it has an increasingly important significance: ——(解释含义). The following reasons can account for this issue. ln the contemporary world, ——(主题词) have/has become increasingly important. When faced with decision of (A) or (B) , quite a few would deem that —— , but others, in contrast, believe that A/B is the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless reasons which support my view, there are three conspicuous aspects as follow. 当面对A或B的决定时,相当多的人会认为,但另一些人,相反,认为 A/B是首要的选择,这也是我的观点。在无数支持我观点的理由中,有三个显著的方面如下。 As is starkly mirrored (reflected) in the image / chart(表格) that —— (一句话,描述图片) It is revealed that ——(图片内涵) The following reasons can account for this issue. (过渡句) In the first place, there is no doubt that—— Based on big data, most of —— (successful social elites) admitted that —— (they are spent 2/3 of time in doing sth.) Moreover, no one can deny that ——. (—— makes us weaker / stronger) Where there is / are ——, there is ——. Last but not least, I firmly believe that ——(观点3) 加分版: The + 比较级 + 动词,the + 比较级 + 动词 eg:the more friends you have, the happier you are. 简单版: Although······ In conclusion, ——. If we spare no effort to ——, the future of —— will be both hopeful and rosy. ln the contemporary world, the ability to meet challenges has become increasingly important. lt's of great necessity for students to improve the ability to solve problems when facing difficulty. The following are reasons and concrete evidence to support my view point. In the first place,there is no doubt that we can' t divorce from reality that challenge is everywhere(we can ' t avoid challenges). Based on big data,most successful social elites admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in facing challenges . Moreover,no one can deny that challenges make us stronger. Where there are difficulties, there are opportunities . Last but not least, l firmly believe that without the ability to meet challenges, we can't make any achievements. ( lf we don't have the ability to meet challenges, we can’t do anything.) The more problems you solve, the smarter and capable you are . In conclusion, the ability to meet challenges and solve problems is essential for everyone. If we spare no effort to cultivate this ability, the future of our study and career will be both hopeful and rosy. As an old saying goes: What is worth doing, worth doing well. For us college students, it has an increasingly important significance: If you want to achieve something, you need a serious attitude. The following reasons can account for this issue. ln the first place,there is no doubt that we can’t divorce from the reality that attitude plays an important role in one's success. Based on big data, most successful social elites admitted that they have a serious mindset towards everything. Moreover, no one can deny that a serious attitude makes us stronger. Where there is serious spirit, there are opportunities. Last but not least, l firmly believe that without a serious attitude, we can't make any achievements.(If we don't have the serious mindset, we can't do anything.) The more serious you are, the more possibility you will succeed . ln conclusion, the serious attitude towards everything is essential for everyone. If we spare no effort to(不遗余力)cultivate this mindset, the future of our study and career will be both hopeful and rosy. As is starkly mirrored in the chart(表格) that Chinese rural population has been all lifted out of poverty. lt is revealed that China's achievements in poverty alleviation are extraordinary.(图片内涵)The following reasons can account for this issue.(过渡句) ln the first place,there is no doubt that officials in the governments have played an important role in this process . Based on big data, most of the governors involved have admitted that they've spent2/3 of their time in the rural area. Moreover; no one can deny that the poverty alleviation policy is indeed beneficial. Where there are good policies, there are incentives. Last but not least, I firmly believe that the personal efforts of the rural residents can' t be ignored. The harder they work,the wealthier they are. In conclusion, the accomplishment of poverty alleviation in China is outstanding. lf we spare no efforts to implement the policy and maintain the work, the future of our country will be both hopeful and rosy.


关于2022年6月英语六级第二套试卷作文部分的真题及答案出炉了,我已整理好了, 想看的朋友不要错过了,下面是我整理的“2022年6月英语六级作文部分真题及答案(第二套)”,欢迎大家参考阅读。   2022年6月英语六级答案第二套   六级作文部分   Writing   To write an essay that begins with the sentence   "nowadays more and more people choose to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle."   范文   Nowadays more and more people choose to live an environ-mentally friendly lifestyle. They tend to produce less rubbish in their daily life and try to recycle anything that can be reused. Some even become enthusiasts and encourage more people around them to change their lifestyles into the more environ-mentally friendly ones.   Simon, one of my best friends, is a typical youngster who lives an environmentally friendly lifestyle. He tries not to buy prod-ucts during the manufacture of which much pollution may be caused. After using up the goods he bought, he would always reuse the packages of the goods for other purposes. He also tries to reduce the pollution from human-made machines. No matter in very hot summer or in freezing cold winter, he never uses air conditioners. He believes that it does us good to stay in a natural environment and reducing the use of air condition-ers can save more electricity as well.   As people's awareness of protecting and guarding the earth becomes stronger,an increasing number of people from differ-ent fields will join to live sustainably and eventually make the world a more worthy place to live.

