
时间:2024-09-14 11:09:29编辑:分享君


迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson),世界级舞王 ---记忆的永恒(1958.8.29-2009.6.25)全名:迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(Michael·Joseph·Jackson),简称MJ。是一名在世界各地最具影响力的全能型的唱作歌手、唱片专辑制作人、电影演员、编剧、MV导演、监制、传记作家、舞蹈家、表演家、收藏家、慈善家、音乐家、艺术家、人道主义者、和平主义者、完美主义者、素食主义者、时尚引领者、词曲创作者、视听效果统筹策划、歌舞概念编排指导、题材创意执行总监、服装造型设计师、电玩游戏配乐、慈善机构创办人。被赞誉为“流行音乐之王”(King of Pop),是世界史上最具代表性与最受人欢迎和最多支持者的艺人,被吉尼斯世界纪录评鉴为“人类史上最成功的艺人”,魔幻般的舞步更是被群星效仿。在当今群星灿烂的时代里,他更是明星中的明星。他为慈善事业捐款超过3亿美元,是全世界以个人名义捐助慈善事业最多的艺人。由于患有严重的白癜风皮肤病致使皮肤局部变白,所以经常化妆为白色皮肤露面。洛杉矶当地时间2009年6月25日,因为私人医生康拉德·莫里违规注射镇静剂过量导致杰克逊猝然离世,终年50岁。


Salah Benlemqawanssa (born June 26, 1979), is a competitive French hip-hop dancer who specializes in popping. In 2006 he won France's Incroyable Talent competition in its first season.The same year he won a 2-on-2 popping battle with teammate Iron Mike at Juste Debout, a French based international street dance competition. In 2008 he starred as himself in Beats Per Minute, an independent film about a French popper who discovers he can rewind time with his dance moves.[He calls his personal dance style P.A.B.E. which stands for Popping, Animation, Boogaloo, and Effects.[

Salah started dancing in 1996 after he saw a French dance crew practicing their moves in front of the mirrors of the Théâtre national de Chaillot. Salah specializes in hip-hop but he has also studied other forms of dance including African, salsa, tap, contemporary, and belly dancing. Although he is best known for popping, he is also skilled in locking and b-boying. As a b-boy, he won second place with The Family Crew in Battle of the Year 1998. In 2009, Salah served as a judge at Battle of the Year's international one-on-one b-boy battle in Germany. BOTY is a dance competition exclusively for b-boy crews; however, to celebrate their 20th anniversary they had a competition for b-boy solo dancers. He was also a judge at Red Bull BC One 2009 in New York City.

Salah is a member of both Vagabonds and Massive Monkees b-boy crews. He is also a member of the contemporary dance company Montalvo-Hervieu.

难度王Salah和滑步之父Michael Joseph Jackson到底谁才是正真的世界舞王,为什麽?

迈克尔杰克逊,一个闻名全球的名字,一个舞蹈之王的名字,他的名字众所周知,世界舞神的梦幻舞步,也有人说是机械舞步,动感十足,他是美国的流行音乐天王,甚至还得过终身成就讲呢!现代舞、太空步、机械舞、霹雳舞、踢踏舞是他主要的舞蹈风格,Michael Joseph Jackson ,他象征着一个时代

