young girl4 12

时间:2024-09-19 11:44:26编辑:分享君

young girl是什么意思?

幼女:adj. infantile;名词,年幼的,指低于15岁的小女孩”,亦称“半青少女”,俗称“小丫头”,穿着萝莉装的年轻女性”,或者“丫头片子”。misc. young girl (年轻的女孩); youngest daughter(最小的女儿);Younger child([医]幼子(幼女))。拓展资料例句:A younger child will benefit more from an older sister's help than from an unfavourable comparison between their progress. 与一味地比较进步情况相比,年纪小一些的孩子会从姐姐的帮助中获益更多。The young girl is favoured by fortune. 这年轻的姑娘是个幸运儿。He was superseded by a young girl for the post. 一位年轻的姑娘取代了他的职位。"This is a very special niece, " Dahl says. "My sister died of cancer 10 years ago and it's heryoungest daughter. “这是一个特别的侄女”达尔说:“我的姐姐10年前就死于癌症了,这是她最小的女儿。The youngest daughter, two-year-old Alyahna, was rescued by her mother from beneath the bodyof Mr Sanson-Rejouis this morning. 他们最小的女儿,两岁大的阿雅娜,今天清晨获救——也是她的父亲拼死用身体保护了她、自己身亡。


意思是:adj.幼小的;未成熟的;年轻的;岁数不大的;相对年轻的;年轻人的;青年的;适合青年人的n.(统称)年轻人,青年人;幼崽;幼兽;幼鸟例句:The star of the show was a young Italian singer. 那台节目的主角是一位年轻的意大利歌唱家。他年龄太小,还不能参军。同义词1、adolescent adj. 青春期的,青少年的辨析:指介于儿童和成年人之间的,强调不成熟、叛逆等特点,无比较级。例证:adolescent attitudes/boys/crises青春期心态/男孩/危机Man is still only adolescent.人类还只是处于青少年时期。His remarks about the matter struck me as being a bit adolescent.他对此事的意见让我觉得有点幼稚。2、juvenile adj. 少年的; [贬]幼稚的辨析:作“少年的”解时,系法律术语,只作定语;作“幼稚的”解时,强调不成熟的。例证:a juvenile criminal/offender少年犯a very juvenile sense of humor很幼稚的幽默感Deak is an expert in juvenile delinquency.迪克是研究青少年犯罪的专家。The mother is tolerant of her son's juvenile behaviour.母亲对儿子的幼稚行为非常宽容。

