The Last Day On Earth 歌词
歌曲名:The Last Day On Earth歌手:Marilyn Manson专辑:The Last Tour On EarthMarilyn Manson The last day on earthSong: the last day on earth (live & acoustic)Artist: Marilyn MansonYesterday was a million years agoIn all my past lives I played an ass holeNow I found you, it's almost too lateAnd this earth seems obliviatingWe are trembling in our crutchesHigh and dead our skin is glassAnd I'm so empty here without youI crack my Xerox handsI know it's the last day on earthWe'll be together while the planet diesI know it's the last day on earthWe'll never say goodbyeAnd the dogs slaughter each other softlyLove burns its casualtiesWe are damaged provider modulesSpill the seeds at our children's feetAnd I'm so empty here without youI know they want me deadI know it's the last day on earthWe'll be together while the planet diesI know it's the last day on earthWe'll never say goodbyeI know it's the last day on earthWe'll be together while the planet diesI know it's the last day on earthWe'll never say goodbyeI know it's the last day on earthWe'll be together while the planet diesI know it's the last day on earthWe'll never say goodbyeWe'll never say goodbyeWe'll never say goodbyeTaotm制作
The Last Day On Earth 歌词
歌曲名:The Last Day On Earth歌手:Kate Miller-Heidke专辑:Music From And Inspired By The Big CKate Miller-Heidke - The Last Day On EarthLook down - the ground below is crumblingLook up - the stars are all explodingIt's the last day on earthIn my dreamsIn my dreamsIt's the end of the worldAnd you've come back to meIn my dreamsBetween the dust and debrisThere's a light surrounding you and meIt's the last day on earthIn my dreamsIn my dreamsIt's the end of the worldAnd you've come back to meIn my dreamsAnd you hold me closer than Ican ever remember being heldI'm not afraid to sleep now,if we can stay like this untilIt's the last day on earthIn my dreamsIn my dreamsIt's the end of the worldAnd you've come back to meIn my head I repeat our conversationsOver and over til they feel like hallucinationsYou know me - I love to lose my mindAnd every time andybody speaks your nameI still feel the sameI ache, I ache, I ache insideIn my head I repeat our conversationsOver and over til they feel like hallucinationsYou know me - I love to lose my mindAnd every time andybody speaks your nameI still feel the sameI ache, I ache, I ache insideI ache, I ache, I ache insideI ache, I ache, I ache insideI ache, I ache, I ache inside
Last Day on Earth怎么联机
《Last Day on Earth》目前没办法联机。现状:目前官方是这样回复的:目前我们正在研究多人模式,很快就可以测试了。我们不承担任何责任,指定任何确切日期,然后匆忙为大家提供未完成的产品。因此我们请大家耐心等待一个可以展现全部价值的作品。相信我们,这样的等待是值得的。游戏简介:《Last Day on Earth: Survival》(暂译 地上终末之日:生存)是一款僵尸题材的生存游戏,采用第三人称视角。游戏开局就送玩家一块土地,玩家要去副本地图采集材料并击杀怪物,以获得人物经验,并且获得技能点以学习建造工具,等玩家回到领土后可消耗材料建造已习得的工具,用来搭建房屋。用户体验:生存类游戏,目前还是伪联机,里面的"玩家"都是随机电脑NPC,从单机的生存类游戏体验来说,这游戏2.5D的操作手感,比起2D这是我的战争与3D辐射岛都简洁且流畅得多,除了吃饭喝水的日常需求,还包含了洗澡排泄,从一片荒芜中逐步打造出自己的末日生存堡垒,很有意思。游戏前景:此游戏设计与手感仍属不错的作品,只要官方把地点之间的移动消耗合理化,提升玩家粘性,增加副本NPC背景剧情深度,开放联机可以拥有一定数量的粉丝。参考资料知乎:
last day on earth怎么刷金币
方法如下:1、首先打开Last Day on Earth辅助工具,再进入游戏中,顺序不要颠倒。2、在游戏中消费任意数量的金币,让后台金币数据发生变化。3、返回Last Day on Earth辅助工具,在其修改栏中输入自己想要刷得金币数量,点击确定。4、返回游戏,查看金币数是否发生编发。Last Day on Earth快速获取铝块铝矿:新出的铝原矿在三级图用铁镐(新出的那个)挖铁矿有概率得。不过就个人所知,这还算是比较好的情况,有的小伙伴刷了一遍三级区就得了一两个铝原矿甚至有的人一个都没挖到(对于这种情况,我只能说,参见酋长大人)。不过也有人挖到了5个(所以目前我所知道的掉落率是一遍三级区0到5个。如果有挖到更多的铝原矿的欧皇,欢迎告知,也让大家沾沾欧气,刚刚有个欧皇和我说他挖到了9个,大家说这种人该不该拉出去砍了。a地下一层会出铝线圈,二层会出铝块和铝线圈(一般刷完整个一二层会出两个左右铝块,十几个铝线圈,具体不定。有可能第一次刷了10个(由于一层在更新前已经打了,所以第一次一层的材料没拿到),第二次15个,第三次12个)。最后是铝的加工:4个铝线圈(用冶铁炉)→2个铝块(用做钉子的工作台)→1个铝板。