
时间:2024-09-21 23:49:16编辑:分享君


A sick person often has fur on his tongue . 一个病人舌上常常有舌苔。 The saucy child protruded her tongue . 这无礼的孩子伸出了她的舌头。 Her clever tongue gets on one's nerves . 她的伶牙俐齿叫人招架不住。 This snake has a highly exsertile tongue . 这条蛇的舌头可伸出很长。 The tongue is one of the organs for pronunciation . 舌是发音器官之一。 His silvery tongue began to wag . 他那张能说善道的嘴马上活动起来。 These words e of a *** ooth tongue . 这些话全出自一个伶牙俐齿的人之口。 Do not you dare stick your tongue out at me ! 你竟敢冲我吐舌头! The old woman's tongue had been busy . 老太婆已经在搬弄是非了。 Her tongue was swollen with terror . 她吓得结结巴巴,做声不得。 He probed her pinna with his tongue . 他用舌尖探了探她的耳背。 I endeavored to stop her thoughtless tongue . 我想止住她那毫不思索的饶舌。 I have his name on the tip of my tongue . 我几乎想起他的名字。 His misfortune was on people's tongues . 他的不幸已成为众人飞短流长的话题。 A bitter reproach was on sally's tongue . 一句严厉的责难溜到赛利嘴边上来了。 I wouldn't give tongue to such gossip . 我不肯传述这样闲话。 Her tongue goes nieen to the dozen . 她喋喋不休说个没完。 His spp of the tongue cost him a friend . 他无意中说错的话使他失去了一个朋友。 By degrees her tongue was loosened . 她的话渐渐多起来了。 Brodie put out his tongue at her . 布罗迪朝她做了个鬼脸。 I can't lay my tongue to anything that sounds right . 我就是想不出中听的话来说。 They shared it and their tongues were loosened . 两个人分吃掉,话匣子也就打开了。 Hold your impertinent tongue . 闭上你那张不懂规矩的嘴。 Yasha shook his head at this and cpcked his tongue . 雅夏看了,摇摇头,咂咂舌头。 What did you say to him in the unknown tongue ? 你刚才用我不懂的话跟他说什么来著? A tongue of fire bursts from the gun . 机枪冒出火舌。 My tongue cannot unload my heart's great burthen . 我的舌头也不能发泄我心头的烦燥。 His red tongue was hanging out . 他的红舌头耷拉出来。 Kunta's tongue seemed cleaved to the roof of his mouth . 昆塔的舌头好象粘在上腭了。 Good brandy leaves no tongue in the morning . 好白兰地不会使人第二天感到嘴里不舒服。 The fellow has a very gpb tongue . 这家伙嘴油得很。 Opver tried to reply, but his tongue failed him . 奥立弗想要回答,可是舌头不听使唤。 You have a sharp tongue at times . 你有时嘴尖舌快。 Is the foul tongue of hurry to blast my pfe ? 是不是赫里那恶毒的舌头要毁坏我的名誉? This sentence is a tongue ister . 这句话很绕嘴。 What a sharp tongue she has got ! 她那张嘴真可以。 And so on, by hours, the man's tongue would go . 这个男人这样说下去,可以几个钟头不停。 Their scandalous affair has really set tongues wagging . 他们的风流事可招来了不少闲话。 The great spirit often speaks to men with such tongues . 大神常常用这种口气对人们说话。 The snake 's tongue shot out . 蛇飞快地吐出芯子。 She has a facile tongue . 她口齿流利,能说会道。 They have debased and defiled the purity of the tongue . 他们亵渎玷污了这种语言的纯洁性。 Must eyes be all in all, the tongue and ear nothing ? 该是眼睛重要异常而舌和耳却无足轻重? Your tongue wags too freely . 你的嘴太随便了。 He has a gpb tongue . 他说起话来油腔滑调的。 His tongue runs riot . 他胡言乱语,讲话放肆。 New official tongues spring up at an increasing rate . 新的官方语言日益增长,不断涌现出来。 She has a tongue that scalds and that bites pke a bull whip . 她的舌头太伤人,象条牛鞭子。 Tell me what you think -- or have you lost your tongue ? 告诉我你的想法是否你有口难言? It was a spp of the tongue . 这是口没遮拦。


【释义】n.舌,舌头;(供食用的动物的)舌头,口条;语言,方言;说话方式,写作风格;鞋舌;舌状物;(延伸入湖、海等中的)长条状陆地,舌状陆地;榫舌,雄榫;(脊椎动物的)齿舌;(昆虫的)喙;钟锤;(乐器、风琴管的)簧片;搭扣销v.用运舌法吹奏(管乐器);用舌头触碰,舔;说话;斥责【名】 (Tongue)(英)唐(人名)【发音】【变形】复数tongues 第三人称单数tongues 现在分词tonguing 过去式tongued 过去分词tongued 【例句】1. He stuck her tongue out at me.他冲我吐了吐舌头。2. The dog's tongue was hanging out.狗的舌头耷拉在外面。3. She ran her tongue over her lips.她用舌头舔着嘴唇。【常用短语】mother tongue 母语;本国语言tongue in cheek 挖苦地;不是认真的native tongue 母语tongue twister 绕口令slip of the tongue 口误;失言;小错误long tongue 长舌;饶舌;长舌形铁指

