
时间:2024-09-23 07:11:56编辑:分享君


  between的汉语意思   英 [bɪˈtwi:n] 美 [bɪˈtwin]   基本解释   介词 在…之间; 私下,暗中; 在…中任择其一; 来往于…之间   副词 当中,中间   相关例句   介词   1. Between them they landed the big fish.   他们齐心协力将大鱼捕上岸。   2. He is a man between fifty and sixty.   他是一个50岁到60岁之间的人。   3. It is something between a jug and a vase.   这东西既象瓦罐又象花瓶。   4. Between us we managed to finish the job.   我们俩合作设法把工作完成了。   5. There is a path between the house and the road.   有条小路将房子与出路连接起来。   between的词典解释   1. 在…之间;处于…中间   If something is between two things or is in between them, it has one of the things on one side of it and the other thing on the other side.   e.g. She left the table to stand between the two men...   她离开桌子,站在了那两个男人之间。   e.g. Charlie crossed between the traffic to the far side of the street.   查利从车流中间穿过,到了街对面。   2. 在(两地)之间(穿梭)   If people or things travel between two places, they travel regularly from one place to the other and back again.   e.g. I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between London and Bradford.   八十年代初,我有很多时间穿梭于伦敦和布拉德福德之间。   3. 在(两个人、群体或事物)之间   A relationship, discussion, or difference between two people, groups, or things is one that involves them both or relates to them both.   e.g. I think the relationship between patients and doctors has got a lot less personal...   我认为医患关系变得越来越缺乏人情味。   e.g. There have been intensive discussions between the two governments in recent days...   近几天,双方政府一直在进行紧张的磋商。   4. 挡在…之间   If something stands between you and what you want, it prevents you from having it.   e.g. His sense of duty often stood between him and the enjoyment of life.   他的'责任感经常让他无法好好享受生活。   between的情景对话   排球赛   A:There’s going to be a volleyball match between Economy Department and Foreign Languages Department this afternoon. Are any of you keen on volleyball?   今天下午经济系要与外语系进行一场排球赛。有人愿意看排球赛吗?   B:Sorry, I’m not a volleyball fan. I’d rather play football. How about you, Mr. Wang? Are you interested in volleyball?   对不起,我不是排球迷。我倒愿意踢足球。你呢,王先生?你对排球感兴趣吗?   C:I’m afraid not. My favorite sport is running. I don’t care for ball games.   恐怕也不喜欢。我最喜欢的运动是跑步。我不喜欢球类运动。   Apply for a school-(申请学校)   A:I’m trying to decide what school to apply for.   我在考虑申请哪一所学校。   B:Are you thinking about a public school or a private one?   是上公立学校还是私立学校?   A:I’m not sure. What’s the difference between them?   我也不知道。有什么区别?   B:Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere.   公立学校通常是州政府投资办学,而私立学校通常是通过其他方式筹集资金。   A:Which is better?   那么哪一个更好呢?   B:One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.   不是一所就比另外一所好。这跟学校的管理和师资有很大关系。   A:I hear you have to wear unifomp3s at private schools.   我听说私立学校要穿校服。   B:Yeah, sometimes.   是,有时候是这样。


between,英语单词,介词、副词,作介词时意为“(空间、时间、数量等)在……之间;往返于;(表关系)两……之间;合用;一起”,作副词时意为“(时间或空间)介于……之间;在期间”。between 和 and 组合成并列连词,常用于连接两个事物,例如:They’re building a new road between Manchester and Sheffield.他们正在曼彻斯特和谢菲尔德之间修建一条新路。between 有时也可以用于连接超过两项的事物,例如:Our house is between the wood, the river and the village.我们的房子在树林、河流和村庄之间。词义辨析:among,between,amid, amongst这些前置词均含“在……之间,在……之中”之意。among: 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。between: 多指两者之间,但现代英语中也可指三者或三者以上,表示彼此间清楚的独立的个体关系。amid: 正式用词,侧重指在某个地方的中间或被某个东西包围着或在非同类人中间。amongst: 与among同义,是among的变体。一般说来among总能替代amongst,而amongst则不然。

in between与between 的用法区别

between与in between用法上的区别主要在于可作为句子成分的不同而引起的用法区别。“berween”可作为介词、名词与形容词,故在句子中可作为主语、谓语及定语;而“in between”作为词组整体使用时等同于形容词,且只能作为后置定语放在名词后修饰名词。“between 用于两者之间,而 among 用于二者以上。” 当只提到两个实体时,between 确实是唯一的选择: the choice between (而不用 among ) good and evil(善与恶之间的选择)。the rivalry between (不用 among ) Great Britain and France(英法间的对抗)。 当牵涉到两个以上实体时,如果实体的数目不确定,选择其中之一则取决于倾向性。当实体被看作不同的个体时用between 。当其被看作整体或集合时用among。 因此在句子The bomb landed between the houses中,房屋被看作一个限定了中弹地区的界限( 所以我们假设一所所单独的房子未被击中)。在The bomb landed among the houses中,被中弹地区被看作是房屋的整体地区( 在这种情形下房屋是否被击中并未说明)。同样的表示法,我们可以说a series of wars between the Greek cities,表示每个城市是独立的参战者,我们也可以说a series of wars among the Greek cities.表示存在某些城市做为联合参战者的可能性。 因此,among最适合表示包括在一群成一组人之内。扩展资料:in between 有两个用法:用法一:用作介词,表示“在……之间”,与 between 同义,此时后面完全可以接名词或代词作宾语。如:There are trees in between the buildings. 大楼之间有树。It’s somewhere in between New York and Chicago. 它位于在纽约和芝加哥之间的某个地方。用法二:用作副词(即其后不接词),表示“在中间,介于两者之间”。如:He has breakfast and supper and doesn’t eat anything in between. 他只吃早餐和晚餐,其间什么也不吃。You’d have a good view of the sea from here except for the block of flats in between. 要不是隔着这座公寓大楼,大海的景色就可以从这里一览无遗。We have two lessons this morning, but there’s some free time in between. 今天上午我们有两节课,课间有些休息时间。You’d have a good view of the sea from here except for the block of flats in between. 要不是隔着这座公寓大楼,大海的景色就可以从这里一览无遗。

in between与between 的用法区别


上一篇:那一年 汪苏泷
