mike jackson

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关于Michael Jackson的英语文章(含翻译)

Last updated at 11:54 PM on 25th June 2009Singer Michael Jackson has died following a heart attack at his home in Los Angeles this afternoon.Jackson, 50, went into cardiac arrest and was rushed to hospital in a coma.Celebrity website TMZ and the Los Angeles Times are now reporting that the singer has died.Cardiac arrest: Michael Jackson is believed to have suffered a heart attack this afternoon and has been taken to UCLA Medical CentreJackson was seen being taken into an ambulance by Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics and moved to the UCLA Medical Centre, says TMZ.The Los Angeles Times reported that Jackson was not breathing when paramedics arrived at his home.Sell out shows: The singer is due to start a land-mark tour at the 02 in London next monthCaptain Steve Ruda told the LA Times that paramedics responded to a call at Jackson's home in LA around 8:26p.m.The paramedics performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Jackson and took him to UCLA Medical Center.The paper says Jackson then fell into a coma before arriving at the medical centre.Both the LA Times and TMZ claim that Jackson has died, although this has not been confirmed by official sources.A spokesman for UCLA said that due to patient confidentiality the medical centre could not comment on or confirm the reports.Fans have started to gather outside the hospital, hoping for news of the King of Pop.His family have been arriving at the hospital to be with the singer.Jackson's sister, La Toya, was seen running into the hospital sobbing.As news broke of Jackson's heart attack, a member of the Jackson family told TMZ that 'Michael is in really bad shape'.The website also spoke to Joe Jackson, Michael's dad, who said "he is not doing well".'Close friend Uri Geller told Sky News he was hoping desperately that the reports were not true."I must hear it from a doctor. I cannot believe everything I see and read and hear at the moment. I hope its not true, I'm waiting like you are, like the whole planet is waiting to hear it from the mouth of the doctor taking car of him," he said.The singer was due to play 50 sell-out shows at London's O2 Arena starting in July.But Jackson had to postpone the first few nights' shows.Organisers AEG Live said this was in order to make sure everything for the 'massive and technically complex show' was running smoothly.But critics say ongoing concerns about Jackson's health were the real reason behind the gigs having to be postponed.Earlier this year, Jackson was seen emerging from a doctors three times in one week amid rumours that he is battling skin cancer.The claims were denied by his representatives.Jackson has not been on tour for over a decade, but the concerts at the O2 were seen as his final comeback before finally retiring from music.

今天中午迈克尔.杰克逊在洛杉矶的家中,因心脏病发作而去世。50岁的杰克逊,因心脏骤停,被送往医院已处于昏迷状态。名人网站TMZ和洛杉矶时报报道,现在迈克尔.杰克逊已经死亡。心脏骤停:下午迈克尔杰克逊因心脏骤停,被送到加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心。TMZ网站说, 杰克逊被看到送进洛杉矶消防局的救护车,然后送到加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心。 洛杉矶时报报道说,医护人员抵达他的家时,杰克逊已经没有呼吸了。脱销的演唱会:下个月他应开始在伦敦O2体育场举行演唱会。消防队长史蒂夫.鲁达告诉洛杉矶时报,大概下午8时26分,医护人员抵达杰克逊家,对他实行了心肺复苏抢救并把他送到加州大学医疗中心。报道说到达医疗中心时前杰克逊已陷入昏迷。洛杉矶时报和TMZ网站声称,杰克逊已经死亡,虽然这还没有得到官方消息来源的证实。加州大学洛杉矶分校的一名发言人说,出于对病人的保密,医疗中心不能对此评论或证实杰克逊已经死亡的报道。粉丝们已经开始在医院外聚集,希望能听到流行乐之王的消息。他的家人已抵达医院。杰克逊的妹妹La Toya,,被看到抵达医院时在哭泣。新的消息杰克逊心脏病发作,一名杰克逊家族成员告诉TMZ网站说:“迈克尔的情况非常糟糕”。该网站也采访了杰克逊的父亲乔.杰克逊,他说: “他目前情况不好” 。密友尤里.盖勒告诉天空新闻,他希望那令人伤心的报告是不正确的。他说““我必须得到从医生那来的消息。这个时候我简直不能相信我所看到,听到,读到的消息。我希望这不是真的,我和你一样在等待,就像整个地球正在等待从医生那传来关于他的消息。”迈克尔.杰克逊应于7月在伦敦的O2(氧气2)体育场举办50场演唱会。但是杰克逊不得不推迟的前几晚节目。组织者AEG Live表示,这是为了确保这个大规模,技术复杂的演唱会能顺利进行。但评论家担心是杰克逊的健康状况是演出不得不推迟的真正原因。今年早些时候,杰克逊被发现一周连续三次去看医生,谣传说他正对抗皮肤癌。他的代理人否认了这个传闻。杰克逊已十多年没有开演唱会了,但在O2体育场的音乐被看作是他音乐生涯的最后谢幕


迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(1958年8月29日—2009年6月25日),出生于美国印第安纳州加里市,美国男音乐家、演唱家、舞蹈家、导演、演员、企业家、慈善家、人道主义者、和平主义者、慈善机构创办人,非洲科特迪瓦桑维国萨尼王。迈克尔是家族的第七个孩子,1964年作为杰克逊五人组成员和兄弟们初次登台,1968年乐队与当地唱片公司合作出版第一张唱片《Big Boy》。1971年12月发行个人首支单曲《Got to be there》,标志着其个人独唱生涯的开始。1982年12月音乐专辑《Thriller》发行。1987年9月展开首次个人全球巡演。杰克逊通过舞台和视频表演普及了POPPING、太空步等舞蹈技术,共获得13座格莱美奖和26座全美音乐奖,在个人独唱生涯中拥有13支美国冠军单曲,拥有“最成功的艺术家”吉尼斯世界纪录称号。人物评价:迈克尔一直是一个热心慈善的人,他是全球所有艺人中捐助慈善事业最多的一位,多次得到人道主义大奖,并两次得到诺贝尔和平奖提名,除向全世界近四十个慈善机构作出捐赠外,还拥有他自己的“迈克尔·杰克逊烧伤中心”等特别设立的慈善组织。他生来就是一个巨星,即便离开,也会走得如此辉煌,回望杰克逊的人生,他在赚取巨大财富的同时,还捐赠给慈善机构,每去一个地方,都主动去探望孤儿和生病的儿童,出钱出力帮助受难者,并创作了如《We are the world》《Heal the world》《Earth song》这样传世的慈善圣曲。他身边的人都说,他有一颗纯洁的赤子之心、一颗金子般的心。

