
时间:2024-09-29 12:05:19编辑:分享君


submit的意思如下:vt.提交;屈服;呈递(文件、建议等);顺从;投降;不得已接受;表示;认为;主张;建议牛津词典verb(-tt-)1、[VN] ~ sth (to sb/sth)提交,呈递(文件、建议等)to give a document, proposal, etc. to sb in authority so that they can study or consider itto submit an application/a claim/a complaint 呈递申请书 / 书面要求;提交控诉书Completed projects must be submitted by 10 March.完成的方案必须在3月10日前提交上来。2、~ (yourself) (to sb/sth)顺从;屈服;投降;不得已接受to accept the authority, control or greater strength of sb/sth; to agree to sth because of this同义词: give in to sb/sth, yieldShe refused to submit to threats.她面对威胁,拒不低头。He submitted himself to a search by the guards.他只好让卫兵搜查。3、[V that] (law 律 or formal) 表示;认为;主张;建议to say or suggest sthCounsel for the defence submitted that the evidence was inadmissible.被告律师认为这一证据不可采纳。


这两个单词的意思不一样的,尽管它们的拼写有相似的地方。submit,动词,意为“使服从;主张;呈递;提交;服从,顺从”。commit,及物动词,意为“犯罪,做错事;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务submit意思是:读音:英 [səb'mɪt] 美 [səb'mɪt] 1、vt. 使服从;主张;呈递。2、vi. 提交;服从。变形:1、比较级 submitted2、最高级 submitted双语例句:1、You still need to submit the form, but to where?您仍需要提交表单,但是提交到何处?2、They submit only the data model or a portion thereof。它们只提交数据模型或者其中的一部分。3、Sure, like too many of us, you can wait until midnight on the last day to submit.当然,像我们中的许多人一样,你也可以到最后一天的午夜时分再提交。commit的意思是:英 [kəˈmɪt] 美 [kəˈmɪt] v.犯罪;自杀;做出(错或非法的事);犯(罪或错等);承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)变形:第三人称单数: commits现在分词: committing过去式: committed过去分词: committed双语例句:1.He was not aware that he had committed an offence. 他没有意识到自己犯罪了。2.Mr Steele has committed no crime and poses no danger to the public 斯蒂尔先生没有犯罪,并未对公众构成危害。3.He committed the crime under the influence of drugs. 他是在吸毒后犯罪的。

