
时间:2024-09-29 13:37:37编辑:分享君


'Black Tuesday'
On 24 October, 1929, the greatest economic crisis in the history of capitalism burst out in the United States. After a 10-year-time bull market, the stock suffered a disastrous decline and the US finance went collapsed. This is the darkest day ever in the country's securities history, and the economic crisis is regarded as one of the most influential and harmful ones ever in American history. Since then, the States as well as the whole world stepped into the period of the Great Depression, which last for 10 year. Thus, the date was regarded as a key day sybolizing the start of the Great Depression. Since that was a Tuesday, people call it 'Black Tuesday'.


Great depression大萧条(The Great Depression),是指1929年至1933年之间发源于美国,并后来波及整个资本主义世界,其中包括美国、大英帝国、法兰西第三共和国、德国和日本帝国等资本主义国家的经济危机。社会主义国家苏联未受到影响,相反还完成了五年计划。这一危机具有持续时间长,范围广,破坏力强的特点,其根源在于资本主义制度的基本矛盾,也就是生产社会化和资本主义生产资料私有制之间的矛盾, 大萧条是现代社会持续时间最长的经济萧条,不仅导致了长期的大规模失业,也改变了社会关系,摧毁了执政政府,帮助纳粹党及法西斯上台,最终导致了第二次世界大战的爆发。

